My Twenties

The night of the winter formal came faster than what Joshua had wanted.

He had decided to tag along with Seungcheol, who ended up asking a friend of his from his lunch period as his date.  Seungcheol and the girl were just friends though, so Joshua didn't feel like a third wheel.  The girl named Jaeyun was short with long black bangs and a kind smile.  She was very funny and her and Joshua got along right away.

Joshua was feeling more at ease as his night with his friends went on.  He was dressed in gray dress pants, a white dress shirt, and a dark blue tie, with black shoes.  His black hair had recently been dyed dark brown, and it was pushed up out of his eyes.  He felt relatively confident, like nothing could get in his way.

That was until he stepped through the school doors into the dance hall.

The room was decorated beautifully.  White fairy lights were strung across the ceiling making the room feel like a wonderland.  Joshua scanned the area in search of Jeonghan and saw no sign of him.  Maybe that was a good thing.  

He took a deep breath and decided to head for the bathroom.  As he made his way there a familiar bumped into him.  Jeonghan.  

He was dressed smiliar to Joshua only his pants were black, he had on a black bow tie and his sleeves were rolled up.  Positively handsome and breathtaking were the only words that would come to Joshua's mind to describe him.

"Oh, hey, you made it!"  Jeonghan beamed at Joshua.  Suddenly he was caught off guard when he realized what Joshua was wearing.  "It's strange seeing you so dressed up, but it's nice.  You look really handsome."  He complimented, feeling his cheeks heat up.  Joshua merely stared at him with bright red cheeks.  This wasn't happening. 

"Uhh...thank you, you look really nice yourself."  Joshua managed to say.  Was that too creepy?  Too straight-forward??  He mentally kicked himself for being so vulnerable when it came to Jeonghan.

"Um, you want to come dance with me for a bit?  I mean, it's an upbeat song, and well my date is with her friends right now."  Jeonghan half muttered.  Joshua smiled sweetly and nodded his head.  Jeonghan nearly dragged the other to the floor, where they danced to their heart's content.  Joshua was having the time of his life; Jeonghan was here and he looked so charming and he danced amazingly and Joshua felt himself falling harder and harder.  He knew now without any doubt in his heart that he liked Yoon Jeonghan very much.

Eventually, the upbeat songs came to a stop, and Joshua had a bad feeling that a slow song would come on and Jeonghan would be taken from him.  Joshua found it very suspicious how Jeonghan's supposed "date" hadn't shown up all night, and he wondered if Jeonghan hadn't actually asked anybody or if he had been stood up, and for his friend's sake he really hoped it wasn't the second one.

But he was very, very wrong.

A beautiful girl with a slim figure, shining brown hair, and glowing skin came gliding toward the pair.  Her blush colored dress made her look just like a princess and Joshua couldn't help but stare.

"Joshua, this is my date, Hayeon.  This is my best friend, Joshua."  Jeonghan introduced them.  His heart jumped to his throat at the words "best friend."  Joshua loved hearing them because he had no idea Jeonghan considered them to be that close, but he also knew Jeonghan only saw him as a friend.  He sighed, settling that he could live with those standards.

"It's very nice to meet you."  Joshua greeted as kindly as he could manage with the burning feeling of rejection in his heart.

"Wow, what a gentleman.  It's nice to meet you too."  Hayeon gawked.  Jeonghan chuckled.

"Yeah, he's kind of known for that.  He's kind to everyone, even if you get to know him really well he still treats you with kindness and respect."  Jeonghan babbled on.  Joshua slowly looked at him not believing a word.  Was Jeonghan really saying those things about him?  Did he really feel that way towards him?

"Let's dance?"  Hayeon offered, turning to her date.  Jeonghan nodded, smiled lightly at Joshua, and was pulled away to the dance floor.  Joshua went to find Seungcheol and Jaeyun, who were awkwardly standing off to the side. 

"Aren't you going to ask your date to dance you weirdo?"  Joshua laughed, teasing the two.  Jaeyun playfully punched his arm.

"It would be way too awkward."  Seungcheol chuckled.  He leaned in closer to Joshua lowering his voice.  "Are you going to ask Jeonghan to dance?"  Joshua blushed.

"Well I mean, we danced earlier, but I would never ask him to slow dance!  Besides, he has his date, and they look like they're having fun."  He answered trying to sound like he didn't care.  Truth be told, he had tried not to look at the couple the entire night because he knew it would only make him sad.

He caved however and stole a glance.  Jeonghan had his hands lazily around her waist and she looked at him like he was the only guy in the room.  He had no idea the two liked each other so much, and it made his heart ache.

