Chapter 50

Love Quest

So here we are....
Some of you might think that this chapter is super annoying coz there's gonna be a lot of changing P.O.V between AhYoung and JiYong. So...sorry.

Enjoy ^^


AhYoung P.O.V

I open my eyes, look sight are still blurry, but I'm sure this is my room. I look at the calendar it show 4th April, it's JiYong engagement day. Sandara really great at picking engangement date. I pinch my cheek really hard, this isn't a dream, today JiYong gonna be engaged.
I stay quiet for a while, looking blank then tuck myself back into the bed.

the door opens "Do you wanna come with me? We're going to company JiYong for the rehearsal tonight." SeungHyeon ask

I shake my head "No...I'm thinking of going out with YuRi."

"Oh really? Prove it." he smirk,

"Really...she gonna come at 10." I hesitate

"I can wait till 10."

"Then do it."

"If she isn't here, you're gonna come with me."

"And I'm sure that won't happen."

he scoff "I'm not sure about that."

"Just GO!" I grab the nearest thing, which is my pillow and threw it at him, he quickly close the door before it hits him. and left with a smirk on his face.

I quickly search my phone and look up for YuRi's number,

SeungHyeon pop out from my door "Don't try to call her."

I threw my phone into my blanket "I...I'm not..." I said, trying not to sound suspicious "Now, go."

he  glare at me and slowly close the door.I throw my blanket onto the floor, grab my phone and call YuRi like a ninja, but it went through voice mail.
Why isn't she picking up?!!

"Hey, this is AhYoung, come to my house at 10!" I whisper loudly.

I put my phone down and try to calm down, but I just can't. I really don't want to go to JiYong's engangement party. I took my phone once again and call YuRi, but she still didn't answer. I texted her and call her again and again and again.

"GAAARRGGH!!" I mess up my hair, then my stomach growl.

I need to eat.

I went down with my phone on my hand and went into the kitchen. I open the fridge and took out the milk. I search for the bowl and the cereal box and prepare myself a breakfast. I went into the living room, and enjoy my breakfast with a morning drama.

I kept on looking back to my phone screen, waiting for YuRi to call or text me back. But she didn't. I take another spoon of my cereal and look again to my phone, still no reply. What the hell is this girl doing?

"Aren't you getting ready?" SeungHyeon coming down from the stair

"For what?" I ask back

"It's..." he look at his watch "9.27. you better get ready, or we'll be late for JiYong's rehearsal."

"I'm telling you I'm not going, YuRi is coming." I look back to the TV

"Is that why you look at your phone every second?"

"It's because....." I try to search around my brain for a reason "because....I can't wait for her to come...duh."

"Yeah right." he said sarcasticly and left.

I look back to the drama

         "You're getting married to me, forget about that girl."

I change the channel, and there come another scene that is similar, and come another one and another one. What the hell is wrong with korean drama these days? Is this the only drama they can think of? I kept changing the channel and stop at a shopping channel. It's ridiculous and boring, but it's better than the other drama.
I look at my phone again, and still nothing from YuRi, and the clock show 9.47, that means she got less than 15 minutes to come here and safe me from JiYong engangement drama.

"It's 9.50" SeungHyeon call out

"I know.." I shout back, I look at my phone again, didn't she touch her phone?!

"9.55" he declare

"I know, I have a clock right there." I point at the clock hanging on the wall.

I squeeze the pillow into my face "Why the hell isn't she call me, ugghhh!!!"

"What did you say?"

I turn around and saw SeungHyeon behind me "Nothing...I this pillow, it's so soft making me wanna squeeze it" I squeeze the pillow so tight.

"Yeah..." he look at me with a weird gaze.

"9.58, you better get ready or we're going to be late."

"I told you, I'm not going! And stop telling me the time"

"9.59, I'm gonna go get ready, so do you." SeungHyeon mock

"Shut up! I told you YuRi gonna come!" I shout "Just what the hell is she doing?" I whisper, try to call her once more.

Suddenly the bell rang, I jump off the couch "I get it!"

I went out and saw YuRi!!!!! Right infront of the gate

"YURI!!!!" I quickly open the gate and let her in "Why didn't you answer my calls?"

I heard someone clearing his throat, it must be SeungHyeon watching from upstairs

"I're late, I've been waiting for you. Come in." I show off the best smile I could ever made.


"I'll be going then..." SeungHyeon walk out

"Bye." he left the house.

"So what's so important you have to missed calls me 26 times?" YuRi ask

"Nothing..." I answer plainly

she look at me with annoyed look, "Okay, but I need you to take a bath, you smell. Or else, I left."

"okay..." I slump walk upstair and take a bath.


