My Twenties

Joshua was almost positive there wasn't one thing on this green earth that Jeonghan wasn't talented at.

He could write amazing stories, draw beautiful pictures, sing and dance, and above all he had a glowing aura about him.  Joshua knew that the boy sitting next to him in art class was too good to be true, and his constant staring still didn't remind him that he was real.

"You should take a picture, it'll last longer."  Jeonghan teased not taking his eyes off of his canvas. 

"What?  I can't stare at my boyfriend?"  Joshua smiled.  Having a class like this with Jeonghan was the best thing that could have happened; it was laid back and creative, and they could just do whatever for 50 minutes.  Although they were surprised that they hadn't been kicked out of class yet for how much they talked.  But in the end they didn't really care because it was only the two of them in the entire universe.

"You can stare, but you have work to be getting done too."  Jeonghan said. 

"What are you going to paint?"  Joshua asked peering over his shoulder.

"No ideas yet."  Jeonghan replied and Joshua frowned.

"You always say that."

"Well it's true.  I'm the kind of person to just scribble down the first thing to come to mind without ever really having a plan. 9 times out of 10 I never go through with any of my original ideas."  Jeonghan stated.

He went back to his canvas and just aimlessly let his pencil flow and it mesmerized Joshua.  Jeonghan looked like a total hipster sitting there in his over-sized button down shirt with one earbud in and his hair in messy bun and Joshua loved everything about him.

Joshua smiled to himself and dipped his pinky finger in the dark blue paint next to him, leaning over to smear it across Jeonghan's nose.  The boy stared wide eyed at him in response and just smiled wide.  He laughed before repeating the same action on Joshua's cheek with a bright green, and the pair laughed in silence at their actions.

"I hate you for this."  Jeonghan chuckled.

"Sure, your laughter really relfects your true emotions."  Joshua laughed, rolling his eyes.  About 10 minutes passed by before Joshua decided he was too bored and deprived of picking on his boyfriend so he nudged Jeonghan to make his pencil squiggle on the canvas.

"Jisoo!"  Jeonghan called.  He wasn't exactly mad; just in disbelief that he was literally dating a 3 year old.  "You crossed the line this time."

"I'm sorry, it was just a joke."  Joshua laughed, helping him try to erase the minor marking, but Jeonghan wasn't having any of it.  He scribbled something down on a piece of paper and tossed it onto Joshua's desk.

You're getting the silent treatment 

"You're a baby."  Joshua laughed at Jeonghan.  Jeonghan, keeping his promise, simply cast his eyes away, failing to cover his obvious smile.


The walk home together from school wasn't any different as Jeonghan vowed to keep up with his childish promise.  He wasn't quite sure why he was doing it to begin with; he just knew he couldn't break character now but he hoped it wouldn't upset Joshua.  Jeonghan was strange like that, and beyond grateful that Joshua had the patience to put up with it.  Often times Jeonghan would pout when he wasn't really upset or pretend to cry when he wasn't even that sad and Joshua knew he was being melodramatic but he loved him just the same.  Maybe it was the extra flare it added to their relationship, or maybe it was simply Joshua loved every fiber of Jeonghan.  And Jeonghan was ok with either of those options.

It was friday, so Joshua assumed it would be ok to walk Jeonghan home like he does every weekend.  He didn't really need to ask, but still he almost felt as if he was imposing some higher privilege that was never really set in place: to be able to just come to Jeonghan's house whenever he felt like it made him feel strange.  

Jeonghan continued the thick silence until they got to his porch.  When he reached for his keys, Joshua grabbed his hands and made him stop.  They were silent before he finally spoke up.

"You're being a little silly you know?  It was just a joke in class...I'm not sure why you're keeping this up."  Joshua finally said, the annoyance in his voice showing a little more than he had hoped.  But he knew even if Jeonghan noticed he probably wouldn't care.  Hopefully.

Jeonghan finally cracked a smile and swiftly kissed Joshua on the lips, before darting inside of his house, almost hitting his boyfriend with the front door in the process. 

"What the-Jeonghan!!  Are you serious??"  Joshua shouted half actually mad and half laughing that he was dating an absolute idiot.  Jeonghan's pure laughter could be heard from inside the house and Joshua's heart lurched into his throat.  He hadn't realized how incredibly dependent he had become on that laugh, and not hearing it all afternoon felt like he had been depriving himself of precious medicine.

"Come here!"

Joshua practically ran inside, chasing after the other, the pair's laughter floating up to the ceiling.  Joshua captured Jeonghan in his arms and began to tickle the other.  Wild laughter escaped Jeonghan and he collapsed to the floor bringing Joshua down with him. 

It was strange, this situation.  Something the two had only ever really seen in movies.

Jeonghan lay on his back, his hair had come out of his bun and it lay strewn around him like crashing waves, and Joshua was on top, kneeling over him and if he just moved an inch or two closer they would be kissing again.

A strange situation indeed.

When Joshua finally realized this  his face burned bright red and he swiftly got up and away from Jeonghan who was merely smiling knowingly.

"Oh God!"  Joshua cried into his hands.  "I'm so sorry that was really embarrassing!"  Joshua refused to look anywhere but at Jeonghan.  He knew he was making a big deal out of nothing, but he had never been in a situation like that with the other before.  And he knew where things like that led.  Judging by Jeonghan's calm demeanor Joshua was beginning to think the latter hadn't minded it and now he didn't know what to feel; should he be even more embarrassed or feel bad because Jeonghan wanted it to go somewhere else.

He decided he just wasn't ready for that yet though no matter what.

"Hey, I'm sorry for ignoring you all day."  Jeonghan finally spoke reassuringly.  His words pierced through Joshua like pure sunlight and he lifted his head a bit, cheeks still dusted pink.

"And...um don't worry about what just happened ok?  Besides...you looked kind of good like that."  Jeonghan smirked, earning another light smack from Joshua.

"I officially hate you."

"You're a terrible liar."






I'm soo sorry I had a LOT going on in my personal life on top of suffering from major writer's block

this chapter I know but it may take a bit to get back in the swing of this story, and if you bear with me the next chapter will be more interesting I promise!!!  I'm also sorry if there are a ton of errors in this ahh i feel so bad rip

I just wanted to get back to my main Jihan roots that I started with ;__;

also merry christmas to those of you that celebrate it and happy holidays to those that don't!!!

see you in the next chapter!

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Chapter 9: It's like reading a novel... Slow but great....
Chapter 13: I can't wait for the next chapter author-nim keep up the good work. Fighting! :)
JulyChans #3
Chapter 13: Omg, What did Seungcheol?, I hope that nothing bad, JiHan are love <3 They are super cute, thanks for update! :3
WAT #4
uglymeme #5
Chapter 13: hhhdhfhfjfjcjjc HHHHhhhHhbdbd
JulyChans #6
Chapter 12: Omg, did not drama?, thank you for that, i love so much your story, it's very cute and special, i can't wait for the next chapter! :3
He17oAlice #7
Chapter 12: oh my JiHan feels ;; You can take your time author-nim! (This chapter didn't at all, childish Jeonghan is so adorable) Happy holidays! ^^
Exotics44 #8
Chapter 11: First of all, Happy Birthday!!
Secondly, ILY for including Jihoon.