Late Night Message

True Love Connection(Close Friends or True Love? #2)

______ was on her bed and she sighed. Just then her phone ring and she got a messgae from Kwangmin:

Are you still awake?

_______ sighed and she made a sad look.

Of course I'm awake. I usually sleep late.

Do you and Kevin have a relationship?

No, we're just friends.

Are you sure about that?

_______ made a surprise look and she sighed.

Did he really actually saw that hug? _______ thought to herself.

How did you know me and Kevin hang out today?

I spotted you at the house, I was going to visit you since I feel like talking to you, but then I spotted you hugging Kevin. If there's something going on between you 2...I'm ok with it.

There's nothing going on between us Kwangmin. I promise...what do you even want to talk to me about.

...It's nothing...I rather tell you in person.

You can tell me through here.

It's going to be a long message

It's alright...besides, I have time.

Once Kwangmin read the message he sighed then he start to reply:

Ok...fine. I just wanted to say sorry about what happen between Hara and _______. I didn't even expect that Hara would have done that same problem to her again. I didn't know that this would happen to her. How is she feeling?

Like last year...she has a bruise on her cheek but it kind of worse now. You should tell Youngmin to talk to Hara since she trusts him more. I can't believe Youngmin even care about her. You even left us behind.

It's not my fault! They keep on dragging us! Why are you being so mad all of a sudden.

You don't recognize it do you...

Recognize what?

From that date with Kevin, the way he talks to reminded me of you. I kept on asking myself I do have feelings for you but, no! You don't understand. None of you guys understand how we're feeling. You just think that we're just friends. You guys really have change this year ever since you started hanging out with Hara and her group. And that what I hate!

Well if you really hate them then fine! I didn't even know you have feelings for me.

I wanted you to let you figure it out. There's more should figure it out on your own.

...If you're really that mad at me then you should just go with U-KISS instead of us...

______ made a surprise look from the last text message she have just read. She never replied and she just turned off her phone. She made a sad look and a tear went running down her cheek.

I can't believe, he actually said that to me... _______ said sadly.

_______ walked in and spotted _______ crying.

" something wrong?" _______ asked.

"'s nothing." ______ said sadly.

"Uljima..." _______ said.

_______ walked over and sat next to _______.

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lunalim #1
Chapter 1: I cant see the colors
kwangminshypika #2
Longest story I have ever read.♥ So far so good(:
ADORABLE PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Haha're floaty puppy XD
haha my puppy!
Haha I knw u would say tht, & u'll see