JiYong P.O.V

"JiYong..JiYong...wake up" I woke up to noona's voice


"You need to get ready for the rehearsal."

"What rehearsal?" I ask

she look at me "Your engangement party. I can't believe you're getting enganged before I do."

"It's because I'm much more good looking than you." I brag

"But you got much more smaller brain than me."

"No, I don't."

"Whatever, just go get ready, or your 'soon-to-be fiance' gonna get crazy."

I grunt and get off from my bed, she went out from my room while I get ready for 'the engangement' rehearsal.


As I walk down the stair, I saw Sandara already waiting for me in the living room.

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"What do you mean honey, I'm picking you up." Sandara reply

"Well you don't need to, and I'm not your honey."

"I just wanna make sure that you don't ditch me on 'the day'."

"I wish I could." I look away

she look at me annoyed "Let's go!" she grab my arm, I let go.

"I'm gonna go by myself." and left her alone.


AhYoung P.O.V

"I'm back!" I jump in front of YuRi, raising my hand like a superman

she look away from the magazine "So what we gonna do now?" she ask

I put my hand down "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don' know? You called me here! I thought it was suppose to be urgent."

"It IS urgent, SeungHyeon was forcing me to go with him to Ji..." I stop

"To....?" she was waiting for me to continue

"'s nothing." I look around "Let's watch the new DVD I just bought" I try to change the subject.

"Fine." she pause "Let's watch."

I let out a relieve sigh when she said that. "Okay...let's watch."


JiYong P.O.V

I'm this boring engangement rehearsal, actually there's nothing to be rehearse here. I just need to sit while Sandara is running around the room trying to control everything, trying to make everything perfect. That's why it's boring. Just then SeungHyeon and the others came.

"I can see you're bored here." DaeSung said

"I AM." I replied

Sandara suddenly, came out from nowhere "Hey....I'm glad you all are here." she said that and walk away

"Doesn't seem like it." SeungRi added

she turn around "What is it that you say?"

"Nothing." SeungRi quickly answered

Sandara stare at him suspiciously and turn away, SeungRi sigh in relieved.

"I can't believed you said 'yes' to that girl" TaeYang sat down

"I didn't."

"Then why didn't you say 'no'?" SeungHyeon ask

"I can't, her mom and her kept struggling with all this 'engangement' thingy. And I was trying to be polite."

"Since when are you thinking about being polite?"

"Since..I don't know." I scrambled my hair "Things didn't really go well with AhYoung, I didn't even know what to say to her..."

"'re blaming all this to AhYoung?" TaeYang ask

"No....YES!!! She kept on bothering me with her...her...ARGGH" my mind are mess up

"Here he go again." DaeSung pat my back gently

"Let's stop about something else." I try to change the subject

SeungRI cut in "But you're the one who started..."

"Lalalala~ something else." I in too.

"Is there any food lying around here? I'm hungry..." SeungRi pout while looking around the room,

DaeSung pouts too "Me too...let's hunt for food." and they both ran away.


AhYoung P.O.V

YuRi and I are wasting I mean spending our together time by watching some thriller movie, it kept on showing hands or leg  being chopped, which is disgusting...but YuRi seem to be enjoying it.

"I think I'm gonna puke." I cried

"Then don't look." YuRi said easily while eating the popcorn.

I duck myself into the pillow and try no to imagine anything disgusting.


Hours passed and that dreadful movie finally ends....I can't believe me and her watched thriller and horror consecutively, I think my soul gonna come out soon.

"Let's watch another one.!" YuRi look at me excitedly

my face was pale and doesn't look good "'m done watching." I slam myself in despair

"Fine..." she get up and grab a random magazine from the shelf, and I join her too,

We then spend a few hours reading all the magazine I had on the shelf, pointing out the great outfit and hot guys on the magazine.


"I'm bored" I cried,

"Let's watch movie again!" YuRI get up excitedly

"No!" I shout quickly "I don't wanna watch anything with blood and ghost in it."

"Fine..let's watch the romantic comedy movie."

I raise my head "Fine with me" I show her a big smile, I quickly get up and search through the rack for the best romantic comedy movie I had.

"Here it is!" I took out the movie and show it to YuRi

she took it from my hand and put it into the DVD player.


JiYong P.O.V

I'm sitting in the waiting room, doing nothing.

"You're getting enganged? Aren't you excited?" some gay came in carrying my suit

"No...not really."

"By the way, here's your suit, if there are any problem just call me." and he left.

"Aren't you gonna change?" SeungHyeon ask, he's all ready

"I still got alot of time." I turn on the TV

"Aren't you feeling nervous?"

