Q&A - Cuz everyone be doing this

I saw soo many blogs about this so I thought, hey, why not? Tbh, I dont even know where these questions came form but I'll do it for the lolz (kudos to you if you got that ;)

Are you named after anyone?

...No? I'm actually named after a feeling --" My name in my native language means "joy"

When was the last time you cried?

Legit just now-out of frustration *starts raging* 

ok but to be fair the last time I cried before that was pretty long ago--freakin Kdramas be hitting me with those feels TT

Do you have Kids?

If I was pregnant at 15 my mom would woop my

If you were another person would you be friends with yourself?

hELL YEA---but not after thanking my friends for dealing with me all this time ^^

Do you use sarcasm alot?

No, I would never! I am the most sTrAigHt fOrwArd person there is :P

What's the first thing you notice about people?

How they present themselves-clothing, make up, shoes, accessories...and body shape (in the least erted way, I'm innocent I swear!) I often compare myself to others because my mom always tells me I need to lose weight. Personally I think I'm a healthy weight but that all resets when my mom points it out again -.-"

What is your eye colour?

A very boring brown

Scary movie or happy ending?

TBVH, I'm ok with both! I recently found out that I really do enjoy watching horror movies and just laugh off the scares I got while watching. ALl happy endings are too cliche sometimes y'know?

Favourite smells?

I've honestly never thought about this before...

I guess I really like lavender lilac scented soap. (Herbal Essences kshbrfgoaieruhf) I legit melt at the smell of crepes *starts drooling* and I also like minty or strawberry things....I suppose the scent of rain as well but idk...sometimes I like it sometimes I don't

What's the furthest you've been from home?

With my family - literally halfway around the earth

Without family - What's the distance from Canada to Mexico?

Do you have any special talents?

I can pick up instruments pretty easily, I can play the Flute (BLOW IT LIKE A FLUTE ok no) and the Piano pretty well and I know the basics to many other instruments too. I'm mish at drawing, better at designing (if you know what I mean) but if you ask me to make anything look realistic--BOOM chibi ends up in your face.

What are your Hobbies?

Dancing-or at least trying to- sleep, eat, kpop, fanfics, anime, photography, kpop, sleep, hangin out wit ma broskis AYO (idk if that counts), contemplating my life decisions, regretting my life decisions, becoming even more broke than I already am, sleep, fanfics-oh and writing too but I'm such an amature lmao

Do you have any pets?

I have a loooong history with pets...Countless fish, 3 hamsters at once--btw 2 of them had kids twice sooooooo Hamter party!!-- a bunny and I currently have a doggo :3

Do you have any siblings?

A lil devil of a sister. she's 10 and 10/10 an annoying kid (still luv her doe)

What do you want to be when you grow up?

eoruhfkljerfnourh the questions in which I cannot answer... I genuinley love photography but I don't think thats something that I can go into

I'm thinking into the movie biz? Not as an actor (hell no) but part of production

pOssibly into the medical field, but I don't have good enough work ethics for all those years of school *Shrugs*

Who was your first best friend?

Before I moved to a different country I had 2 other girls living in the same condo. The other 2 always seemed closer than they were to me but I enjoyed every moment with them^^ (geez I;ve had so many people I THOUGHT I could be close with but it just never worked out...now the person I felt most awkward with at first is my best friend XD she great tho)

How tall are you?

....165cm around?     5"5?     5"4?     idek

Funniest moment through out highschool?

This ones a hard one- theres so many and I have a horrific memory...

When we went to New York for a trip and I got locked out of my hotel room -.- so I went to my friends room to copy down the bee movie script in her notebook moohahaha

Seeing my teacher dye his hair blue--It was to encourage people to donate hair and also to become a kpop star ><

honestly, any day I spend with my group of friends might look crazy to some one else... (the examples were bad but i legit cant describe one specific moment...THERE MUST BE MORE)

How many countries have you visited?

Canada, America, Mexico, China, went on a cruise to the Bahamas :3


What was your favourite/worst subject in high school?

Favourite is most definetely music (instrumental) my worst is probably history...*mutters under breath* in history >:T

Favourite Animal? Drink? Perfume?

Owls/Foxes/anything cute


I don't use perfume so I guess people are just gonna smell the scent of my lotion

What would you (or have you) name yout children?

Too early to be thinking about this but I'e always like names like 'Joy' , 'Jasmine' , 'Lilly' (only girl names what the heck)

tbh I dont even know if I want children

What sports do you play/ have played?

I consider myself a pretty lazy person--but I love ultimate frisbee and badminton (volleyball too)

What are some of your favourite youtubers?

Domics, NigaHiga, Liza Koshy, Literally any kpop youtubers, dont usually subscribe just search up random vids

What is your uality?

This girl here has been a single pringle her whole life but she would say she is as straight as her straight forward personality.

(Yea Im straight) 

Favourite memory from childhood?

Being pampered (I miss those days ;-;)

How would you describe your fashion sense?

Hand-me-downs from my cousins ayoooooooooo 


a hell lotta hoodies


I dont dress like a basic white girl but I also don't dress like a FOB... idk

What phone do you have?

iPhone 6s ( in my opinion the best model before things started kinda going downhill) But samsung is better I think

Tell us one of your bad habits?

Fidgeting, my hands are rarely still

Too much time on my phone


splits my split ends-playing with my hair

writes on my arms (ok but in my defense I use it for really important reminders...you can lose a sheet of paper, an agenda or your phone but you can't lose your arm!)




That was a lot more questions than I expected........


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hatsune_asuna #2
Aye. Read this and talk to u is a different thing XD. Dunno why i'm giggling so much.