My Twenties

Seungcheol buried a burning red face in his locker after leaving his friends after lunch.  He had tried to hide in his embarrassment and frustration all period and now it was flowing out.

"I hate you Hong Jisoo."  He mumbled kicking his locker.  It was bad enough that he felt confused about his uality all the time, and now he had people knowing about it when he wasn't ready.  He sighed and shook his head.  He knew it wasn't Joshua's fault and he shouldn't blame him; besides the three of them were already inseparable and Jeonghan was bound to found out eventually anyways.

"What am I going to do??"  Seungcheol thought to himself.  The words of Joshua still flowing through his mind: "so when are you going to get yourself a boyfriend?"

He slammed the door shut in frustration.  Maybe he didn't want a boyfriend!  Or...maybe he did.  Hell if he knew!  He wanted to cry and also punch something and also hold someone's hand and also eat a tub of ice cream.

He turned to the crowd of students sauntering through the halls, observing girls and thinking they were cute, and observing boys and thinking that they were pretty cute too.  

He shook his head again.

"Relationships are stupid anyways."


Jeonghan entered his next class which was history.  His head was down looking at his phone, trying to pick a song, when he rammed into someone rather tall.

"I'm so sorry!"  The figure voiced.  He turned around frantically at the stunned Jeonghan.

He's one of the boys from lunch, Jeonghan observed, noting the familiar face and styled hair.  The kid was a lot taller than he had originally made out.

"It's fine don't worry about it!  I was just shocked that's all."  Jeonghan laughed offering a hand, which the latter willingly shook.

"Jeonghan."  He stated.

"I'm Mingyu.  What grade are you in?"  Mingyu asked kindly.  So his name is Mingyu.

"I'm in my second year, how about yourself?"  He asked.

"Oh, you're my senior then; I'm just a first year."  Mingyu laughed awkwardly.

"No need to be awkward about it, you're pretty cool."  Jeonghan replied taking a seat.  He smiled to himself at the possibility of becoming friends with the boy.  He wondered if he should ask about his "friend" from lunch but decided it wouldn't be apropriate since they just met.

Instead he sat back in his chair and observed the tall boy.


"Hi there, my name is Jisoo."  Joshua introduced himself.  The boy with dark bangs had been sitting all alone since Joshua had entered his class and he dedcided to go talk to him afterwards.  "Everyone calls me Joshua though; you're welcome to do the same."  He smiled sweetly.

"Joshua...that's an interesting name."  The boy gave a weak response. 

"It's my American name."  Joshua said.  The boy nodded his head; he didn't seem to be very talkative.

"I'm Wonwoo."  He said plainly.  Joshua decided to take lead and stuck out a hand for the other to shake.  Wonwoo hesitantly accepted it.

Wonwoo I'm onto you, Joshua commented in his head.

"You must be new here, I don't think I've seen you around before, except for at lunch last period."  He urged on.  Wonwoo's eyes perked up just a bit.

"Oh you saw me at lunch?"  He said.  "And yes, I'm a first year."  He added.

"So do you like it?  Do you have any friends?"  Joshua was determined to find out if Wonwoo and the other boy actually were dating.  He was more curious than anything.  And above all, Wonwoo looked simply confused and scared by highschool, which Joshua understood the feeling of all too well.

"Yeah, I'm friends with someone from middle school."  He answered.  Joshua could have sworn he saw the faintest blush appear on the other's cheeks, but he dedcided not to push things anymore; he would find out soon enough.

"Well," he smiled, "now you know me too!  If you ever need anything come find me.  I hope we can be friends."  Joshua finished the introduction and headed for art with Jeonghan.  

He was of course completely unaware of the very similar events taking place on the other side of the building.


"I don't ever think I've seen you draw before."  Joshua commented, his eyes glued to Jeonghan's sketch book.  He could swear on his life and every star in the galaxy that there wasn't one thing Jeonghan wasn't good at.  It just gave Joshua more reasons to be completely in love with him.  Jeonghan liked the arts.  Like was even an understatement: he loved them.  When he wasn't writing a story or a poem, he was singing, or taking pictures along with Joshua.  And whenever the pair would watch a movie instead of enjoying it Jeonghan just had to analyze the entire thing.  The only way to shut him up was with Joshua's lips firmly against Jeonghan's.  And of course they never minded that.

And now apparently Jeonghan could draw as well and he was amazing at it.

"Shouldn't you be working on your drawing instead of checking me out?"  Jeonghan laughed at Joshua.  He sounded scarcastic but he still shyly tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and his cheeks were dusted pink as always.  It warmed Joshua's heart to know that after all this time he could still give Jeonghan butterflies and make him nervous.  He hoped that feeling never ever stopped.


"They're at it again."  Jeonghan commented a few days later at lunch.  Today Mingyu was poking Wonwoo's cheek, who was blushing furiously trying to push the other away.  But it was very obvious that they were weak attempts and he was forcing down a small smile.  His sweater-paws pushed gently at Mingyu and so of course the other just continued to bother him.

"You have a class with the tall one don't you?  Mingyu right?"  Joshua asked and Jeonghan nodded.  "And I have a class with Wonwoo..."

"Why do I feel like you two are going to make another bet?"  Seungcheol sighed, half laughing at his friends' antics.

