My Twenties

The Summer Vacation Drabbles chapter  (warning: fluff...fluff everywhere)


School was out and summer break had finally begun.  Joshua and Jeonghan had been officially dating for two weeks.  The only person that knew was Seungcheol, who reacted to the news with several punches to the couple and words Joshua would have to wash his ears out to forget.  Seungcheol wasn't mad that they were dating; he was furious it took them this long to make it official.

"Tsch, you two have to be the densest lovebirds I've ever met."  He sulked walking beside them one day, the two hand in hand.  Since school had let out, the three had grown closer by hanging out together at various spots in the city.  They took the bus to ice cream shops and parks.  They spent afternoons playing video games and watching movies.  Jeonghan and Seungcheol had begun to bond and Joshua was so happy that his two best friends got along.

For the couple, summer meant more time to be together.  It meant late nights texting until their phones would fall out of their hands as they drifted into sleep, it meant sharing earbuds to summer playlists, and to Joshua it meant having every second of every day to admire the boy that was all his.


"You're pretty when you write."  Joshua stated one day, dreamily admiring Jeonghan as he scribbled down ideas for a poem.  They were in Jeonghan's field, and the grass was growing tall and yellow.

"You're pretty all the time."  Jeonghan mumbled, his cheeks flushing deep red at the lame comment.  Joshua laughed and laid down on the soft grass next to his boyfriend, taking in the warm sun rays.

"What are you writing about this time?"  Joshua asked sleepily.

"I can't think of anything."  Jeonghan sighed and the latter laughed.

"You say that every time."  He reached up and pinched Jeonghan's cheek.  Jeonghan swatted his hand away and made a sarcastic face.

"Joshua Hong!"  He gasped dramatically.  "Writer's block is no laughing matter!  It's a serious problem that affects artistic people like myself!"  He flipped his hair and Joshua burst into laughter.

"I can't believe I'm dating the most extra person on this planet."  He giggled.  Jeonghan stuck out his tongue,

"Well believe it and get used to it because I'm not going anywhere."  He stated simply.

Joshua smiled lightly.  "We're disgustingly corny."  He said.  

With that Jeonghan leaned down to kiss his cheek softly, before quickly sitting back up, his face burning a million shades of pink and red.

"You're right but I kind of love that about us." 


That summer had been one of Joshua's favorites; he had spent nearly every day with Jeonghan.  And despite the two being inseparable, his parents never caught on to the fact that they might be dating.  

Joshua and Jeonghan had agreed to keep their relationship from their parents until they were both ready to tell them.   There was no pressure in their relationship and they were perfectly comfortable with giving each other all the time in the world to come out.  Eventually,  however, the couple did tell Jaeyun who responded with happy tears and lots of hugs and she promised the two she would bake them celebratory cupcakes.

They liked staying up late, almost until 3 am sometimes, texting each other.  They would fall asleep in the middle of sentences and wake up smiling at stuff they almost sent.  A few times they were invited to bonfires by Seungcheol (the guy knew almost everyone in school) and they would go for the laughs and the toasted marshmallows.  A few times Jeonghan had fallen asleep in front of the warm fire, his head resting on Joshua's shoulder.  After the parties those nights would be spent together at one of their houses, followed by very nonchalant cuddling, mumbling things like "you smell like smoke"  and "I know."

Because the two were so close, they knew each other's families very well.  Jeonghan came with Joshua's family to an amusement park once where they secretly held hands behind his parents' backs; sometimes a little too tightly because someone is afraid of heights.  One time Joshua went with the Yoons to the nearby beach where the two boys collected shells and splashed in the water.

Jeonghan hadn't noticed it before but Joshua had the prettiest facial features, especially when he got tan in the summer.  The golden skin brought out his eye color and if you looked close enough you could make out the faintest freckles.  Jeonghan was always able to be close enough to Joshua's face though; perks of being his boyfriend.  And Joshua loved Jeonghan's long hair, and how he pulled it into lazy ponytails when it was too hot out.  It was an interesting hairstyle but it suited Jeonghan's artsy personality.  

"I'm going to learn how to do a bunch of different hairstyles, just so I can do your hair."  Joshua stated firmly.  Jeonghan just laughed as if he didn't believe him.  But sure enough the next day Joshua showed up to his house with a brush in hand a smug smile.  He gave Jeonghan a French braid, which he walked around the mall with all day.  He got stared at, but he didn't really care.


