My Twenties

Weeks went by and Joshua realized he had grown quite fond of his new friend from math class: Jeon Wonwoo.

In a brotherly way, the two were almost always together.  Joshua had found himself to be quite protective over the other and wanted to make sure he was always safe from harm.  The "too cool for school" younger friend tried to brush off Joshua's kindess but it was obvious he appreciated it greatly.  And although Wonwoo liked to keep up a front, his faint smiles were never ignored by the older.  And the two would laugh and share homework answers and everything was wonderful.

Jeonghan had also grown to care for the tree that was Kim Mingyu.  He had a cocky air about him but Jeonghan knew deep down inside the boy was just a big clumsy dork way too in love with his "non-boyfriend."  He liked to make Jeonghan laugh and Jeonghan appreciated him for that.

The time came when all four friends were comfortable enough for Mingyu and Wonwoo to be invited to sit with the great trio at lunch.  Seungcheol agreed he wanted to meet these new younger friends, insiting that he had been kept out of the loop.

When Mingyu and Wonwoo first started sitting at the table, things were a bit awkward.  Joshua and Jeonghan couldn't quite figure out why seeing as the two were practically dating, and were best friends with a couple who really were dating.  They supposed it was because Wonwoo had never met Jeonghan, and Mingyu had never met Joshua.  And both had never met Seungcheol, so the air was thick with nervous suspension.

Joshua, being the gentleman he is, was the first to break the silence.

"So how was everyone's day?"  Was all he had to say to get a smile from his boyfriend, and an initiated conversation. 

The group drabbled on for most of the period, until Seungcheol suddenly slumped in his seat.

"What's wrong with you?"  Jeonghan asked.  Seungcheol laughed.

"Look at you guys! You both have your own first year buddies and I feel like some 5th wheel."  He said.  He didn't seem to come across cold, but his ever-so-slight jealously had been rising the whole period and he couldn't really keep it in anymore.

"Hey now, don't be like that.  We're including you in everything it's not like we're trying to push you away."  Joshua said calmly.  He then added jokingly, "maybe find your own 'first year buddy' then."

"Well, that's not entirely impossible."  Mingyu spoke up.  The table looked at him with puzzled expressions.

"I have this new friend in my literature class and he's pretty shy; maybe if I invite him to hang out with us Seungcheol can become friends with him!"

"Wait a minute," Seungcheol butted in, "you are not setting me up for some "friend blind date" thing; I can get friends on my own."  He was half joking, half actually offended.  Jeonghan just scoffed and laughed.

"Ok so that means we totally have to do it then."  He gave a "try me" look to Seungcheol, who sighed in defeat.

"Fine, next time we hang out, Mingyu and Wonwoo can come, and they can bring their friend."  Seungcheol muttered.

Mingyu's expression brightened.

"Great, this weekend then!"


That weekend was a chilly one.  The group had decided on a movie and then going back to Jeonghan's house to hang out.

Heavier jackets were matched with Joshua's fingerless gloves, which laced into Jeonghan's bare, frozen hands.  The two walked hand in hand to the theater, arriving before the others.

Joshua kissed the other's hands and held them tightly between his own.

"Why didn't you wear gloves?  It's so cold out tonight."  Joshua gave him a worried expression.

Jeonghan shrugged, "I had no idea the weather would be like this.  Besides: I'm warming up now, I'm alright."  He gave Joshua a quick kiss on the cheek as a sign of reassurance.

Seungcheol showed up to the theater next, his cheeks rosy against his all black outfit and black leather jacket.  Soon the other couple showed up, with a third person trailing behind them.

"Everyone, this is our friend: Jihoon."  Mingyu announced.

The original trio turned their attention to the boy before them.  He was fairly short, with stunning eyes and a head of pastel hair.  He seemed kind, but reserved.  At least, that was the vibe that Joshua got from him.

"Hi Jihoon, it's nice to meet you!  I'm Jisoo but everyone here calls me Joshua; it's my American name!"  Joshua was the first to introduce himself.  Jeonghan couldn't help but look lovingly at his boyfriend.  Joshua was so confident and kind to new people it made his heart swell with proudness.

