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True Love Connection(Close Friends or True Love? #2)

The girls arrived at practice, when they arrived they spotted Hara and Boyfriend walking pass them.

"Unnie, are you ok?" _______ asked.

"I can't think of practicing right now...everytime I see him." _______ said sadly.

"Uljima..." _______ said.

"Hey good morning guys, I just want to say that you have some news." The owner said as he started to walk in.

"What's the good news?" _______ asked curiously.

"You guys are going to have a new member in the group." The owner said.

"A new member?" _______ asked curiously.

"You can come in." The owner called out.

The door open and a girl walked in.

"Everyone this is ______ the new member of 4ever Stardoll." The owner smiled.

"It's nice to meet you." _______ smiled.

"You kind of look like someone I know..." ______ said curiously.

"Well, I'll let you continue your practice. Good luck guys." The owner said as he started to walk away.

_______ nodded and she started to make a surprise look as when everyone made a curious look at her.

"You know, when you look at it, she really does look like someone." _______ said.

"She mostly kind of look like Hara." ______ said.

"Wait, you guys know my unnie?" ______ asked curiously.

"Eh?! You're Hara's dongsaeng?!" ______ asked surprised.

"But how?!" ______ asked.

"You're not a spy? Are you?" _______ asked.

"What?! No! Besides, I'm opposite from my unnie. I can tell she's actually mean to you guys." ______ said.

"Well apparently, your unnie stole my ex-boyfriend." ______ said.

"Along with her other friends." ______ said.

"You mean Youngmin,Minwoo,Kwangmin,Donghyun,Jeongmin,and Hyunseong?" _______ asked.

"Yeah...wait? You know them?" _______ asked.

"I seen Youngmin mostly everday. Unnie keeps on dragging Youngmin inside the house and he kind of felt awkward. I know they used to date once and all but, Hara is going like obssesed when she sees Youngmin." ______ sighed.

"Heh, you hear that unnie." ______ said.

"Sounds more like she desperate with Youngmin." ______ said.

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lunalim #1
Chapter 1: I cant see the colors
kwangminshypika #2
Longest story I have ever read.♥ So far so good(:
ADORABLE PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Haha're floaty puppy XD
haha my puppy!
Haha I knw u would say tht, & u'll see