Being Blamed On

True Love Connection(Close Friends or True Love? #2)

"All of you girls in my office, now!" The owner said.

At the office 12 of them made a sad look.

"Now...I understand that you guys don't get along so well...but, what's going on? Do you guys know each other?" The owner asked.

"We don't actually know about them...but Hara actually told us not to trust them and all." Jessica explained.

" you have something to say." The owner said as he looked at her.

"We knew each other last year, I went to the same school as them. But, I was the one that was dating Youngmin back then until he broke up with me for what I did." Hara explained.

"So you guys did met before." The owner nodded.

"I don't actually hate them but, I mostly hate...______." Hara added.

"And why do you hate her so much?" The owner asked.

"Because she stole my ex-boyfriend?! Something was going on between them and I have to find out. Until Youngmin broke up with me all because of this one here!" Hara shouted.

"As you can see, I met Youngmin before you! And you should understand there's nothing going on between us before. There was now...but we broke up because on what the manager has told us." _______ explained.

"Well, I'm glad he broke up with you! Perhaps he likes me more than you." Hara said.

"Why won't you shut up! Don't you get it! Youngmin doesn't like you anymore and he only cares about _______." _______ explained.

"And what about you?! Ms.Minwoo stealer." Jessica said.

"He dated me first before you. And Boyfriend broke up with us on the same day! So stop whining like a child." _______ said.

"Right! And no one talks to unnie that way!" ________ said.

"Well, why won't you tell that to the shy one." Hani said.

"She's the one that try to steal Jeongmin." Hani explained.

"Ok! Stop with the argument!" The owner shouted.

"Now...let me ask this. Who's was the one that started this problem?" The owner asked.

"That should be easy..._______..." Hara said as she pointed at her.

"Is this true?" The owner asked.

"No! I never started this problem! It was Hara!" _______ explained.

"Well from the way you're saying it...I can tell that you might be lying. This guys will never see them again. But, as Boyfriend, when these girls are around. You should stay away from them." The owner suggested.

" should stay away from them." Haneul smiled.

The girls walked out of the door, and that was when they spotted Boyfriend.

"We heard everything..." Minwoo said sadly.

"You can just have fun with your new girlfriends. Because...this time...we're breaking up with you." ______ said as she walked away.

The rest follow _______, _______ looked up and spotted Youngmin made a sad look. She then sighed and follow the others.

Hara's group walked out and they smiled.

"Youngmin-oppa! You were waiting for us right?" Hara asked.

"Yeah...sure..." Youngmin said sadly.

"Oppa? Is something wrong?" Yong Jae asked.

"It's nothing..." Hyunseong said.

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lunalim #1
Chapter 1: I cant see the colors
kwangminshypika #2
Longest story I have ever read.♥ So far so good(:
ADORABLE PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Haha're floaty puppy XD
haha my puppy!
Haha I knw u would say tht, & u'll see