Tagged by falliblefantasy

The Rules:
1: Post the rules.
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones.
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post.
4: Let them know you've tagged them.


01  What season/ weather is it for you now? What's beautiful about it?

It's actually the start of the monsoon season here. Been raining the past couple of days and well, it's beautiful because a weather like this really tends to make one emotional and that's both a good and bad thing. Mainly good because emotions are what triggers our inner self reflection. (:

02  Have you ever wished to step into the shoes of someone else and experience his/ her life just for a little bit? If so, who and why?

Well, yes. I'd love to experience life as a guy in general because it'll be really interesting to see what's on their mind because they always seem so carefree unlike us girls who has problems on almost anything haha.

03  Do you prefer to have many friends or a few very close friends?

I prefer to have a few close friends because then I can get to know people on a more intimate and personal level rather than just hi and byes.

04  "Do things right or do the right thing" - What's your take on this?

To do the right thing is to do something that society expects of us. It may not necessarily be the "right" thing but it feels right because it is what society deems as acceptable. As humans, we are flawed so we tend to want to please others by doing the right thing but since we're flawed, we may not always do the "right" thing.

To do things right means to put an effort into whatever it is you're doing and that is honestly more important than the outcome of the situation. Effort, to me, says alot on whether one really wants to do something or not. 

HAHA. that was deep. sorry.

05  How many languages can you speak and what are they? Can you write something encouraging/ inspirational in each of those languages? 

If we're talking fluently, I'd say two; English and Malay. I can speak conversational Chinese on most parts but I can't read nor write >< and maybe some Hokkien slang and incomplete Korean/Japanese sentences here and there hahaha.

Something encouraging?

Never lose faith no matter how ridiculous things might be. Always be confident of your ownself and always remember that happy endings do exist but that it just takes time.

I'll just write it in English heh.

06  What is Kpop to you?

KPOP is a way of life. (so cheesy and unoriginal I know)

It's sheer music at the first listen, catchy eyecandies when we watch the videos, inspiring lyrics when we make an effort to learn and finally a message that says if we work hard enough, we will be where we always want to be, with a little bit of luck.So in all, KPOP is inspiring but it's the same as any other type of genres out there. It just happen to have a special place in my heart because I've grown too attached to it having hearing it for most parts of my life.

07  Do you believe in fate/ destiny? Why?

Yes but not that much.

I believe that our decisions affects what we deem is a fate or destiny.

For an example, the guy over at that corner may be your one true soul mate, but if neither one of you makes the effort to say hi then that fate or destiny wouldnt exist would it?

08  Recommend your favourite fanfic.

A little weird to recommend this here, but it's not exactly a KPOP based fanfic. It's actually a Vampire Diaries fanfic and it's wonderful because it is okay. These three characters have such unexplored chemistry on the show and the writers don't do justice to them unlike the author here.

The story is a subliminal message about true love and fated love. Sure it may seem the same but it's not haha. It feautures Klaus, Kol and Caroline if anyone is ever interested (:


And if we're talking kpop fanfics then it's definitely anterograde tomorrow. Not even a KaiSoo shipper but that story brought tears to my eyes.

09  What's your favourite hang-out? And what's your favourite eating place? (Would love it if you can recommend me places to go in any country ^^)

Home is my favourite hang-out hahahahhaha. But if we're talking real places (not that home is not), then I really love Karaoke bars haha. It's good to destress by singing and eating chips.

Favourite eating place is MacDonalds. No joke, I swear. But there's also this restaurant called Breeks in Singapore that sells really great food and I also like a restaurant called Swensens because the food is good and affordable for college students like me haha.

10  What's your dream job? Are you studying to become that now/ are you doing that job now?

My dream job is to be an agent, like those CIA agents.

I'm in no way to be a future agent but in fact, I'm studying events management and tourism and hospitality thingys. The Hospitality line is my second interest so yes, I think I am doing what I want to do now added with the fact that my internship is at a really cool place hahah.

11  You're all blessed and loved <3 Do you spread the love and bring joy to others (friends, family, or even the less fortunate)? 

Ahhh. This seems like I'm boating but I actually do that. I tend to surprise people by buying them food unexpectedly and I always donate whatever I can whenever I'm approached by people for donations. Also, I tend to like to do Christmas Giveaways on tumblr because it's always great to see fans in general so happy to be able to receive their favourite artists albums. It's kinda encouraging at the same time too.

And that's it! Haha. I won't be tagging anyone but as per usual, the questions are the same if anyone wants to do it. This had been fun to do and I realise my answers may seem a little deep than I thought. Sorry about that! ><

Till' another time!


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Thanks for taking time to answer all those 11 questions <3
And yes, monsoon season, though the weather's a little erratic at the moment don't you think?
I honestly love that quote you gave and I love how you explain what Kpop means to you because I think of it the same way :) It's nice to see someone else sharing the same views, since I'm pretty sure quite a few people take kpop (or any other music) at "surface level" if you know what I mean.
Oh cool dream job you have there ;D haha. Where are you interning?
Heh no worries about boasting since you've really done a fair bit for society :) It's getting rarer, such generosity I mean. We should keep this spirit alive though! (sounding cheesy and cliched but whatever)
Anyhow, nice to get to know you better through this! ^^