My Twenties

Joshua Hong wasn't really looking forward to starting his second year of highschool.

But that was mainly because he hated waking up at 6:30 am every day.  But things had definitely changed for him in the past year, so he could deal with waking up early to go to school.  After all, he knew the area better, he had a great group of friends, and he had met the love of his life.  He was slowly peeling out of his shell and becoming more confident.  

Maybe Joshua was looking forward to it after all.

Moving to a brand new country had been a pretty scary experience for him.  His heritage was Korean, but he had never been there.  When he was only 15 his parents announced they would be moving there for his father's new job and to be closer to their family.  The boy was shocked and at a loss for words; how was he going to adapt to an entirely new country and way of living?  Luckily for him speaking Korean wouldn't be a problem since he had to do that at home anyway.  But he was small and timid and a bit of nerd who would probably be stepped all over being a foreinger at a brand new school.

But now Joshua was 17 years old and a little bit taller and a little bit wiser.  He was so lucky that he had the most amazing friends who helped him to grow and become more confident along the way.  Jeonghan was there for literally anything he needed help with, Seungcheol's specialty was taking him around the city and introducing him to various places, and sweet Jaeyun always talked to him about traditional things.

Even though 6:30 am was ridiculously early, Joshua woke up each day excited to see his lovely friends and to embrace the day ahead of him.

Like this morning, for example: it was his first day back at a brand new year, the ending signal of a perfect summer.  He rolled over on his side to see his phone was lit up.  He checked ths screen and saw he had a text from Jeonghan, wishing him a good morning.  Joshua smiled into his pillow and got out of bed.

He decided to look nicer today.  He was dressed in jeans, converse, a white v-neck and a black jacket.  He grabbed his bag and headed downstairs.  This year he didn't have to worry about fitting in and fading into the background.  All he had to do was be himself and everything would be alright.

The walk to school was short-lived as he practically sprinted there to see Jeonghan before class started.  The two had agreed to keep their schedules a secret so they could be surprised if they had any classes together.  Dashing beneath the bright green canopoies of the trees above him, Joshua arrived at the building.  Sure enough Jeonghan was waiting where he said he would be.  Joshua smiled brightly and greeted him with a quick kiss.

"Well good morning to you too."  Jeonghan laughed, hugging him.  To Joshua, Jeonghan looked as stunning as ever, in a navy blue button-down shirt and white jeans, his long hair in his signature ponytail.

"You're so pretty."  Joshua caught himself saying.  Jeonghan rolled his eyes, ing his schedule in Joshua's face.

"Just check to see if we have any classes together before I vomit."  He said, stealing a quick kiss on Joshua's cheek.

Joshua scanned the paper, and beamed when he saw they had not only lunch together, but they were both accepted into the same art class!

"I told you signing up for at least one of the same classes was a great idea!"  Jeonghan exclaimed when Joshua told him.  The two breathed out, relieved, and began to smile like idiots.

It was going to be a good year.


"Seungcheol??"  Joshua gaped when he spotted the familiar face from across the lunchroom.

"Joshua!  Jeonghan!  I didn't realize we had lunch together!"  Seungcheol smiled, walking over to greet the pair.  He glowed under a head of brand new locks darker than the night sky.

"Your hair! Wow I almost didn't recognize you!  It's crazy I just saw you last week and it was still that brown color and you changed it so suddenly.  How come you didn't tell us?"  Joshua asked.  Seungcheol just shrugged.

"I needed a change."  He stated simply.  The two had found a quiet area to sit and eat their lunch.  It felt comfortable and the three couldn't be happier to have at least one class as a full group.

Throughout the period, Jeonghan kept looking up from his lunch, and then looking back down.  He did this several times before Joshua finally forced Jeonghan to look him in the eye.

"What do you keep looking at??"  He questioned.

