My Twenties

It had been about 5 months since the pair's confession and Joshua couldn't be happier.  For him, Jeonghan was more than just a crush.  He was the first person that he felt he truly loved unconditionally, even though he was a boy.  Jeonghan's gender made no difference to Joshua because he loved him all the same.  In the time they had spent together in their non-official relationship, Joshua had learned so much about the other that it gave him 100 more reasons to be head over heels in love.

He learned that Jeonghan wasn't the biggest fan of candy, and he always knew what food to order him if they ate out.  He noticed that Jeonghan got sleepy very easily, and was always quick to doze off if they were watching a movie.  He noted how he pushed his hair behind his ears when he was concentrating, and how he covered his face with one hand when he was shy.  And he made Joshua's heart pound like a bass drum and that was probably his favorite thing.

The days were growing longer, along with Jeonghan's hair and Joshua's height.  The two were growing together.

They spent weekend days at each other's houses, blushing cheeks buried into chests, smiling widely.  They spent evenings together out eating or star gazing and everything was perfect.

Joshua knew he wanted to ask Jeonghan to officially be his.  Seungcheol was right; there was really no point in keeping it unofficial anymore.  Even though Joshua knew that Jeonghan was his without any question, he still felt the aching pain in his chest to say, "you see that guy over there?  That's my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend."  That word rang sweetly through Joshua's ears just like Jeonghan's laughter.


"Sleep over at my house tonight!"  Jeonghan proposed one day.  Joshua was flabbergasted.  In all their months of "friendship" they had never had one sleepover, and the two weren't sure why.  But now that Jeonghan was bringing it up, it made Joshua nervous.  He would be spending the night with his crush and he wasn't sure what to do or how to feel.

"...S-sure, why not?"  Joshua answered, his cheeks fading red.  He didn't have the heart to tell Jeonghan no, and he didn't really want to anyway.

Jeonghan rolled his eyes, "don't be so nervous we aren't going to do anything weird we haven't even kissed yet."  Jeonghan smacked his arm.  Joshua had to smile at that last part: yet.

That evening was a Friday, so after school Joshua went home to pack his things, and then right over to Jeonghan's house.  His parents greeted him kindly like always, not suspecting anything between the two, for Jeonghan had yet to tell them anything.  The boys spent the night watching TV, eating dinner, and telling stories; things they always did.

"Let's do something different."  Joshua suggested, making Jeonghan look up from his bowl of stew.  He had a noodle still hanging out of the corner of his mouth, making the two break into laughter.

"Like what?"  Jeonghan asked.

"I want to take a walk together: it's such a beautiful night!"  Joshua said.  Jeonghan glanced out the back window at the sky settling into hues of pastel orange and pink.

"Sure, we can do that."  Jeonghan smiled at him.  After eating the two set off.  Once they were out of sight of Jeonghan's house, the pair's hands flew to connect.  It was a natural thing for them at this point.  The boys walked in almost complete silence down the street, taking in the warm air and the sound of the other's breathing.  Joshua's hand felt warm in Jeonghan's and every once in a while he would give it a squeeze to let him know he was right there.  Sometimes when Jeonghan held Joshua's hand, Joshua never wanted to let go.

At the end of the road awaited a path, which took them to an open field on a hill, overlooking a part of the town in which they lived.  It was a place Joshua had never seen and he took in every breath-taking detail: on either side of the field were giant trees great for climbing.  There was a single bench that looked as if it could cave in any day.  And the grass was growing taller than their ankles, with wild flowers placed here and there.  It was peaceful and beautiful.

"This is beautiful: I should come back here to take pictures some day."  Joshua breathed out, glancing over at Jeonghan.  Their hands had parted, and Jeonghan was standing some distance away from Joshua, near the edge.  His eyes were closed, and the gentle breeze tossed his hair like sails.

He nodded his head yes in response, slowly opening his eyes.

"Did you know this is always where I come to write my stories?"  He stated calmly.  It wasn't really a question, but Joshua answered anyways.

"Is it because it's so peaceful?"

Jeonghan nodded again.  "This is my favorite spot.  No one ever comes here so it helps me clear my mind.  I like to watch the clouds and study the people below and feel at ease in my heart."  

He paused before adding, "I'm serious Joshua, I'm going to be a writer someday!  You wait, one day I'm going to have an entire book published!  Or maybe just a book of my poems...I'm not really sure.  But I'm going to be an author, it's going to happen."  Jeonghan breathed, approaching Joshua.  He had a glint in his eyes almost as bright as the sun.  He looked so determined and sure of himself it made Joshua's heart skip a beat.

