Random Questionnaire #3


Might as well ...


1. Who is your OTP?

HanChul. Don't be too surprised.

My BAP OTPs change all the time, but I get HanChul all the time. Everytime.

The feels are amazing. 



2. Would you top or bottom?


Leave that to you to find out ;]

jkjkjkjk man.

Depends who I'm with but;;;

Probs bottom.


3. Favorite line you've written?


This is a teeny bit concieted....

And I've written many many things.

Nope, not gonna answer that.


4. Your favourite Korean model/ullzzang?

Lee Hyun Jae.

My future husband. js.


5. Your dream job?

I've always wanted to translate professionally.

Bet you guys didn't know English isn't my first language,, huh? huh?

I really tried hard at English in school T.T"

I wanted to be a pilot for quite a while but that dream is dead.


6. Would you like to Live in South Korea?

Why ever not?


7. Pets?

None :(


8. Do you feel happy?

Most of the time yes.



9. Is your username good for you?


It symbolises everything I am.



10. How have Koreans affected your life?

Erm, it's not Koreans in general. It's more K-pop/K-indie and K-fashion I guess.

  • The way I dress, the words I say - they are the things that've changed the most.
  • My vocabulary omg. Cannot even begin to tell you the words I've learnt.
  • Fanfics! I used to write, but never fanfics before the whole Korea thing.
  • And I've started the random laughing thing. 

If I watch a Korean Reality TV Show, I'll remember something hilarious at totally inappropriate times and start sniggering. And then laughing, and choking and crying.

  • I've turned weird :l


My boyfriend says I'm cuter than I was four/five years ago so ~ :]

Maybe that's the upside.


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