"Don't make it obvious, but when you have the chance, look at the two boys at the table in front of us."  Jeonghan said in a hushed tone.  Joshua's eyes carefully shifted to the pair Jeonghan was mentioning.  They looked maybe like they were both a grade below them.  One had dark brown hair styled neatly and the other had jet black hair whose bangs hung in his face like drapes.  The brown-haired one appeared to be much taller than the other even while sitting down. 

But the thing that caught Joshua's attention the most was their behavior.  They sat rather close together, smiling in each other's faces and constantly touching each other.  There was no one else around the pair; they were isolated like they were the only two planets in the galaxy.  Joshua raised an eyebrow and looked to Jeonghan with that expression, Seungcheol did the same.

Jeonghan merely nodded at his friends.  Looking up at Joshua he said, "I bet you five bucks they're dating."  Joshua smirked.

"You're on."  He said.  Jeonghan flashed him a smile and the couple shook on it.  Seungcheol merely shook his head in amusement.

"What makes you think they're dating?"  Seungcheol asked, and the couple gave him a look.

"Think about it Seungcheol: sure guys in this school are touchy with each other, but have you ever seen two guys really be that...lovey to each other, OTHER than Joshua and I who happen to actually be in a relationship?"  Jeonghan questioned.  "Besides, you can just kind of tell."  He added.

"Fine I'll trust your word on it."  Seungcheol shrugged.

"So when are you going to find your own boyfriend?"  Joshua jokingly stated.  Jeonghan's head snapped up from his lunch and he stared Seungcheol down with wide eyes.  Seungcheol could only react with a flustered expression and a reddening face.

"It's nothing!!"  He said responding to Jeonghan's piercing stare.

"I just mean...YOU??? I never would have suspected it."  Jeonghan said astonished, pointing a chopstick in Seungcheol's face.

 "Yeah well lot of people also haven't expected it so keep it on the down low."  He said throwing an accusing look Joshua's way.

"I'm sorry I-I thought Jeonghan knew."  Joshua said.

"Well he didn't but now he does so just let it go."  Seungcheol mumbled.

"Well can I ask...are you gay?  Or biual?  What's up?  You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."  Jeonghan started hesitantly.

Seungcheol sighed, "to be honest I don't really know myself.  All I know is I feel something for guys.  I just haven't really found anyone that special to me yet, that's all."  He finished.  The boys ate in a semi-awkward silence for the rest of the period.  

When the bell rang, they parted their separate ways and Joshua entered his next class which was math.

When he stepped inside, he found an empty seat and began to do his usual people watching, scanning for anyone who appeared friendly.  His eyes landed on one boy who was also by himself, and it took Joshua a moment to register a familiar face; the long dark bangs, the pale complexion...

 And then it finally clicked: he was one of the mystery boys from lunch.




Hellooo everyone! 

Sooooooo can you guess who the "mystery boys" are?? ;) (probably lmao)

I know this is a really random update I just got inspired for how I was going to start adding new characters!  I'm not 100% happy with how this turned out, idk I think I'm losing my creative flair with this story just a bit.

Sorry for the lack of updates I'm really really REALLY busy lately /sobs/

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!

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Chapter 9: It's like reading a novel... Slow but great....
Chapter 13: I can't wait for the next chapter author-nim keep up the good work. Fighting! :)
JulyChans #3
Chapter 13: Omg, What did Seungcheol?, I hope that nothing bad, JiHan are love <3 They are super cute, thanks for update! :3
WAT #4
uglymeme #5
Chapter 13: hhhdhfhfjfjcjjc HHHHhhhHhbdbd
JulyChans #6
Chapter 12: Omg, did not drama?, thank you for that, i love so much your story, it's very cute and special, i can't wait for the next chapter! :3
He17oAlice #7
Chapter 12: oh my JiHan feels ;; You can take your time author-nim! (This chapter didn't at all, childish Jeonghan is so adorable) Happy holidays! ^^
Exotics44 #8
Chapter 11: First of all, Happy Birthday!!
Secondly, ILY for including Jihoon.