04. She's my Ex!

Masked Innocence



[Minhyuk/Luk's POV]

"Minhyuk?" Mighty said with an confused yet shocked expression. I check to see if the door was open and quickly closed and locked it to keep in this new secret.

"Yes, Hyung it me! Aish..chin-cha,"

"But why do you look so different? Bangs covering the eyes, your birthmark on your hand is gone, and wearing guy liner and.. I never knew your ears was pierced!"

"It's called a disguise!" I say waving my hands in my face. "You know just in case anyone in school see's me, or anyone one I know, or I would get into big trouble! I'm working here coz I need money remember? I'm in dept!!" I noticed that I spilled out everything comfortably now knowing that Key is actually my Boss.

"So, Introduce yourself 'Al-Mighty'!" I said sarcastically. "Hmm.. I wonder what other secrets you must be hiding, underneath this messed up, multicoloured fringe!" I say jokingly.

"But yah! Keep this secret save though! We don't want the others finding out, like what happened to Hyoyeon...  but, as you said, one or two of them could be from our school or even undercover secret members from Beast!" Key went forward stretching over the table to meet me.

"Got it Boss!" I say playfully but not forgetting that this is serious, so we pinkie sweard to seal the secret. Childish much?

"Peace, I'm gunna help the others."

"Cool. You go do that" Key suddenly snapped back to his 'Leader-like' form, as if nothing ever happened.

"Hah. Key? My Boss? I had no idea!" I laughed to myself in disbelief closing the door.


I walked over to the dance floor and saw many new faces giving a hand with the new construction.

As I walked further, I saw BabyJ and Diva sitting down by the speakers covered in splashed paint, talking. Seems like there tired already.

"Yahh~! Where did you get that bracelet? Its blinging girl!" I heard BabyJ say to Diva, while I was pouring drinks for them.

"Haha! Ahhh~ this? My best bud at school, he gave it to me."

I froze and stopped poring to hear clearly and looked over.

"Ooooh let me see!... 'Your my special Diamond', eeeyy~! That's no best friend, that sounds more like a Boyfriend to me!"

I dropped my jaw in responce to what I just heard. I couldn't believe it. Wasn't that the  same bracelet I gave to Nana, with that same writing? It couldn't be her! It's impossible! First Key , now Nana?

Who next, BabyJ as Jiyeon??


"Heyy girls!" I say trying to get a clear view on Diva's right hand which she was wearing the bracelet. But she put her hands underneath her thighs like 'Nana' always does when she's cold since she was wearing shorts.

"Oooo~ are those for us?" Asked BabyJ.

"No, the builders!" I said sarcastically waking away from them, until I saw Diva and BabyJ's mouths' drop in disappointment. I laughed at this as it was too cute.

"Haha! I was joking." I sat next to BabyJ, since the space beside Diva was already taken by a speaker.

"Thanks Luk!" Diva said with a smile. She doesn't sound like Nana...

"So what did you do to help out?" Diva says looking over to me.

[[That's funny. Nana has a crooked heart shaped birthmark underneath her leg, but Diva doesn't, so it can't be her right?]]

"Err... I helped you two too hydrate?"

"Haha! No silly! With SoliD!" Diva laughed.

"Nothing really, I was speaking with Mighty." I sat back thinking about to the shock I just received back there.

"Then get off your lazy , and help! You didn't do nothing since we got here! Did you even help talking out the trash?" BabyJ lightly threw the plastic cup at me, I smirked as I caught it. I got up with the girls and helped with packing. I'll try and prove to myself if that girl is really Nana at the date tomorrow.

*evil grin*


[School Mode; 3:05pm]


Its nearly half way through Maths, so bored and clueless without an understanding of what to do.

I turned to my left to see Nana sighing and sulking to herself.

"Psst, Nana!" I signalled. She slowly turned around with a frown on her face.

"What's up? You look down." I whispered.

She flicked her head to the empty seat in front of her. There's obviously still no sign of Jiyeon.

I sent back a frown and she turned back to face the window, nervously twisting her pen.

Where are you Jiyeon? Were worried about you!  Just please be OK at least.

[End of POV]


[Mystery's apartment; 4:25pm]

Denim mini skirt.

Black knee high boots.

Black and Gold tight hoodie.

Sliver hoop earrings.

Heavy makeup.

Dark brown bob.

"I'm on my way." She said into the phone and grasped it tight in her hand.

She grabbed her Gucci bag and left the building to her black mini cooper.


[Star Bucks 4:54pm]

Jiyeon was sitting at a round table that had a card with an 8 on it, that was reserved for two people. She already ordered her caffuccino since she was waiting for 2 minutes. She stared at the CUBE club card and made sure her head and face was covered, which was already covered enough with her makeup, hoodie and long fringe.