"Oh come on when aren't we making bets?"  Jeonghan smirked.

"How about whoever can find out if they're dating first, wins."

"Deal."  The couple shook on it.

"What're you betting?"  Seungcheol asked, eyebrows raised.

Joshua and Jeonghan shrugged in unison, "bragging rights."  

"Let's not forget about that five bucks."  Joshua added smiling at Jeonghan.

"I hate you don't be cocky."  Jeonghan hit his arm, earning him a kiss on the cheek from Joshua in return.

"I swear you two were meant to be together."  Seungcheol shook his head in disbelief.


The following week was a series of organized chaotic events.  Both Jeonghan and Joshua were too nervous and afraid to directly ask either Mingyu or Wonwoo about their so-called "friendship."  And so the two anxiously attempted again and again, each hoping they wouldn't be the one to lose their bet.

But eventually their curiosity finally got the better of them and they cracked; unkowingly at the same time on the same day.

"Hello Wonwoo."  Joshua greeted him like always.

'Hey Joshua."  Wonwoo replied smiling.  He had really begun to open up to the older in the past couple of weeks and he liked him a lot.

"I think it's time I ask you something important."  He started.

"Go right ahead."  Wonwoo said.

"Well it's just that I see you with someone at lunch every day, I'm assuming this is your friend from middle school?"  Wonwoo slowly nodded and Joshua flashed him a smile.

"Good, good!  Well, it's just that...ah how do I put this?  You two seem really close like closer than close.  I was just wondering...and if this isn't how it is at all then I totally apologize...but are you two actually in a relationship?'  He finally finished.  Wonwoo's incredibly pale face started to blush and he breathed out.

"Well...not exactly."  He said softly.  "You have a boyfriend right?  So you get it.  It's hard being in a same- relationship in highschool especially as first years.  Mingyu and I have liked each other since the beginning of middle school when we first met.  We've already confessed to each other and it's pretty much like we're dating without the title.  We are really touchy I'll admit that, but we're just afraid of being open about our true feelings for each other in school you know?" 

Joshua nodded intently, "I completely understand."  He said.  "You sound a lot like Jeonghan and I when we first started dating to tell you the truth.  Listen Wonwoo, I know that it all feels really confusing and difficult right now, but I promise it will get better for you two.  And trust me, as long as the feelings are there, you don't need the title until you're absolutely ready.  Heck, Jeonghan and I didn't make it official until several months after our confession.  And I'm always here for you, don't forget that."  He added.

Wonwoo nodded his head and smiled at his older friend.  He appreciated Joshua's kind words and he wondered why the other was always so nice and supportive.

With that, Joshua waved his friend goodbye, and when he was out of sight, he nearly sprinted to art class.

God I hope I beat Jeonghan, he thought with a smirk.


"Hey Mingyu what's up?"  Jeonghan asked his friend entering his classroom.

Mingyu smiled, "nothing much, it's been a long day.  What's up with you?"  He asked in return.

"Same: nothing."  Jeonghan said.  "Hey can I ask you something?"

Jeonghan proceeded to ask Mingyu the same question and Mingyu proceeded to tell Jeonghan a pretty similar answer.  Except Mingyu's consisted more of "how freaking much he loved Wonwoo and he just wanted to be his boyfriend more than anything."  Yup, that sounded familiar to Jeonghan.

After Jeonghan's portion of advice, he bid his friend goodbye, running to the art room.

As he turned the hallway, he ran into someone and was shocked to find a Jisoo smashed against him, before the two fell to the floor.

"Oww..."  Joshua mumbled before he saw who it was, and his eyes widened.

"Why are you in such a rush hmm??"  He asked frantically.  The couple obviously knew why they were both practically ready to win a track race in order to get to art class first.

"Ok you caught me.  Take a deep breath, and we'll say it at the same time on the count of 3."  Jeonghan said.


"They're totally together!"




Hey! ~

This is one of the longest chapters I've written!!! Sorry??? (If it was too long let me know!!)

If you guessed Meanie as the mystery boys then DING DING you were right!! You win bragging rights haha.

This chapter was actually really fun to write haha I hope you all enjoyed it!  Sorry it was kind of all over the place but i originally intended that.

Anyways it's late and my arm is about to fall off.  Goodnight!!  Thank you as always for all of you sweet comments they make my day T-T <3

Seee you in the next chapter!

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Chapter 9: It's like reading a novel... Slow but great....
Chapter 13: I can't wait for the next chapter author-nim keep up the good work. Fighting! :)
JulyChans #3
Chapter 13: Omg, What did Seungcheol?, I hope that nothing bad, JiHan are love <3 They are super cute, thanks for update! :3
WAT #4
uglymeme #5
Chapter 13: hhhdhfhfjfjcjjc HHHHhhhHhbdbd
JulyChans #6
Chapter 12: Omg, did not drama?, thank you for that, i love so much your story, it's very cute and special, i can't wait for the next chapter! :3
He17oAlice #7
Chapter 12: oh my JiHan feels ;; You can take your time author-nim! (This chapter didn't at all, childish Jeonghan is so adorable) Happy holidays! ^^
Exotics44 #8
Chapter 11: First of all, Happy Birthday!!
Secondly, ILY for including Jihoon.