One time Jeonghan had to go on a strictly family vacation several cities away to visit his grandparents and Joshua thought he would die from lack of contact.

"I'll call every night before I go to bed, alright?  It's only for a week, you'll live."  Jeonghan chuckled, cupping Joshua's face.  Joshua pouted and Jeonghan kissed his cheek one last time before his departure.  A week without Jeonghan during his perfect summer vacation was not something Joshua had in mind.  He burned holes into his phone screen for hours waiting for a call before Seungcheol finally had enough with the drama king.

"Come on, you need to get out.  Leave your phone."  Seungcheol commanded one day.  He showed up to Joshua's house to cheer him up only to find a slumped over Joshua pouting at the floor.  Seungcheol had to practically throw him over his shoulder to get him to leave.

"No, what if Jeonghan calls?!  Put me down!!"  Joshua attempted to wiggle out of the boy's strong grip, but it was no use.  

The two ended up at the movie theater, where they saw a comedy and Joshua felt more at ease.  That night, his boyfriend finally called and Joshua didn't think he had ever been more relieved to hear another person's voice in his life.


Sunsets slowly became Joshua's favorite thing to photograph.  The way the warm hues mashed together, and the way the clouds swirled and intertwined in perfect harmony spoke to him on a deep level.  He loved how no two sunsets ever looked the same, and he wouldn't admit this, but the deep reds and pinks made him think of when Jeonghan blushed.

It was Jeonghan who had encouraged him more and more every day to work on his photography skills.

"You're really good!  But you need to practice more, not because you need improvement, but because if you're passionate about something you need to give it a little attention every day."  Jeonghan exclaimed.  "Here, take my picture!"  He struck a dorky pose, completely joking, but Joshua snapped the picture anyway.

"Perfect, as always."  Joshua beamed, the latter rolling his eyes.

"Lemme see."  Jeonghan said.  He peered over Joshua's shoulder at the camera.  "I look so stupid."  He laughed.  Joshua chuckled and turned his head to look into Jeonghan's eyes. 

Time froze and a pair of lips met another.  Joshua didn't even realize what was happening until he felt a pair of hands clumsily grab his during the kiss.  Did he kiss Jeonghan first or did Jeonghan kiss him??  It didn't matter, because the moment was too perfect for him to even care.  Here he was, finally kissing the boy of his dreams after being in a relationship with him for three months and his lips felt like velvet and Joshua could feel the heat radiating off of Jeonghan's cheeks.  

Finally, the two pulled away.  The kiss probably only lasted a couple of seconds but to the pair it felt like a century had gone by.  Jeonghan was too embarrassed to even look Joshua in the eyes so instead he buried his head into his boyfriend's chest and clung to him.

"T-Thanks."  He said.  Joshua laughed.

"Thanks for making this such a perfect summer," Joshua said, "and I'm kind of glad that wasn't on the cheek this time."  He added.

And they stood there in each other's arms until the sunset burned out.





Okay a few things: YES I haven't updated in forever and YES this was an extremely long chapter ahh I'm sorry!

Let me know if you guys like the longer or shorter chapters!  Personally I like reading/writing longer ones but I don't want to bore you guys!

Also I know this whole chapter was extremely all over the place and I'm really not happy with it but I just needed to update.  Also it's sUPER FLUFFY AND CORNY I'M SORRY (personally I love fluff but IDK)

(ALSO just in case it's not clear...in the beginning it said they had been dating for 2 weeks and then by the end it was 3 months because yeah summer break time change woah haha)


Thanks for reading, see you in the next chapter!

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Chapter 9: It's like reading a novel... Slow but great....
Chapter 13: I can't wait for the next chapter author-nim keep up the good work. Fighting! :)
JulyChans #3
Chapter 13: Omg, What did Seungcheol?, I hope that nothing bad, JiHan are love <3 They are super cute, thanks for update! :3
WAT #4
uglymeme #5
Chapter 13: hhhdhfhfjfjcjjc HHHHhhhHhbdbd
JulyChans #6
Chapter 12: Omg, did not drama?, thank you for that, i love so much your story, it's very cute and special, i can't wait for the next chapter! :3
He17oAlice #7
Chapter 12: oh my JiHan feels ;; You can take your time author-nim! (This chapter didn't at all, childish Jeonghan is so adorable) Happy holidays! ^^
Exotics44 #8
Chapter 11: First of all, Happy Birthday!!
Secondly, ILY for including Jihoon.