"Well if you aren't going to ask Jaeyun to dance, maybe I will."  Joshua suddely remarked, pulling her to the floor.  Jaeyun ended up being very good at slow dancing, and the two talked about school and various things.  It took Joshua's mind off of Jeonghan and he felt more at ease.  After what felt like an eternity the song ended and Seungcheol joined the pair as they began to jump around to the more upbeat songs.  The trio were having a fantastic time.  Eventually, even Jeonghan and Hayeon joined them, and everyone was enjoying themselves.

After a few songs Seungcheol and Jaeyun went off to talk to other people, and Haeyon "went to the bathroom" for about the 800th time that evening.  Joshua took this time to talk to Jeonghan, who was standing too close for Joshua's own comfort.  His eyes are so beautiful.  Joshua almost hated himself for how much he liked Jeonghan; for how much he wanted to slow dance with him.

Hayeon had been obviously avoiding Jeonghan all night and it made Joshua angry.  She didn't deserve to come to the dance with someone as wonderful as Jeonghan.  She didn't deserve him and it was Joshua who should be looking at Jeonghan as they danced like he was the only boy in the world.

But of course, as the next slow song played she came to claim Jeonghan and take him away from Joshua once more, making his heart burn all over again.

To ease the pain, Joshua asked a single girl in a pretty blue dress to dance, but it just didn't feel right.  Halfway through the song he stole a glance to Jeonghan just in time to see Hayeon place a kiss on his cheek, and Joshua had had enough.

He stormed out of the gym to get some fresh air, and sat down on the sidewalk, feeling tears threatening to pour out.  It felt like centuries had passed by before he felt a familiar hand tugging at his sleeve.

"Seungcheol told me you came out here; I was worried when I didn't see you around anymore."  Jeonghan's voice was calm but concerned.  Joshua merely shook his head in response.

"Tell me what's wrong."  Jeonghan urged on, taking a seat next to him.  Joshua was terrified because he knew he couldn't keep lying to Jeonghan.  He had to tell him the truth or his heart would just keep hurting.  This meant he had to tell him everything and their friendship would be ruined forever and Jeonghan would never speak to him again.  But again, it needed to be said.  Those pained words that had been surpresed for months needed to be spilled out or else Joshua might go insane.  He bit back tears and took a deep breath, chuckling bitterly before speaking.

"What's wrong, is that I like you Yoon Jeonghan.  More than you know.  And I have for a while and it hurt me a lot to see you dancing with Hayeon tonight.  It hurt me even though you're not mine to be jealous over.  It hurt me a lot because I wanted to dance with you.  And it still hurts me because I want to call you mine and I can't."  He choked out, his composure failing him as his voice broke and the tears fell.  But he did not fall apart.  He sat there without moving as he silently cried.  Jeonghan next to him was silent for a long time before speaking.

"You think I haven't noticed Joshua?"  He finally spoke.  Joshua tensed up.  

"You think I don't notice you constantly blushing when you're around me?  You think I don't catch you staring or the way you subtly flirt?"  Jeonghan's words felt like needles to Joshua.  He had given up at this point and he almost completely tuned the other out.  Almost.

"But..."  Jeonghan laughed almost painfully.  "I can't believe you haven't noticed why I constantly grab your stupid hoodie sleeve.  Or why I enjoy looking at your warm eyes.  Or why I constantly text you 24/7.  Or why I always choose to sit by you or be your partner for anything we do in class.  You probably thought it was just me being friendly, and I suppose I'm stupid for not making it more obvious.  But the fact of the matter is that I like you too, Joshua Hong."

"I like you too, Joshua Hong."

The words ringed endlessly through Joshua's ears, and for the millionth time since he met Jeonghan, he felt his heart beat so loudly he thought everyone in the world could hear it.





WOW this is my longest chapter yet, I hope it wasn't too boring!!!

CONFESSION FINALLY AHHH!!! I hope it was ok!

Side note: the names of the girls were totally made up haha.  If there are any idols with those names then that was purely by coincidence and it's not supposed to be those idols.

Anways, it's very late and I'm tired so goodnight everyone~

See you in the next chapter!

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Chapter 9: It's like reading a novel... Slow but great....
Chapter 13: I can't wait for the next chapter author-nim keep up the good work. Fighting! :)
JulyChans #3
Chapter 13: Omg, What did Seungcheol?, I hope that nothing bad, JiHan are love <3 They are super cute, thanks for update! :3
WAT #4
uglymeme #5
Chapter 13: hhhdhfhfjfjcjjc HHHHhhhHhbdbd
JulyChans #6
Chapter 12: Omg, did not drama?, thank you for that, i love so much your story, it's very cute and special, i can't wait for the next chapter! :3
He17oAlice #7
Chapter 12: oh my JiHan feels ;; You can take your time author-nim! (This chapter didn't at all, childish Jeonghan is so adorable) Happy holidays! ^^
Exotics44 #8
Chapter 11: First of all, Happy Birthday!!
Secondly, ILY for including Jihoon.