There's Something You Need To Know

True Love Connection(Close Friends or True Love? #2)

________ was walking alone until she spotted a small coffee shop. She stopped then she started to look at the coffee shop. When she walked in, that was when she spotted Dongho all alone.

"Dongho?" ______ said curiously as she looked at Dongho.

"_______! What are you doing here?!" Dongho asked surprised.

"I was walking around until I spotted this small coffee shop." ______ explained.

"I was about to head out and look for you but, I guess you found me first." Dongho smiled.

"Is there something you wanted to tell me?" ______ asked as she sat down on a chair across from Dongho.

Dongho made a surprise look and spotted ______ making a confuse look. He then slowly made a sad look.

"Actually...there is." Dongho said sadly.

_______ made a curious look when she spotted Dongho making a sad look.

"Is it something bad?" _______ asked.

"I should go with Hyunseong." Dongho suggested sadly.

________'s eyes started to widen and she made a surprise look.

"What do you mean? I should go with Hyunseong?" ________ asked.

"Ever since I joined Hara's side. I wanted to tell you that I really didn't actually. ________ was just asking us to help her out. Since Hara was getting suspicious about you guys. She didn't really want to hurt you. But, when you guys found guys got it all wrong. We were actually pretending to be on her side." Dongho explained.

"I still don't believe you..." _______ mumbled. "I'm tired of Hara getting in between me and my friends. She's always want everything to herself. I just feel like...this is causing more drama." _______ added.

"That is why...I think you should go with Hyunseong. Since you fell in love with him more than me." Dongho said sadly.

"Dongho, I still have feelings for you." _______ said.

"I know you do...but, I suggest that you should go with the one you love." Dongho said. "I promise...that I'll always be there for you." He then added.

________ made a sad look and looked down. Dongho stood up and lift _______'s chin up. Her eyes started to widen and Dongho just kissed her on the forehead. He moved away and said, "I promise I'll always be there for you."

He gave out a smile and just walked away without saying a word.

"Dongho..." _______ said sadly.

He made a sad look and sighed sadly as he walked out of the coffee shop. He turned back and just spotted ________ just sitting there. Suddenly, he gave out a slight smile and said, "At least you will be happy with Hyunseong. I'll always wait for you _______."

He then walked away. ________ made a sad look and she started to cry. A tear came falling down her cheek slowly and her eyes started to get watery.

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lunalim #1
Chapter 1: I cant see the colors
kwangminshypika #2
Longest story I have ever read.♥ So far so good(:
ADORABLE PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Haha're floaty puppy XD
haha my puppy!
Haha I knw u would say tht, & u'll see