"My name is Jeonghan.  Jisoo and I are in a relationship together."  Jeonghan announced proudly squeezing the other's hand.  Jisoo.  Joshua hardly ever heard Jeonghan call him by his Korean name but when he did it made his heart beat like a hummingbird's wings.

"And I'm Seungcheol, it's nice to meet you."  Seungcheol cast his eyes down at the boy in front of him.  He seemed a little on the pouty side.  I'm supposed to become friends with him?  Seungcheol though.  He couldn't deny though, that little pout was kinda...cute?

"Nice to meet you too."  Was all Jihoon said.  His voice was smooth and slightly high-picthed.  It caught Seungcheol's attention very much so.

"Are you American then?"  He added, turning his attention to Joshua.

'Yep!  Born and raised in LA.  I'm pretty new to South Korea."  Joshua answered.  Jihoon merely nodded his reply.  After a few more minutes of the 6 boys standing around talking, the proceeded to watch their movie.

The movie consisted of the two couples cuddling and sneaking kisses, keeping everything PG.  Jihoon and Seungcheol had sat on the end together to avoid awkwardly interrupting any precious moments.

Seungcheol hated to admit it, but he snuck at few peeks at the new boy sitting beside him.  There was something almost mysterious about this kid, Jihoon.  He couldn't figure out what it was, but he figured that maybe the idea of becoming his friend didn't seem so bad after all.  At least the kid was good looking and not some dork  And he had a voice that Seungcheol knew he probably wouldn't mind listening to for just a little bit too long .

He caught himself, realizing the way he was thinking about the other boy wasn't normal at all.  Those thoughts were ones he had when he had crushes on girls.

This wasn't right at all.

"You ok?"  Jihoon whispered up at him.

Seungcheol hadn't realized his leg was violently shaking at his own nervous emotions.

"Just fine."


More talking among the group took place at Jeonghan's that night.  Jihoon still kept pretty quiet, but he obviously didn't mind being near Seungcheol, as the two slowly broke their uncomfortable silence and engaged in light conversation through the hours.  It was nice; the small talk didn't feel forced but rather a comfortable understanding between the two.  Seungcheol realized he was probably a little more excited to see Jihoon at school on Monday than he should be.

Soon enough (a little too soon for Seungcheol's liking) their night ended and the others had to go home, while Joshua was obviously invited to spend the night at Jeonghan's house, which he obviously agreed to.





Hey everyone!

Soo a LOT A LOT A LOT of you have requested Jicheol and I'm personally not a huge Jicheol shipper myself, but due to popular demand they'll be included in the story...but stay tuned to see what outcome their friendship has DUN DUN DUNNN!!!  Plus. I think having Jihoon in here can really benefit to the story and the direction I want to go with Seungcheol's character so stay tuned!

In other news, today was my birthday! And I'm officially oNLY 17 AND I ONLY GOT A FEW DOLLARS.

Ok bye...that was ugly.


Ok I need to gO

See you in the next chapter!!!

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Chapter 9: It's like reading a novel... Slow but great....
Chapter 13: I can't wait for the next chapter author-nim keep up the good work. Fighting! :)
JulyChans #3
Chapter 13: Omg, What did Seungcheol?, I hope that nothing bad, JiHan are love <3 They are super cute, thanks for update! :3
WAT #4
uglymeme #5
Chapter 13: hhhdhfhfjfjcjjc HHHHhhhHhbdbd
JulyChans #6
Chapter 12: Omg, did not drama?, thank you for that, i love so much your story, it's very cute and special, i can't wait for the next chapter! :3
He17oAlice #7
Chapter 12: oh my JiHan feels ;; You can take your time author-nim! (This chapter didn't at all, childish Jeonghan is so adorable) Happy holidays! ^^
Exotics44 #8
Chapter 11: First of all, Happy Birthday!!
Secondly, ILY for including Jihoon.