"Why should I? I don't like her anyway." I replied

"But you like AhYoung."

"Obviously." I pause, I just blurted it out unexpectedly "I mean I like AhYoung more than Sandara obviously." I stuttered

SeungHyeon stare at me....very long.

"What?" I ask

"You can't really hide these things from me you know."

I look at him, surprised "How did you...." I let out a huge sigh "I just don't know what to do."

"I said you just have to ditch this engangement thing." TaeYang pops out


"I agree with that."

"You both are joking right?" I ask

there's a pause and then they both shake their head "No...not really."

"I can't...there will be a lot of people..." they kept looking at me with plain look, "I'm done talking with you both."


There's only half and hour left till the engangement party, everybody stays calm. Including me. I think. My mind kept thinking of what SeungHyeon and TaeYang had said.

"One more hour till the party...there's gonna be food food food~" DaeSung and SeungRi dances around the room

"Are you ready?" TaeYang ask

"Yeah..." I answer hesitate.

Someone knocked on the door "I'm told that JiYong's friends need to be ready in the ballroom."

DaeSung and SeungRi ran out without being told, SeungHyeon and TaeYang stand up from their seat

"Good luck." SeungHyeon tap my back and I'm left alone in the room.


AhYoung P.O.V

"That movie is soooooo good!"

"Let me do your nail."

"I'll be so much delighted for you to do that." I act like a princess and run to my table to take my nail polish, then something fell from the table, I bow down to take'is the necklace JiYong gave me. I freezed, all the memory about him suddenly appear on my mind.

"What is it?" YuRi ask

I snap back "Nothing." I stand up and carry my nail polishes onto my bed

YuRi look at the colors happily "I always love your nail polishes" she open one bottle "Give me your hand."

I let out my hand and she started painting my nails "Oh look it's 5:15 already, a few more minutes till the engangement party started."

"Yeah." I gritted my teeth, trying to surpressed my feeling

I feel suffocated, I can't breathe properly, it felt like tears was about to go out, but I try to hold it in,

YuRi stop painting and look at me "AhYoung, are you sure about this?"

I raise my head, trying to look normal "Sure about what?"

"About JiYong...aren't you gonna stop him?"

"Stop him from what? I'm not his girlfriend anymore...remember?"

"But you got feelings for him right?"

I fake a laugh "You silly...I don'" the words in my throat and the tears breakthrough,

"AhYoung" YuRi my hair gently

I wipe the tears away "I'm's just that I hate him so much...I'm so glad he's out of my life."

"Is it?"

"Yeah...I mean...he's nothing but a self-centered, , erted jerk. And he thinks teasing me is fun, which I disagree. And...and...." I try to hold back the tears again "I hate him...I hate him" but it didn't hold back, the tears kept running through and I can't stop it. "I thought I made up my mind...about him out of my life."

"But you can't force yourself to do that." she smile at me gently "Now go.."


"No buts, just go." she push me all the way to the stairs.

I quickly ran out of the house and to the nearest bus stop.
The bus finally came and I saw JiYong going off of the bus.


>>End of P.O.V<<

Their eyes met and they both freezes in place

"JiYong...I thought you're suppose to be in the party...enganged." AhYoung said, still can't believe with her own sight

he scratches the back of his neck "Welll...there's something I need to do first."

"I have something to say" they both say at the same time "You first" they did it again, they ended up staying silent for a few moments

"I can't believe seeing you in those fluffy bunny slippers." JiYong laugh break the silence,

"It's because I was in a hurry."


"Because..." she pause " told me you wanna tell me something, what is it?" she try to change the subject

"I'm not gonna tell you till you tell me why."

"It''s..." she find it hard to talk to JiYong "It's because I wanna tell you that I like you." she said it out loud,

then there come the silence, AhYoung look down embarassed at the responed "I know that you're gonna get enganged to Sandara", she held in her tears again "it's not that I wanna break your relationship or anything, I just thought that I should tell you..."

JiYong grab her and kiss her gently,her words stop and tears flows down onto her cheek.
She suddenly push JiYong away from her "What are you doing? You and Sandara?"

"I didn't get enganged to Sandara." he held out her hand and hug AhYoung closer to him and look into her eyes

"I like you." he smiled, AhYoung smiled too and lean into his chest.


"So...can I kiss you again?" JiYong ask

AhYoung look up and push him away "No, you ert!"



And that's how the story ends. TToTT
For all 48 subscribers who bear with me through the whole process kamsahamnida :)

Hope you all enjoy it and see you on my other upcoming fanfics

oh and I wish you guys would read my other fanfic I'm still working's the link

annyong~    (^o^)/

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol