Qanda Blogs (75 blogs)

35 questions for AFF authors

By sourytears posted
Tags  personal   tag   exol   qanda   writerstag   authorstag 
With 26 views, 1 comments


By bacononapotato posted
With 201 views, 1 comments

q&a | 21 to 40

By antidote1401 posted
Tags  qanda 
With 4 votes, 1 subscribers, 301 views, 2 comments

35 questions

By bbbrdwngs82 posted
Tags  qanda 
With 2 votes, 51 views, 1 comments

q&a | 1 to 20

By antidote1401 posted
Tags  qanda 
With 4 votes, 276 views, 1 comments

35 (-1) questions for aff authors.

By antidote1401 posted
Tags  qanda 
With 1 votes, 176 views, 5 comments

new q&a!

By blueberry_muffin posted
Tags  qanda 
With 1 votes, 76 views, 1 comments

Just casually hopping on the bandwagon LOL

By Grackie posted
Tags  qanda 
With 1 votes, 1 subscribers, 75 views, 1 comments

That q&a everyone is doing bc who doesn't want to know more about me ofc uwu

By moonflakes posted
Tags  qanda 
With 75 views, 4 comments

Author Virtual Fanmeet? XD

By pandatypewriter posted
Tags  questions   authornim   qanda 
With 100 views, 4 comments

That Q and A (Stolen from Charlot1081)

By UltimateLockSmith posted
Tags  qanda 
With 100 views, 2 comments

Q & A

By Holland-K posted
Tags  whatisthis   someonehelp   qanda 
With 50 views, 1 comments

Q&A - Cuz everyone be doing this

By For_the_lolz posted
Tags  qanda 
With 175 views, 3 comments

35 Questions For Writers (also, GUESS WHO'S BAAACCCKKKK?)

By hahahaharlequin posted
Tags  qanda 
With 75 views, 1 comments

Music Shuffle Q&A ... Just for fun

By Annolibia posted
Tags  qanda 
With 150 views, 1 comments

tag game(?)

By sunflowerpots posted
Tags  qanda 
With 50 views, 1 comments

47 questions

By sunflowerpots posted
Tags  qanda 
With 125 views, 3 comments

Thanks, Hyoro (tagging Brat(Ashley), Izan, who hasn't been effing tagged. Whomever reads this ty blog.)

By Askyourdad-DO posted
Tags  qanda 
With 125 views, 3 comments

35 Questions For AFF Authors

By sunflowerpots posted
Tags  qanda 
With 100 views

65 Questions You Aren't Used to Answering

By sunflowerpots posted
Tags  qanda 
With 125 views, 5 comments

65 Questions You Aren't Used to Answering

By Kuud3r3Baka posted
Tags  qanda 
With 150 views

Answering a Q & A for Authors

By sunflowerpots posted
Tags  qanda 
With 325 views, 4 comments

Do Your Worst tag [stolen from favourgrace] - Jut so you guys know, I'm still alive... :D

By Eunhaemode posted
Tags  tags   qanda 
With 250 views, 3 comments

65 Questions You Aren't Used To

By Skytime posted
Tags  questions   qanda   answering 
With 75 views

Questions and Answers

By CrystiLynn posted
Tags  qanda 
With 75 views

40 Questions for Writers [Stolen from TypicalAuthornim]

By Skytime posted
Tags  survey   author   writers   qanda   questions4writers 
With 75 views

Q&A Replies ^_^

By got7forever posted
Tags  qanda 
With 50 views, 4 comments


By Skytime posted
Tags  aboutme   tagged   qanda 
With 100 views, 3 comments

Kpop Q&A | Stolen From kyungslay

By HeadToToesLoveDrafts posted
Tags  qanda 
With 50 views, 2 comments

Answering a Q and A

By sunflowerpots posted
Tags  qanda 
With 100 views, 2 comments


By inspiritxbaby posted
Tags  qanda   inspiritxbaby   tmitag 
With 2 comments

Q&A 2

By loviet posted
Tags  questions   rulesofdeduction   qanda 
With 2925 views, 20 comments

Ideal Type(stolen)

By AlisCookieMonster posted
Tags  qanda 

Q&A ( Let's Play This Game )

By xue_hua_ posted
Tags  ooc   mark   got7   qanda 
With 1 comments

I'm Sorry

By music101 posted
Tags  qanda 


By music101 posted
Tags  qanda 
With 3 comments

Q&A (stolen as always)

By xiuminseokkie posted
Tags  qanda 
With 1 comments

'Teenage Hell' Q & A type thing...

By lexxybaby posted
Tags  questions   qanda   teenagehell 

Ask Raini: The Sequel

By MusicLover7901 posted
Tags  random   qanda 
With 25 views, 1 comments

Questions Anybody?

By kpopbacon posted
Tags  kpop   bored   questions   randomness   qanda 
With 4 comments

Tagged by falliblefantasy

By cassjaerinmiyasha posted
Tags  tagged   qanda 
With 25 views, 1 comments

Tagged by Champions27

By cassjaerinmiyasha posted
Tags  tagged   qanda 
With 125 views

Tagged by Shinee1762

By jiyeon94 posted
Tags  qanda 
With 75 views, 2 comments

omg, I've been tagged again.

By LucyIncredible posted
Tags  game   tagging   qanda 

Ask Me Anything!!

By SosoHappy posted
Tags  personal   qanda 
With 25 views, 2 comments

Q and A's

By un_holy_confessions posted
Tags  qanda 
With 25 views, 1 comments

What if?

By stick_oLoveEXO posted
Tags  qanda 
With 75 views, 7 comments

Q&A: (≧∇≦*)

By cammie_san posted
Tags  blockb   kpop   board   beep   bop   qanda   stupidblog 
With 25 views, 2 comments

Q & A ANSWERS^^ Since no one asked, T___T, I only have three TTT____TTT (Updated)

By princess_kim posted
Tags  qanda 
With 25 views, 2 comments

Random Questionnaire #3

By kekkle posted
Tags  qanda 
With 1 comments

Random Questionnaire #3

By kekkle posted
Tags  qanda 
With 25 views

If You Ever...What Would Do?

By LeeByunHunx215 posted
Tags  qanda