"But have you finished with the dance choreography yet?" A  gold-ish haired girl said as another followed in.

"No I'm half way through the routine. I really hope Diva doesn't design stupid and uncomfortable clothes for us, or else it would a be just a fail." The brunette replied sitting down with a laptop.


'Aish! What are they doing here? Has school finished already?' Jiyeon thought and checked her watch. It was already past 5.

'I need something, something .. something..' She looked around and saw a newspaper on the other seat and covered her face with it.

*follow me, follow me narrul ttara follow me!*

[Bo peep Bo peep- T-ara]

Jiyeon rummaged threw her bag for her phone and answered a unknown caller.

"Yobeoseyo?" She said trying to disguise her voice, from shy to a confident tone.

"Yah!! Where are you? I said table 8, I don't see anyone but an old man! Did you already give up on our deal?" She realised it was Juen.

"What Starbucks you at?"

"The one near the Han River."

"Aish, chin-cha. Are you serious? I'm at the one near your Club!" Jiyeon said frustrated.

"Shaaaame, my bad. I'll be there."

"But there's- Yah! Yobeoseyo?!" Jiyeon angrily looked at the phone's home screen as she notice the guy hanged up on her.

"Aish.. my life." She sighed.


"Err miss?" Called a worker.  Jiyeon peeped from the top of the newspaper.


"Is your partner coming? Because since Juen-ssi reserved this table we also kind of need it, so since he's not here-" Then luckily, door suddenly pushed open and stood a man in b-boy-ish clothes, panting slightly, looking round.

"Look, he's here!" Jiyeon pointed out.


"*Gasps* Omo!" A  girl said on the opposite table and hid her face.

"What is it, Huni?" The brunette said poking her head up from her Laptop.


Juen causally walked over to table 8, to find Jiyeon sitting there looking nervous.

"Oi, are you still in shock from what happened yesterday?" He said with a slight smirk.

"Ani! Look, those to girls behind you go to our school and I can't let them know I'm here!" Jiyeon said hiding behind the newspaper.

"Why? Who are they?" He said, not bothering to turn around.

"The brunette one is Tiffany, but I don't care out her, but the other one Is Hyunah, basically my enemy!"

Juen turned around to where Hyunah was sitting. He knew he heard someone say 'Huni' when he was at the door. He finally recognise who she was.

"BWOH!?" Juen screeched that made everyone including the workers to jump and turn around.

"Aah ! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He whispered looking pissed.

"I tried to, but you hanged up on me! Why are you whispering for? Do you know them?"

"Hyunah is Huni, my ex!"

"Eh?!" Jiyeon dropped the newspaper in shock.

[Table 7]

[At same time]


"Its him!" Hyunah said bowing her head down so Juen doesn't notice while he's waking past.

"Who is he?" Tiffany whispered.

"My Ex, don't you remember Beast?"

"Ahhh~" she exclaimed and went back to typing.

"Yah! How can you be so calm about this?" Hyunah flicked at Tiffany's laptop.

"I don't know! But hey, don't you think that girl sitting with him looks abit familiar?"

Hyunah moved her head pass Juen to get a clear look at her but just saw her eyes peeking the newspaper she was handing behind.

"Err.. no, but her eyes looks abit Jiyeon-ish but it can't be- Yah who is she and what is she doing here with my ex anyway?!" She said glearing at Tiffany.

"Hmph. I'm not the one to ask."


[Table 8]

"Come on lets go." Juen said about to get up but Jiyeon didn't move an inch. "What are you doing?"

"Aish, I'm not ready." She said turning away. Juen sat next to her so it seemed to Hyunah that there not fighting. He lifted the newspaper in front of them so it would look like there kissing but actually..

"Yah, when I said get up, you get up! No excuses understand?" He whispered harshly.

"This whole plan was nearly ruined by you! So let's leave for somewhere else! Just link your arms with me when I ask for your hand, follow along will you?"

He lowered the newspaper and his lips in Hyunah's direction. Hyunah scoffed at his dirty actions. They both got up and Jiyeon slid her arm in his, and tried to smile facing the door.

as they walked past, He winked evilly to Hyunah which made Hyunah want to strike, but Tiffany just about stopped her and told her it wasn't worth it.

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Jiaying_lurvyounique #1
KYAAA ! this story , love it !
love it .
please update sooooooooooon ~
njpro7 #4
@jiyeonADDICTED yeah she is one of the other main characters, Nana is the main
I dont mind who jiyeon end up with just the one she is happy with plus she looks good with anyone and is she the main character?
njpro7 #6
o.0 wooooops i srsly forgot about this site >< <br />
i should update right ? LOL
adesolermvp #7
aaaaaaaaa i wish minhyuk will love jiyeon :)<br />
minjii~ <3
minhyuk and jiyeon? i love them ! XD