Chapter 34

Love Quest

AhYoung P.O.V

It’s early in the morning and I’m packing my clothes, I’m putting in everything including YuRi’s lingerie. In case she needed it for something like seducing TaeYang.
A maid knock slowly on the door and slowly walk beside me,

“I’ll pack your clothes, you can wait downstair.”

“Kamsanida.” I left her with my luggage.

I walk down the stairs and sit on the couch, HyoRi unnie come from behind look at me, confused.

“You’re going somewhere?” she ask

I nod, “Uh huh, I’m going home.” I said

“This soon? I thought you’re gonna be here till the end of holiday.”

“JiYong said that he doesn’t wanna see me anymore.”

She walk to the couch beside me and look at me in the eyes “You know….”

“I’m sorry to bother you, but your luggage is ready.” The maid suddenly appear.

I turn and look at the maid beside me and look back at HyoRi unnie.

“I’ll be going then.” I stand up “Annyong.” I wave to her.

She wave to me back. I walk to the front door, with the maid walking beside me.
The car is  ready, the driver puts in my bags and drive me home.

The car finally arrive in front of my house, the maid open the door, bring my bags into my room.
SeungHyeon of course is still deadly asleep on his bed,

“Have you had your breakfast.” my maid ask,


“Would you like me to make something?”

“I want ramen!” I make a huge smile on my face

“Comin right up!” then she walk to the kitchen.

While waiting for the ramen to cook, I just sit still on the couch. And before I know it the ramen is there, in front of my face. I slowly eat it, and a few hours later SeungHyeon came down the stair, scratching his hair. He didn’t say anything. I guess he knew I was coming back today.

I walk to my room and found that everything was in its place like before, nothing has changed. I walk and just lie on my bed.


JiYong P.O.V

I open my eyes and I had see no sight of AhYoung anywhere in the room,
Did she leave already?
I look at the clock, it’s 1 p.m.
I guess she left already. I walk to the bathroom, scratching my head.

In the dining room, everybody is silent except for Sandara, she keeps on blabbering about something. And that smile won’t just get off her face, I know she’s happy without AhYoung in the house. HyoRi nuna on the other hand just stay silent,
Did she realize that AhYoung isn’t here?

Nuna stand up “I’m going out.” She left the room and her lunch

“I’m going to my room.” I get off Sandara from me.

“I’m coming with you.” She said

“Don’t.” I look at her with stern eyes and left her in the room.

I lie on my bed, looking at the ceiling, holding my forehead. Suddenly my phone rang, it’s SeungRi

“What is it?” I pick up

“Hyung, GaeSo school, ask us for a fight.”

“Just the right time. Time and place?”

A great place to kill this boredom, I smirk.


AhYoung P.O.V

It’s has been almost a week since I was kick out off JiYong’s house. The day just gone normally, JiYong hasn’t even call me once.

“Hellooooo AhYoung!” YuRi slam the door open,

“Hello.” I answer

“My gosh, I can feel the dark aura. And quit hiding under the blanket.” She remove the blanket.

I curled on my bed “I’m damn bored.” I said

“Why don’t you play your piano?”

“Not in the mood.”

“Watch TV?”

“Nothing interesting is on.”

“Read books?”

I look at her straight on the face “Seriously?”

“No.” she sit beside me,

“What are you doing here?” I ask

“Oh yeah! Don’t you realize that today is new year’s eve?”

“Really?! That means new clothes?!” my face brighten.

YuRi nod uncontrollably “But no! That means fireworks!”


“I will have a romantic time with TaeYang!” her eyes twinkle,

“So you’re coming here to brag about it?” I ask

“No. I’m here to ask you about JiYong.”

“What do you want?” I lie back on my bed

“How’s it goin? I know you guys lose connection and all.”

“So that you know, what do you wanna ask then?”

“About the contract, you became his temporary girlfriend.”

I pause, “I don’t know about that. He doesn’t say anything.”

“You didn’t ask him?”

“I’ll ask when I met him.”

“Kay then.” She walk to my closet “Can I look at yours, cause you got better clothes than me.”

“Sure, whatever.” I stand up “I’m going out for a while.”

“Okay.”  She smile at look back to my closet.

I walk out, just in the mood for a walk and I regret it, it’s freezing out here. Nobody would go on a walk, cause it’s not relaxing even a single bit!

Suddenly, somebody grab my hand from behind, I try to let go, but it’s too strong.

“Are you sure this is SeungHyeon’s sister?” a deep voice come from behind me

I’m sure that I never heard that voice before,

“Let me go!” I shake him off, but it still won’t work.

“We can’t missy, you’ll be a great thing for us.” He smirk

Then another guy put a handkerchief on my mouth. Suddenly I felt dizzy, and lost my consciousness.

My eyes slowly open, it was blurry, but I’m sure that I was in the ugliest place ever exist. It’s all grey and there’s nothing in there except for a chair. I realize that my hands are tied, and I’m sitting on a cold, dirty, grey floor,  I mean stone and I saw the sight of a man, his hair was black with some red highlight on it,

He look at me and smirk “You’re awake already?”

He come closer to me and hold my cheek and the way he touch it is not soft at all.

“Who the hell are you?”

“Whoa…chillax. I’m just gonna use you to bring JiYong and the others here. You are SeungHyeon sister right?”

“Yes I am, but SeungHyeon gonna hurt you really bad.”

“It’s not SeungHyeon who I want, but JiYong. I wanna see that brat bow down to me.” He laugh.

I just stay silent.


JiYong P.O.V

SeungHyeon and TaeYang has been in my room for almost 3 hours and all we do is….nothing

“Damn…I’m bored.” I yawn.

“I’m gonna get some wine.” TaeYang stands up and leave the room.

It left only me and SeungHyeon in the room. There was a moment of silent for a few second.

“So, when are you gonna ask AhYoung to come back?”

There’s a little shock when he said that “Huh? What do you mean?”

“You know, AhYoung is not just a toy. You can’t use her whenever you want.”

“Well, I don’t really care about her anymore.”

“Really? Then the temporary girlfriend thing is off.”

I stay silent, SeungHyeon stands up “I’m gonna help TaeYang with the wine.”

He then left the room, she doesn’t matter to me anymore….

Then the phone rang, it’s from YuRi.Isn’t she AhYoung’s friend? I pick up the phone.

“Yobuseyo? SeungHyeon oppa? You there? There’s something really bothers me, AhYoung hasn’t come back, she said that she’s gonna go outside, but it’s been an hour and she’s hasn’t come back. I know it might be nothing but I just feel something bad is happening to her. Yobuseyo? Oppa did you hear me?”

Just at that time I receive a text.

   ‘Go to the old building near the park. We got SeungHyeon’s sister with us.’

Without  thinking, I ran out of the house. I never thought that I would do this, my body just move on its own.
I thought that she’s just going to be my tool. Using her then let her go.
But… I feel like something is missing when she’s not by my side. I can’t bear to see her sad face, her tears.
I like to see her stupidity, her way of getting excited over nothing. Her smile is enough for me. I have been trying to ignore this feeling,
But now, I realize that….
I love her.
And I won’t let her go again.

“I’m here .”

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol