My Twenties

Seungcheol had vowed on every bone in his body that he was going to kill Hong Jisoo one day.  Maybe not today or tomorrow, or any time before they graduate, but he was going to seriously kill him.

Ever since that one fateful day of Joshua confessing Seungcheol's uality to Jeonghan and inviting him on that triple date, his life had gone straight to hell.

Seungcheol wasn't the type of person to show his feelings at all under any circumstances.  Which was why he trusted Joshua so much because he was a laid back guy and didn't judge other's lifestyles.  On top of that, Joshua and Seungcheol were pretty similar in their ualities, so Seungcheol knew his secret would be on the down low.

But of course, because he hangs out with a bunch of idiots, the secret was spilled.  It wasn't entirely Joshua's fault he knew that; he knew sooner or later it would come up because yeah Jeonghan is Joshua's boyfriend and the 2 of them are together about 17 hours in the day, so it probably wouldn't be helped.

What he wanted to kill Hong Jisoo for really though was introducing 5 feet and 3 inches of holy terror known as Lee Jihoon into his life.

Joshua was seriously going down for this.

After the triple date at the movie theater, and Seungcheol nervously having to sit next to his pretty cute new friend, things had been different.  He had started seeing couples everywhere.  Every corner he turned, every way he looked: couples.  It was started to bug him.  It made him seriously annoyed and also devistatingly lonely at the same time.  It didn't help at all that he hung out with two same- couples constantly, reminding him daily of what he was missing out on.

Jihoon was a nice kid; dating material?  Possibly.  All Seungcheol really knew was every time he was around his hair was a slightly different color and it intrigued him and his height was too adorable to not rest your elbow on his head and sometimes, sometimes if you listened closely you could hear him lightly singing and man it was beautiful.

But he was only kind of cute, don't look at Seungcheol.

They had exchanged numbers and Seungcheol hated how he desperately clung to his phone nowadays, checking it for messages every ten minutes practically.  Every time he got a notification he would slide his thumb to unlock the screen so aggresively it scared his friends half to death.

"Relax it's just Jihoon.  You act like you like him or something."  Joshua raised an eyebrow at Seungcheol from across their lunch table.

He was going to seriously die.

Luckily Jihoon didn't have the same lunch period as the 5 friends, which gave Seungcheol a little breathing room and some time to think.  The only time they saw each other was study hall, where luckily no talking was allowed.  But it didn't matter for Seungcheol because as soon as class was over Jihoon casually waited for him at the door and walked him to class.


"I hate myself."  Seungcheol muttered to Joshua one day while they were hanging out; just the two of them for once.

"Woah why?  What are you talking about?"  Joshua asked worried.

"I've never ever felt so strongly about another guy before.  I mean, I know I like them and I've had subtle crushes before but this kid."  Seungcheol threw his head back in frustration.  "This kid is making me question my sanity."

"So I'm taking that as you like him?"

"I don't know!  That's the problem!  I don't know if this is just me being paranoid thinking I finally have a real crush on a guy, or just me craving to be in a relationship because all my friends are.  I'm not even 100% sure about how I feel toward guys anymore.  It's way too confusing and I don't want Jihoon to get hurt if my feelings toward him aren't genuine."  He confessed.  Joshua sighed.

The part about "all my friends are" threw Joshua off a bit.  He didn't realize until just now that maybe him and Jeonghan are a little too much sometimes, and it made his heart sink way lower than he wanted it too.

"I think maybe you need time to discover yourself a little more before you make any decisions about relationships.  And...I hate to say this but what if Jihoon doesn't feel that way toward you at all?  Just...try not to get too ahead of yourself ok?  And I'm really sorry to hear we're kind of pressuring you with dating.  If it makes you feel any better Jeonghan and I can back off a bit."  Joshua said the last part with a trailing voice which made Seungcheol look up.

"What?  Why?  No you don't have to do that dude it's ok.  I'm being immature."  Seungcheol said.

Joshua smiled his normal smile but it seemed sadder and didn't quite reach his eyes.  It worried Seungcheol a bit.

"No really it's ok I understand we can kind of be 'in-your-face' so don't worry about it."  He answered.

Seungcheol looked at his friend with a questioning gaze but then decided not to push the matter any further.  He knew how Joshua worked and it was best to just let things go before they got too serious.  And so they went back to talking about school and things like that.



Yoon Jeonghan was pretty.

For a boy, he had delicate yet handsome features and perfect hair and glimering eyes and he was so pretty anybody could admit it, even if you were as straight as a pole.  Joshua never missed an opportunity to announce it to anyone around him how perfect his boyfriend was, and 95% of that time that "anyone" was Seungcheol.

"Who's Jeonghan?  You have a boyfriend?"  Seungcheol joked with a smirk.  Joshua laughed and blushed.  Seungcheol really loved how much Joshua loved Jeonghan.  It was refreshing to see two people so innocently and blissfully in love, it almost made you forget how chaotic the world really was on the outside of highschool.

But the weird thing was, even though Seungcheol could admit Jeonghan was attractive no questions asked, he found himself annoyingly drawn to the other whenever Joshua would point out a specific feature about him.

"I really really love how Jeonghan's cheeks lift up when he smiles he looks like an angel I want to cry."  Joshua would claim.  And there they were, seemingly invisible to Seungcheol before but now plain as day, Jeonghan's glowing cheeks when he smiled.  It was weird, how Seungcheol saw him like that.  Especially when he knew he shouldn't be looking at all.



It was a weekend in winter and Jeonghan had invited the whole group over to his house to watch movies.  Seungcheol unkowingly had showed up first, and was invited inside to wait for the others.

The conversation struck up easily between Jeonghan and Seungcheol, seeing as they were friends after all.  But the quiet time they spent together felt different to Seungcheol yet it comforted him.  Jeonghan had a quiet, gentle voice and a sweet laugh and his house smelled like home cooking and Seungcheol could swear his face was heating up red.

"Stop, stupid."  He thought to himself.  He hated how he was feeling this way when this boy was his best friend dating his other best friend.

"What's wrong with you??"  He thought again.

Well, at least he knew for sure he had a thing for guys because right now at the worst of times he could've sworn he had a tiny baby crush on Yoon Jeonghan, and that was really unfortunate.

But to his luck, Joshua eventually showed up bringing him back down to reality, and seeing the happy couple reminded him of how perfect they were together.  And that night he spent with Jihoon reminded him of his growing feelings and how he found the other so adorable and wonderful to be around.  And he didn't want to mess it up.  Jihoon made his heart race, and maybe, just maybe, they lowkey held hands during the movie but they're too "manly" to admit that.

"I've been wanting to say this for a while...but I like you."

"I like you too."

They confessed it that night on Jeonghan's patio when the others went to sleep.  Jihoon had asked him if he was awake, and asked if they could talk outside.  It was cold and Seungcheol's heart was pounding in his ears but he didn't care because Jihoon's presence alone made the atmosphere so much warmer.

And they kind of became a thing but they were so awkward about it and didn't know what to do.  All Seungcheol knew was he was so inexperienced but he wanted to kiss Jihoon more than anything but he didn't want to mess it up.  He also wanted to be absolutely 100% sure what he was feeling was really real.

And so he did something really, really stupid.




I'm back, and this was a super long chapter I hope that's ok!

Announcement: I might actually be switching to AO3 when I finish this story because I like the atmosphere better :/ and I have a really good idea for a Yoonmin story I want to post there (any Yoonmin shippers here?!).  This story will also be wrapping up pretty soon just to let you know :(

I'm also going to stop putting gifs at the end from now on; I don't think it looks good.

See you in the next chapter~

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Chapter 9: It's like reading a novel... Slow but great....
Chapter 13: I can't wait for the next chapter author-nim keep up the good work. Fighting! :)
JulyChans #3
Chapter 13: Omg, What did Seungcheol?, I hope that nothing bad, JiHan are love <3 They are super cute, thanks for update! :3
WAT #4
uglymeme #5
Chapter 13: hhhdhfhfjfjcjjc HHHHhhhHhbdbd
JulyChans #6
Chapter 12: Omg, did not drama?, thank you for that, i love so much your story, it's very cute and special, i can't wait for the next chapter! :3
He17oAlice #7
Chapter 12: oh my JiHan feels ;; You can take your time author-nim! (This chapter didn't at all, childish Jeonghan is so adorable) Happy holidays! ^^
Exotics44 #8
Chapter 11: First of all, Happy Birthday!!
Secondly, ILY for including Jihoon.