Chapter 9

Love Quest

A/N: Merry Christmas to all the readers!!


AhYoung P.O.V

I close the door of the car “Kamsanida” I bow down,

TaeYang car start to go.
I turn around and try to search the key of my house,

“Where is it?” I scramble my bag,

I sit down on the pave and throw everything out from my bag,

“” I forgot the key... again.

I take my phone and call SeungHyeon, he still didn’t answer
I guess he’s having so much fun with JiYong.
I sit there packing my bag thinking of waiting for SeungHyeon.
After a few hours trying to call SeungHyeon,
he still didn’t answer,
I kept blaming myself not to bring the key with me.

There’s more than 10 mosquitoes bites on my leg and arm

and I'm really irritated right now.
Miracle start to happen, SeungHyeon finally answer his phone

“SeungHyeon! Where are you?!” I shout

“I’m JiYong. SeungHyeon is beside me, he’s drunk”

“What? So will you bring him home?”

“Only if you kiss me”

here comes the annoying part

“Ok” I sound a little hesitant.

He hang up. I left a deep sigh
stupidSeungHyeon, why do he have to get drunk, at least later he have to puke on JiYong’s car.
I lean on the door and without realizing I start my eyes closing and come into a deep sleep.


JiYong P.O.V

“Ya you! Take SeungHyeon to my car” I shout

he bow down and circle SeungHyeon arm on his shoulder
I open his phone and see the photo of him and AhYoung smiling on the background,
Without realizing it, a smile broke from my lips, then someone tap my back

“Sir JiYong, SeungHyeon is going crazy, he kept honking” he say

I laugh and get out from the club.
SeungHyeon is laughing non-stop and keep stomping his feet,
I shake my head and go to my car to start the car.
I stop in front of AhYoung, it’s a luck that he didn’t puke in my car
I don’t want my car to have puke smell.
I bring SeungHyeon to his house,
my steps stop when I see AhYoung sleeping silently in front of the door.
I lean SeungHyeon on the wall,
I shake her up, slowly she open her eyes and scratch it gently.
It take only a few second for her to realize that I’m beside her,

her eyes open widely and move away from me “JiYong!” she stand up

she look back from me to SeungHyeon that is leaning on the wall,

“What are you doing outside?” I ask

“I forgot to bring my key” she answer searching for keys in SeungHyeon pocket

“So you wait for SeungHyeon?” I ask her again

she reply me with a nod “Ah...”her face brighten when she found the key.

Quickly she open the door with the key and press down the handle

“Finally” she smile with relieve,

her maid welcome her with a smile and changes to confuse look

AhYoung freeze with a stupid look “I forgot that my maid has come back from her holiday” she hit her head

I laugh a little “Babo!”

I support SeungHyeon and bring him in.

Only a few steps I enter the house, I heard and felt unpleasant thing
I look down on my shirt, ...SeungHyeon just puke on me

“ you SeungHyeon!” I let go of him, it takes 2 maids to grab SeungHyeon,

AhYoung giggle “What are you laughing at?” I shout

she stop laughing “Nothing” she turn to the maid “Can you put SeungHyeon on his room?” she ask

They both nod and bring him up, they look trouble bringing SeungHyeon to the room.

“Do you want to change your clothes?” AhYoung still looking back at me

“Of course I want to, this stink” I answer with surprise,

what’s gotten into her, she’s actually acting nice.

She bring me to her room

“Wait here” she told me and walk outside.

I stand there don’t know what she’ll do,

looking around her room, there’s many frame with photo of her and there’s also a cupboard full of trophy,
I look all the trophy, it’s all a Piano competition awards.
Finally she come back with a hoodie on her hand,

“Here, I take it from SeungHyeon’s” she put the hoodie on her bed

“Ooh” I open my shirt

“The bathroom is over...” she turn around look at me “Can you change in the bathroom instead?” she shout.

“I change wherever I like” I ignore her, she turn back, waiting for me to finish,

I put in the hoodie and look at her, walk closer to her and hug her

“I think you owe me a kiss” I whisper on her ears

her face got red, suddenly she push me out from the room “Go home!” she shout behind the door
I smile, it always fun to play with her,
I walk out from her house and get home with my car.


AhYoung P.O.V

My alarm ring loudly, it’s weird that today I wake up early,
But maybe it’s the cause of the last day of school!
I quickly brush my teeth and change to my uniform, pull my bags and get down.

“SeungHyeon! Do you know?! Today is the LAST DAY of school!” I say in front of his face

he push my face aside,

“Yeah I know, and tomorrow we start our Christmas holiday” he say plainly.

I hit his back hard “Come on! You should be happier, nothing is better than HOLIDAY!!”

I finish my breakfast quickly and pull his hand

“Let’s go!”

I pull SeungHyeon arm and he follow me with bored face.

I kept listening to Christmas song on the way and sing it a long,
SeungHyeon look at me, a smile slowly appear on his face

“I thought you’re going to be depressed this morning” he say

I look at him confused

“Why should I depress? Today is the happiest day in this month!”

I raise my hand up and wave it

“So, you really waiting for this day?” he ask again

I nod very hard several times,
I don’t even care if it’s going to get separated from my head.

“So, you finish packing?” he ask looking at the road

“Why? Will we go somewhere?” I lowered my hand

“Where?! Is it part of Europe?”

SeungHyeon look at me with a shock look

“You forgot that you’ll stay in JiYong’s house?” he look at me straight

“Since when...” I suddenly remember

What I had promised to him in YuRi’s house.
I sunk on the chair, losing all my holiday spirit,
all because of that JiYong’s fault

“My perfect’s ruin”

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol