Chapter 38

Love Quest

AhYoung P.O.V

Another day, another school.
Why do we need to go to school 5 time are heartless, they hurt our mind and soul.

I get out of my bed, mess my hair,walk to my closet and change to my uniform.Then walk down the stair to get my breakfast, a toast and strawberry jam.

"Where are you going with that look?" SeungHyeon smile while eating his breakfast

"School, where else?" I answer with a 'duh' look, I take a toast off the plate,

"Like that?" he ask again

"Yeah, should I wear a underwear instead?" I ask sarcastically, taking a bite of the toast,

he just throw a smile "Nevermind" he took another bite off his toast.

"I'm going." I stand up from my seat and walk out.

SeungHyeon got a morning madness, I walk out of the house with a toast in my mouth.

I realize that everyone is looking at me on the way to the bus stop, It's not that I hate getting attention, but they're looking at me with a weird look, which is really uncomfortable.

Then a car start to honk at me, I kept walking ignoring the noisy car honk, but it just won't stop, I'm walking on the pedestrian road. I walk faster, but it kept on honking.

I turn around "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shout and see JiYong inside his fancy car,

not surprise why he honk.

"What the hell is wrong with your hair, your hairdryer blow up?" he ask

"What is wrong hair..." I touch my hair,

and get the feeling that a bird nest was on my head. I take a look at myself in JiYong's car mirror, my hair is completely RUIN!  A bird can seriously hang and live on it.

"So embarassing" I try to comb it with my hair, but some hair got stuck and won't go straight.

"Come in." he called

"Why should I?" I ask suspiciously

"I don't want people to see I'm talking to a hobo."

"Don't talk to me then." I walk away, still trying to comb my hair with my fingers

but JiYong follow me with his car,

"I'll get out and kiss you in public if you didn't come in."

I look at him "You don't think I'm that dumb right?"

"Yes I did." he answer lightly

I want to go mad at him but I ran instead, I knew that car is faster than me but I still can try.

I arrive at the bus stop and just saw the bus left, I really want to chace the bus but I ran out of breath already,
it's all because of HIM! JiYong!

It's like he know eveyrthing his car is right beside me,

"Miss the bus huh? Bad luck?"

'NO IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU I MISS THE BUS! ERT HEADED MORON!' I seriously wanna shout that words on his face, but I kept on breathing and just stare at him.

"Don't you wanna take a ride with me now?"

I take me a while, but then I nod

"But you gotta say 'please let me in my wonderful master JiYong."

"I...wouldn't..." I say, still taking a deep breath from all that running,

"Then I won't drive you to school." he said

I stay silent for a while and stare at him with the 'grudge' look,

"Please....let" I pause "my wonderful master JiYong." I say in a low volume biting my lips

"Good." he rub my head "Now get in."

I walk slowly to the other side and went into the car.


I finally arrive safely in school, got no punishment but JiYong appearance there made some girls go crazy over him, and made YuRi go crazy asking me question.

"What happen in the car? Did you guys kiss? Or....something else happen?" she ask

"I told you nothing happen! I just sit there, staying still!" I repeat it for a hundred time

she look at me with a 'no way' look "There must be something else happening."

"How many times should I told you that nothing else happen?!" I repeat it once again.

The teacher then came into the class, stop our conversation, and start with history. Ugh.

5 minutes had passed but I can't stand history class, it's boring. At that moment somebody knock on the door.
It's SeungRi.
Some girls start to squeal and can't take their eyes over him. He suddenly turn his head to me,

"AhYoung you can go." the teacher said,

'Yes!' I would say that out loud but the girls jealousy stare just made my mouth shout.

I went out the class and walk to the music room with SeungRi,

"What is it?" I ask him

"I ask permission to give you some practise time."

"But it's still 3 weeks away."

"3 weeks is a short time to prepare." he reply shortly

"Then, do you want me to skip all my classes and practise?" I try to sound disappointed, actually I don't.

"No." my imagination of freedom just crash, "I know you can do it in 3 weeks." he said

"Nononono, what make you think I can? The piano piece you gave me is so hard I can't finish it in 3 weeks."

"I know you can." he then left me alone in the music room.

I place my fingers on the piano and play the piece for the next 45 minutes.


JiYong P.O.V

"Hey guys!" I greet them,

"Heeeey!" TaeYang come closer to me and hug me,

I expect a high five from SeungHyeon, and he did it slowly, I hit his arm gently,

"What's wrong with you?" SeungHyeon ask

"Yeah, you seem so the morning..." TaeYang show a confuse look "Which is really good, or creepy?"

"Must be something realated to AhYoung." SeungHyeon said

My heart jump when I heard SeungHyeon said AhYoung,
how did he know? Is he a....mind reader?

"Haha" I force a laugh "You're funny SeungHyeon."

"Tell you what, you can stay in my house for a few days if you want. You can bully AhYoung every second of the day." he offer

I look at him, stunned. That's a pretty good idea. But I need to control myself, can't look so obvious about it.

"What kind of brother are you? Letting a guy bully your sister." I said

"A normal one, beside I know you'll bully her good. But if you don't want to..."

"Nonono I like to. I'll bring my clothes to your house today!"

"Okay." he take a seat.

I can finally stay in her house now..hehehe


AhYoung P.O.V

I stretch my back, it's late already, school had finished few hours ago. It's all because of SeungRi ask me to practise after school instead during lesson.

I take my bag, lock the music room and bring the lock back to the teacher. Then walk back to my home. Can't wait to slam myself on my bed.

Home home home I'm finally home.
I open the front door,

"I AM HOME!!" My voice stuck when I saw somebody so familiar that I don't even wanna see him,

JiYong turn his head to me "AhYoung, you're home already?"

I open my eyes wide "What the hell are you doing here?!"

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol