My Twenties

Joshua Hong wasn't really looking forward to High School.

His family had just moved to South Korea, and even though he knew how to speak the language, he was still worried he wasn't going to fit in.  He had only been living in the country since the beginning of summer, so he didn't even know anybody.

Reaching a little over 5 feet and 6 inches in height, he wasn't exactly the most intimidating first year in the high school.  But maybe that also meant he could fly under the radar without any problems.

On the morning of his first day of school, he threw on a simple outfit: jeans and a gray hoodie.  Perfectly ordinary.  He smiled at the mirror.  Just don't talk to anyone and you'll be fine.

With a quick kiss on the cheek to his mother and a warm-hearted goodbye, Joshua left home and set off for his first day into a brand new adventure.

The walk to school was short, but not short enough for Joshua to take in all the beautiful features of his new neighborhood that he had never really noticed before; the tall intimidating trees with bright green leaves, the slightly beaten up sidewalk, the little wind chimes hanging on the porches of almost every home.  He smiled sweetly at a neighbor.  Joshua wasn't a shy kid, in fact he loved to be polite to strangers.  But he still had a gut-wrenching feeling that his first day at school wouldn't go so smoothly.

Arriving at the school, he slipped in amongst the other kids and made his way with some difficulty down the halls, without really knowing where he was going, and not being that tall, it was hard to see around.

Unintentionally. he found his way to the main office, where it appeared there were a few other first years confused and lost just like he was.  He checked his schedule once again and asked the lady at the desk where his science class was, and she gave him the directions.  There was a boy with two-toned brown hair and a goofy smile that exclaimed he was headed to the same class and hurridly followed Joshua down the hall.

"I'll just follow you since we're going to the same place! I'm Seungcheol by the way, nice to meet you!"  He greeted happily.  Joshua smiled at him; he was polite and charming and Joshua felt a wave of ease wash over him as he realized he would know at least one friendly face at the school.

"I'm Jisoo, but you can call me Joshua if you want!"  He introduced himself.  He forgot it might be weird having people here refer to him by his American name, but Seungcheol didn't seem to have a problem with it at all.

They reached the class just before the bell rang, and the teacher began instructions.  Luckily since it was only the first day, the only thing they did was talk about class expectations and learn everyone's names.  Joshua had to do a special introduction since he was a foreign student.  Everyone greeted him rather dully, except of course for his new friend Seungcheol who smiled wide and clapped enthusiastically for the whole building to hear.  Joshua just laughed it off.

The rest of the day was just how Joshua expected it-classes with no one willing to talk to him.  Part of him was happy and the other part was still nervous.  He was happy because that meant he could sail through the year without anyone noticing or harassing him, but he was also upset that he might not make any friends.

But that wasn't true, he had Seungcheol after all, who was very kind to him.  But unfortunately as they found out science was their only class together.

Joshua sighed into his lunch box, wishing the day could just be over already.  He thought about if he could just find somebody else besides Seungcheol, he might feel a little more at ease.  But he really didn't recognize anyone from his classes and he didn't think he had multiple classes with any of the same people.

After his lunch period was over, Joshua entered his second to last class of the day which was writing.  He scanned the room for anyone that might appear friendly and when he didn't find the results he was looking for his heart sank. 

His eyes slowly observed the room studying each person just as he had done in his classes before; he was just a fan of people watching to be quite honest.  They all seemed pretty average except for a couple unique faces.  And one boy in particular caught Joshua's attention, with his soft eyes, crooked smile, and hair a little longer than average.

And Joshua couldn't really stop staring.





I hope this wasn't too boring but I wanted to establish a setting and overall feel first; things will pick up in the next chapter!

A few things to clear up!

I am going to go with all of the members real names except I'll use Joshua's American name AND Korean name!

I don't really have a set era I'm basing everyone's looks off of, so I'm just choosing whatever looks I want!  However note that right now, Jeonghan doesn't have his signature long hair just yet!  

Since I'm doing a high school setting here, I'm just going to make them have a bunch of different classrooms they have to go to to make things more interesting!

Also as for the ages, I'm going to place them as the 95 liners (in the beginning of the story) are all first years in high school, all of the 96 and 97 liners are still in their third year of middle school, and the 98 liners and 99 liner are second years in middle school.

Cool? Cool!

PS I WATCHED MANSAE AND OH MY GOD IT GOT ME SNATCHEDT HOLY !!! It was sooo impressive I'm so proud ;; except my bias Jun got like 0 screen time T__T

ANYWAYS I hope you all look forward to the next chapter! Byye~ 

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Chapter 9: It's like reading a novel... Slow but great....
Chapter 13: I can't wait for the next chapter author-nim keep up the good work. Fighting! :)
JulyChans #3
Chapter 13: Omg, What did Seungcheol?, I hope that nothing bad, JiHan are love <3 They are super cute, thanks for update! :3
WAT #4
uglymeme #5
Chapter 13: hhhdhfhfjfjcjjc HHHHhhhHhbdbd
JulyChans #6
Chapter 12: Omg, did not drama?, thank you for that, i love so much your story, it's very cute and special, i can't wait for the next chapter! :3
He17oAlice #7
Chapter 12: oh my JiHan feels ;; You can take your time author-nim! (This chapter didn't at all, childish Jeonghan is so adorable) Happy holidays! ^^
Exotics44 #8
Chapter 11: First of all, Happy Birthday!!
Secondly, ILY for including Jihoon.