Why Are You Even Talking To Them?!

True Love Connection(Close Friends or True Love? #2)

The girls walked outside until they spotted Boyfriend and Hara's girl group.

"Oh! Hi dongsaeng!" Hara smiled.

"You have got to be kidding me." _______ mumbled.

"Just act natural." _______ said.

"Are you ready to go home now?" ________ asked.

"Well of course! And Youngmin-oppa is coming with us." Hara smiled.

"Sheesh, you don't really have to drag Youngmin everywhere everyday. You guys are not even dating." Kwangmin said.

"Kwangmin-oppa? Are you jealous?" Un Hae asked.

_______ rolled her eyes from what Un Hae have said to Kwangmin.

"Why do you always have to bring him? I'm starting to get annoyed by you dragging him into our house everyday?" _______ sighed.

"You should listen to your unnie." Hara said.

"Besides, you guys can head home. We have to go somewhere today." Youngmin said.

"Then I'm coming with you." Hara smiled.

"You can't! Because, I want you to help me with something." _______ lied.

"Dongsaeng, is something wrong?" Hara asked.

"I'm sorry, it just that...why did you slap ______ for no reason?!" _______ blurted out.

Hara made a surprise look and she looked at _______.

"Why are you blaming stuff on me?! How can you tell my little dongsaeng that I slapped you last year?!" Hara asked.

"She didn't want to talk about it! I asked her!" ______ shouted.

"You're not suppose to know that kind of business. I mean look at you! You're becoming like them!" Hara said.

"Would you stop insulting her?!" _______ said.

"Why won't you just shut up?! No one wants to even listen to you..." Haneul said.

"No one talks to her like that." _______ said.

"Oh now you talk." Hani said.

"She's been talking, and I suggest you leave her alone." ______ said.

"It's not my fault how many times do I have to say it. She asked me what's going on between us and Boyfriend. And I told her because I trust her. She didn't mean to blurt it out. She just wanted to know. You should listen to your dongsaeng more often than yourself." _______ explained.

Hara then slapped _______ on the face and she got a bruise from her cheek last time.

"Unnie!" _______ said.

"Unnie! That's enough! You really are different than before!" _______ said.

"You really did act like them. How can you even betray your own sister. We're going now." Hara said.

She grabbed _______'s wrist and she drag her home.

"You see! That what happens when you mess with her sister. Now you understand how much we hate you guys." Jessica said.

"If you care so much, why won't you just go?! This isn't suppose to be your business. I'm sick and tired of you stealing Minwoo. We're just friends and nothing going on between us." ______ said angrily.

"Sounds like you really do care about him." Yong Jae teased.

"We're just friends Yong Jae." Hyunseong said.

"You guys should go." Minwoo said.

"Oppa...you're not coming with us?" Jessica asked.

"We're staying..." Donghyun said.

"But why with these losers?!" Hani asked.

"Hani! That's enough!" Jeongmin said.

"Hara already cause this problem more worst. You guys should just go." Youngmin said.

"She will actually be waiting for you Youngmin." Un Hae said.

"Just go without us." Kwangmin suggested.

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lunalim #1
Chapter 1: I cant see the colors
kwangminshypika #2
Longest story I have ever read.♥ So far so good(:
ADORABLE PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Haha yes...you're floaty puppy XD
haha my puppy!
Haha I knw u would say tht, & u'll see