An Argument Between Un Hae

True Love Connection(Close Friends or True Love? #2)

Kwangmin was walking alone and he sighed. Just then someone from behind grab him. Kwangmin made a surprise look and spotted Un Hae smiling at him.

"Oppa? Is something wrong?" Un Hae asked curiously.

Kwangmin ignored what Un Hae said and started to walk alone again.

Un Hae made a sad look until she spotted him talking to ________.

"What do you think you are doing?" Un Hae asked angrily.

"We're just talking..." ________ said.

"You should know no ones talks to him but, me." Un Hae said.

"Why are you even with him?! You should know that he doesn't like you!" ________ shouted.

"And...what about you? No one likes you but your friends. Such a stupid group name..."4Ever Stardoll" what is up with that?" Un Hae insulted.

"You know! You should be quiet! Because you know our group is better than your group." ______ said.

"You're just saying that because you have Hara's dongsaeng." Un Hae said.

"Well at least she's better than her. You should just leave Kwangmin alone." _______ said.

Un Hae became upset and she slap _______ and pushed her back.

"I didn't even know you were clumsy!" Un Hae insulted.

"You really...don't want to get me mad." _______ said.

"Looks like I already did..." Un Hae said.

"You guys! That's enough..." Kwangmin said.

_______ didn't listen to Kwangmin and just slapped Un Hae.

"________!" Kwangmin shouted.

"I said stop how many times, but you don't listen." Kwangmin said.

"Kwangmin..." _______ said sadly.

"Un Hae, you know that you did the wrong thing." Kwangmin said.

"But Kwangmin-oppa! She started it! Why are you blaming it on me!" Un Hae whined.

"Because you were the one that try to beat her up first." Kwangmin said.

"Oppa...mian haeyo..." Un Hae said.

Kwangmin and ______ walked away and that was when she made a sad look.

"Kwangmin, are you mad at me now?" ________ asked sadly.

"Just don't do that again..." Kwangmin said as he hugged _______.

"Kwangmin...mian haeyo..." ______ said sadly as she hugged Kwangmin back.


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lunalim #1
Chapter 1: I cant see the colors
kwangminshypika #2
Longest story I have ever read.♥ So far so good(:
ADORABLE PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Haha're floaty puppy XD
haha my puppy!
Haha I knw u would say tht, & u'll see