q&a | 1 to 20

the first part of 'q&a with julien' series! thank you for the interesting questions and the affection.




1. what is your most cherished childhood memory?

i refused to go to the kindergarten because it was boring, and dad said he would let me skip it if i could take three spanks from him. i took the first, and was all like "HOLD ON GIVE ME SOME TIME FOR THIS PAIN TO SUBSIDE BEFORE YOU GO ON" and it made him so mad he hit me extra harshly with the second so i stopped with that thought, and it worked. who knows where i would be now if i was allowed to skip classes whenever i wanted?


2. What’s your type? Or what do you look for in somebody?

i don't have an ideal type. what i look for isn't specific either, as i'm generally attracted to intelligence and subtle manners. but the most important would be our understanding towards each other.


3. How do you find the time to write/update so many fics? It's honestly so impressive.

now that you mentioned it... it's almost a year and i have posted 21 stories. app. 2 per month.i have no idea how but i'm sure there are people who are much more productive!


4. What do you appreciate in a person? i.e. values, physical appearances, personality, skills, and/or IQ.

for the first meeting, i would like them to look neat and presentable enough? first impressions last forever.

subsequently, i will pay more attention to personality. then intelligence. even though i'm heavily inclined to sapiouality, it's kinda a turn-off to converse with an arrogant snot even if they might be smart. a soft, tender person who is willing to learn and improve seems a lot better.

skills are a bonus!

i like to look at the eyes and the hands of a person.


5. Would u ever agree to do a fan meet with your readers???

are you asking the wrong person because... who would cross thousands miles just to see an amateur writer, haha.


6. Which do you cherish more: comments or upvotes?

every author prefers comments, i guess, but upvoting seem to be a lot easier, no? you just gotta click. for decent comments, you have to think and type and all that jazz.


7. What makes you feel uneasy? Overwhelmed? Anxious?

crowds make me feel really overwhelmed and anxious.


8. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had?

it was rather scary too. i saw a younger me wandering around with my bff, and we kept getting lost even though we have been living in the area since forever. then we walked through a gate and it felt like we entered a different world. there were animal bodies on the ground, bloody and gory, but the people there claimed to not see anything and said we were out of our mind.

i planned to bring it into one of my fics. haha.


9. Can you remember a time in your life you felt the most alive? Tell me everything about that memory.

it was when i had done the university entrance exams, and was scared i would fail because the letter with my result and acceptance never came. and dad gave me a ride around the largest lake in our city. we then paused at a corner without passersby, and he told me not to stress myself over anything, because he would always be proud of me.


10. Have you ever been in love? Tell me about the times you have been.

there were only two relationships that drove me the very top and threw me to the rock bottom.

the first was a guy. a friend of friend. and we got along so easily i believe i would never experience anything like this again. if you love my stories so much, you can spend a moment thanking this guy! he is a foreigner and i tried to improve my english for better communication with him.

the second was a girl. we knew each other through role-playing, and it just escalated from there. i had a lot of effects on her, she said i helped her get over the obsessions haunting her and i felt so. her mental state got better, her grades got better, her social skills got better.

somehow, i always wanted my space back and it was how the relationships ended.


11. Have you ever been unable to sleep? What do you do with your time then?

it's difficult for me to fall asleep most of the times. i often listen to music and read something nice until sleep finds me. or call a friend oversea and bask in the comfortable silence. or just hell with it and go out for a walk.


12. What quote resonates with you more than any other?

“i consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose. a fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of other things, so that he has a difficulty in laying his hands upon it. now the skillful workman is very careful indeed as to what he takes into his brain-attic. he will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work, but of these he has a large assortment, and all in the most perfect order. it is a mistake to think that that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent. depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. it is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones.”

― arthur conan doyle, a study in scarlet


13. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?

very warm. not only my childhood was happier than most others', my current life still is. if there is anything i can't tell my parents, i won't ever let anyone know. that's how close we are. they don't judge me, they don't force me, they don't tell me what to do. imagine yourself typing all this and your parents peeking in "i think this isn't right, honey, how about you put it this way..." - that's how open-minded they are.

and i have a baby brother who is more important than anything to me. unlike me, he is all soft and pure.


14. Do you prefer dating just one person and see where it goes or dating multiple people until you make a decision?

it's not about my preference, i simply can't divide my attention and distribute it to more than one person.


15. Did you ever judge someone for the dark secrets they told you?

i usually figure parts of it out before they tell me, so no. if i don't want to listen, i wouldn't let them spill it in the first place.


16. What do you do when you’re angry?

i insult everything i see. what a bad habit.


17. What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you?

for acquaintances; they think i'm tender and quiet, but i simply don't give a damn about them.

for friends; they think i'm hot-tempered, but i actually only get angry when someone does my friends dirty.


18. What was your favorite subject in school?



19. What did your past relationship teach you?

do not give them a second chance when they practically throw the first into the trash can.


20. hi there you suggested doctor phil so... what do you think of young ones being taken advantage of? I want to get revenge sometimes but knowing he's my cousin makes it hard... :(

this type of questions is a little hard for me, my dear, because i'm stronger than most people i have known. i would always tell you to fight. even if he is your sibling. don't ever let someone take advantage of you. same goes for bullies at school, if you think they will stop when they get bored, you are 100% wrong. when they get bored, they will come up with more terrible ideas, and it will never stop. don't isolate yourself from people around you. and if they can't help you, you always have yourself to count on.


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Lol, no. 16--same.. Tsk, tsk, tsk.. Hahahahaahahahah!!