My Twenties

Joshua's first couple weeks in high school went by better than he expected and he couldn't be happier.

Still, not many people knew who he was, but his classmates were always polite to him, and little by little he came more and more out of his shell.

His friendship with Seungcheol had begun to blossom, and they even started hanging out after school.  Joshua liked Seungcheol's personality; he was the type of person who always spoke his mind, but also knew when to listen to others, and he was very kind.  He was also extremely funny, and Joshua was glad to have met him.  The more he thought about it, he wondered if anyone would have talked to him if he hadn't met Seungcheol.

But no, then there was Jeonghan.

The pretty boy in his writing class that made Joshua's heart skip a beat for no particular reason.  He was also kind, and Joshua enjoyed the other's company.

Over a course of a couple weeks, the two had grown closer, but not as much as Joshua had hoped.  Jeonghan still walked him to his last class every day, and they talked during writing class as much as they could. 

There was something about the boy that Joshua just couldn't put his finger on.  Of course Joshua loved his personality, but he always noticed other things about him too. He was, well, really pretty to say the least; with sparkling eyes and his crooked smile and gentle voice.  But Joshua wondered why he always thought those things about the other.  

For Joshua, finding boys more attractive than the average male wasn't something new to him.  He had always found himself attracted to the same gender just as much as the opposite gender, and even though he really only looked at people's personalities, he knew how he felt towards boys.

He had always kept this realization to himself, and he had never really met a boy before that made his heart beat so loudly he could swear others would heart it.

Of course, then he met Jeonghan and that changed everything.

It was the way Jeonghan would protectively tug Joshua's hoodie sleeve when the crowds in the hallway got too pushy.  It was the way that he paid attention to Joshua's every word when he talked about America.  It was his laugh.  It was the twinkle in his eye he got when he thought of a topic to write about in class.  It was the little hum he did when he was thinking about what to say.  It was Jeonghan, it was everything about him.

And Joshua had fallen for the trap.

At first, the two boys did nothing more than talk in and after class.  When they first met, Joshua's feelings were uncertain, and his legs felt wobbly when he got near the other.  After a few days, those feelings subsided, and things were perfectly normal.  It wasn't until that one day that Jeonghan clumsily tripped over his chair and knocked Joshua over, falling on top of him that the beating in Joshua's heart came back to life.

Jeonghan was so close that Joshua could finally take in every detail of his face and wow.  The blush creeping up on his cheeks drowned out anything Jeonghan was frantically saying.

Eventually, Jeonghan grabbed his hand, helping him up, and their fingers lingered together for a bit too long, long enough for the air to feel awkward and for both to be dusted a light shade of pink.

"I'm really sorry."  Jeonghan said, chuckling lightly.  It wasn't a big deal, so they didn't talk about it anymore, and that was that.


One day, the teacher let them pick their seats in writing class.  Joshua absent-mindedly chose a table by the window, where a familar figure plopped his bag down right beside his.

"May I?"  The other asked, already knowing the answer.

"Sure!"  Joshua answered enthusiastically, not really looking up; he knew the other's voice well enough to know.  Jeonghan took the seat, and the two awkwardly smiled to themselves.

Taking out his notebook, Jeonghan began to scribble down ideas for a new story.

"What are you going to write about this time?"  Joshua asked, leaning lazily toward the other, finally looking at him..  His heart jumped to his throat at the sight of Jeonghan furiously brainstorming, his bangs that were growing long, pinned out of his face.  Wow wow wow.

"Your bangs look nice like that."  Joshua said without thinking.  CRAP.

"Haha, thank you for noticing."  Jeonghan flashed a crooked smile, his eyes never really leaving his paper.  Why did Joshua say that??  It was too late to correct himself, and he tried to let the comment roll off his back as best he could.  He buried his crimson-read face in his backpack, looking for nothing in particular until he calmed down.

"And to answer your question, I have no idea what I want to write about, I haven't been inspired at all."  Jeonghan sighed laying his head down.  Joshua smiled.

"Maybe write about tripping and knocking your friend to the ground."  Joshua hesitantly joked, poking the other's shoulder.  It was the first time either had brought up the incident, so Joshua thought it was safe territory now.

"Ha-ha, very funny."  Jeonghan laughed.  He still didn't lift his head off the desk.  His face was too red to look at Joshua now.





WOW all of your comments are so supportive and sweet thank you all sososososo much I'm glad you like the story so far!  I'm trying to reply to everyone's comments!

I hope you liked this chapter, I thought it would be a cute intro to their growing relationship. Shhhh

Anyway, I also wanted to clear up, I changed their English class to a writing class from now on!

See you in the next chapter, have a wonderful day! 

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Chapter 9: It's like reading a novel... Slow but great....
Chapter 13: I can't wait for the next chapter author-nim keep up the good work. Fighting! :)
JulyChans #3
Chapter 13: Omg, What did Seungcheol?, I hope that nothing bad, JiHan are love <3 They are super cute, thanks for update! :3
WAT #4
uglymeme #5
Chapter 13: hhhdhfhfjfjcjjc HHHHhhhHhbdbd
JulyChans #6
Chapter 12: Omg, did not drama?, thank you for that, i love so much your story, it's very cute and special, i can't wait for the next chapter! :3
He17oAlice #7
Chapter 12: oh my JiHan feels ;; You can take your time author-nim! (This chapter didn't at all, childish Jeonghan is so adorable) Happy holidays! ^^
Exotics44 #8
Chapter 11: First of all, Happy Birthday!!
Secondly, ILY for including Jihoon.