"I believe you 100%.  I'm counting on that Yoon Jeonghan; don't let me down."  Joshua smirked, embracing the other.  They stood like that in each other's arms, feeling the golden sunset's rays fall onto their shoulders.

After an eternity, Joshua broke the silence.

"I want you to be my boyfriend."  He whispered.  Jeonghan's face burned such a deep shade of red he almost disappeared into the sky.  He didn't say anything for a long time, and when Joshua didn't recieve an answer, his voice grew shaky.

"I mean, it's just...we like each other and we practically act like a couple so...why not?"  He stated hesitantly.  

Jeonghan responded with a quick peck on Joshua's cheek.

"Took you long enough to ask me that."


That night, the two lay on Jeonghan's floor, sharing an oversized blanket.  Jeonghan had his head lazily turned toward Joshua, while Joshua gazed at the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling.

"Do you want to know when I started to like you?"  Jeonghan whispered in the darkness.  Joshua nodded.

"As you know, I'm attracted to both boys and girls.  In all my sixteen years of living I've only ever had a crush on one boy, and he was my neighbor about 4 years ago.  But he never knew I liked him, and that crush only lasted for a couple of weeks, and then he moved away and I moved on.  For so long I always told myself: if I ever met that one boy that's going to completely steal my heart, he's going to have the kindest eyes.  Well, that first day of school where you walked into our writing class, and we locked eyes as you headed for your seat, there they were: those kind eyes that I had been searching for." Jeonghan breathed.  Joshua chuckled quietly.

"You're crazy."  He said quietly.  He had a small smile on his face.

"I'm serious!"  Jeonghan lightly smacked his arm.  "After I took one look at you I told myself, 'he's alright.'  So naturally I wanted to get to know you more; hence why I talked to you that day.  You have no idea how nervous I was that day, no idea at all.  Sure you were the cutest thing ever, but as I got to know you I realized I seriously liked everything about you Joshua Hong.  Every little thing.  You were perfect, and I got pretty damn lucky that you ended up liking a loser like me back."

Joshua turned his head and Jeonghan had his face buried into his pillow.  His hair, now long enough to touch his shoulders, was strewn all around him in a mess.  Joshua reached over and gently pushed his hair behind his ear.

"I got pretty lucky that you fell for me, loser."  He smiled.  "I was brand new, didn't know anybody, and this totally nice and angelic boy decided to talk to me and make my knees weak, how lucky is that?"  He laughed.  "You're pretty, I'll give you that.  But you know something Jeonghan?  You have the purest heart of anybody I've ever met.  There's not one thing about you that I dislike, honestly.  Your love of writing, and your kindess for other people.  Your sharp observations and your passion for life.  You're awe inspiring to tell you the truth."  Joshua yawned out that last bit.  He smiled as he noticed Jeonghan's eyes slowly closing.

"Go to sleep loser."  Joshua laughed.

They fell asleep with their fingers intertwined under the blankets.






Hopefully this wasn't too fluffy and cheesy blehhh I just really wanted to write a beautiful chapter about their confessions and stuff idek?? /cries/

Anyway, school is kicking my right now I can't believe I even had time to write this.

If you're curious about the little field they were in I found a picture that describes a little bit of what I was imagining in my head!

(This picture is NOT mine credit goes to the original photographer!!!)

Have a wonderful day, see you in the next chapter!

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Chapter 9: It's like reading a novel... Slow but great....
Chapter 13: I can't wait for the next chapter author-nim keep up the good work. Fighting! :)
JulyChans #3
Chapter 13: Omg, What did Seungcheol?, I hope that nothing bad, JiHan are love <3 They are super cute, thanks for update! :3
WAT #4
uglymeme #5
Chapter 13: hhhdhfhfjfjcjjc HHHHhhhHhbdbd
JulyChans #6
Chapter 12: Omg, did not drama?, thank you for that, i love so much your story, it's very cute and special, i can't wait for the next chapter! :3
He17oAlice #7
Chapter 12: oh my JiHan feels ;; You can take your time author-nim! (This chapter didn't at all, childish Jeonghan is so adorable) Happy holidays! ^^
Exotics44 #8
Chapter 11: First of all, Happy Birthday!!
Secondly, ILY for including Jihoon.