Letting You Go...

True Love Connection(Close Friends or True Love? #2)

______ was walking around the city until that was when she bumped in front of Aj.

"Mianhae..." ______ said as she slowly looked up and spotted Aj.

"That's ok...and can we talk?" Aj asked.

Both of them were walking together and it was silent between them.

"What is it you wanted to tell me?" _______ asked.

"Have you already decided who you're going to pick?" Aj asked.

"Actually, I'm not sure..." _______ said sadly.

Aj then turned to _______ and made a sad look at her. while they were walking together both of them landed in front of an amusement park. When they were walking together at the amusement park, they spotted a fortune teller place.

"Hello, would you like to know your fortune?" The lady asked kindly.

"Um..." _______ said unsure.

"Sure." Aj said.

________ made a surprise look and she started to look up at Aj. Aj looked at _______ and then he started to smile at her.

"Come on, it might be fun." Aj said as he holds _______'s hand.

_______ looked down and she follow Aj from behind and both of them walked inside together.

The fortune teller then started to look at _______'s and Aj's hand.

"Hm...between you. Someone sad is going to happen. Before, you fell in love with 2 people. Your true love is always with you, as for your soul mate...he's the one that has to let you go..." The fortune teller explained to _______.

Aj and _______  walked out of the fortune teller place and Aj suddenly made a sad look and sighed.

"Is something wrong?" _______ asked curiously.

"I can't believe I'm saying this...but, I have to let you go." Aj said sadly.

________ looked up with a surprise look and then look at Aj.

"Aj...what do you mean?" ______ asked surprised.

"This whole time...your true love...is Minwoo. You should know that." Aj said.

"Yeah! But,even though I still have feelings for him. I don't even know if he loves me more or not." ______ said.

Her eyes started to get watery and she was trying to hold back the tears. After she heard what Aj said, she couldn't hold back the tears and just started crying.

"I'm sorry..._______...I really didn't want to leave you this way. All I know is...that you're going to be happy with Minwoo." Aj said as he started to hug _______.

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lunalim #1
Chapter 1: I cant see the colors
kwangminshypika #2
Longest story I have ever read.♥ So far so good(:
ADORABLE PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Haha yes...you're floaty puppy XD
haha my puppy!
Haha I knw u would say tht, & u'll see