Leaving Hani All Alone

True Love Connection(Close Friends or True Love? #2)

It was after practice, _______ walked out until she bumped into Jeongmin.

"Mian haeyo..." ________ said.

"It's alright ______." Jeongmin smiled.

"Jeongmin...I didn't see you there." _______ said surprised.

Just then, while Jeongmin and ______ were talking. Hani was walking by and she made a surprise look.

"Jeongmin-oppa!" Hani called out.

Jeongmin looked up and spotted Hani smiling and waving at him.

_______ turned behind her and she made a sad look.

"I should go Jeongmin." _______ said as she try to walk pass him.

Jeongmin made a sad look and quickly grabs _______'s wrist.

"Jeongmin! What are you doing?!" _______ asked surprised.

"Oppa, should we walk together?" Hani smiled.

Hani then notice _______ standing next to Jeongmin. That was when she started to make an upset look.

"Oppa! What is she doing here?!" Hani asked angrily.

"Mian haeyo...I was about to get going now." _______ said as she tries to walk away.

When _______ tries to walk away, Jeongmin wouldn't want to let her go.

"Jeongmin! You can let go of me now!" ________ said.

"I'm sorry...Hani I can't walk with you today." Jeongmin said.

"Jeongmin-oppa! But we always walk together! How come?" Hani whined.

"I just feel like hanging out with _______ today." Jeongmin said.

________ looked up and she started to make a surprise look at Jeongmin.

"Jeongmin...it's alright." _______ said.

"No! We'll be going now Hani." Jeongmin said as he walked away with ________.

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lunalim #1
Chapter 1: I cant see the colors
kwangminshypika #2
Longest story I have ever read.♥ So far so good(:
ADORABLE PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Haha yes...you're floaty puppy XD
haha my puppy!
Haha I knw u would say tht, & u'll see