What's Going On Between You & Boyfriend

True Love Connection(Close Friends or True Love? #2)

_______ arrived at practice and she spotted everyone else.

"Good morning!" ______ smiled.

"Hey...!" ______ smiled.

"Morning!" ______ smiled.

"Is something on your mind?" ______ asked.

"Well...yeah but, I'm not sure if you guys would answer it." ______ said.

"Well...you can tell us." _______ said.

"Yeah...maybe we might help what you're thinking of." ______ said.

"Well...ok...what is going on between you and Boyfriend?" _______ asked.

All of a sudden it became quiet for all of them.

"I really can't answer that question right now." ______ said.

"Sorry...but same here." ______ said.

"Hyunseong-oppa have already told me that you guys have been dating them. But I'm not exactly sure what's going on between you 2. Unnie has been dating Youngmin last year and she told me that he broke up with her. Now he's dating someone else but, I don't know who. Can't you guys please tell me...jebal." ______ said.

"Should we tell her?" ______ sighed.

"I'm ok...with it...well kind of." ______ said.

"Well, I think we should." ______ said.

"Since she new to the group then ok. _______ you can explain." _______ said.

"Why does it have to be me?!" _______ asked surprise.

"I'll explain it then." _______ said.

"The truth is, we were the one that has been dating Boyfriend. Minwoo and _______, Jeongmin and _______, Hyunseong and _______,Donghyun and _______,Kwangmin and ______, and me and Youngmin. Yes, I was the one that dated Youngmin." _______ said.

"We met Hara last year at our school when Youngmin started dating her." ______ said.

"We actually thought she seems nice, but then she did something to _______." ______ added.

"What did unnie exactly do?" ______ asked.

"Apparently, your unnie got jealous of ______." ______ said.

"Hara thought that there was something going on between me and Youngmin, but there's actually not. I keep on telling her how many times but, she doesn't want to listen. That was when she slapped me out of nowhere." ______ explained.

"We all hated her for what she did." _______ said.

"Mian haeyo...for what happen." ______ said sadly.

"It's not actually your fault. Your unnie just doesn't understand." ______ said.

"That was when Youngmin found out." _______ said.

"None of us didn't actually tell him what happen with ______ until Hara blurted out that problem in front of us and behind Youngmin's." ______ said.

"Youngmin then broke up with her, after what he have heard." _______ said.

"That was when he started dating me..." ______ smiled.

"But, now when we arrived to Korea things change between us." ______ said.

"We have to break up with them from what the manager said." ______ said.

"If you want to date them, you have to become famous." ______ sighed.

"Before, we were secretly dating until that was when the group of Devils came." ______ said.

"I still hate Jessica for stealing Minwoo." _______ said.

"That was when we broke up with them. But now, it's hard..." _______ said.

"None of us can't live without them." ______ said.

"I can!" ______ said.

"Oh sure..." ______ teased.

"So that's what exactly happen." _______ said sadly.

"I know! It's too much drama." ______ said.

"But it's actually pretty hard for us, everytime we see them we feel awkward." _______ said.

"Mostly awkward for ______..." ______ teased.

"Hey!" ______ shouted.





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lunalim #1
Chapter 1: I cant see the colors
kwangminshypika #2
Longest story I have ever read.♥ So far so good(:
ADORABLE PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Haha yes...you're floaty puppy XD
haha my puppy!
Haha I knw u would say tht, & u'll see