Chapter 46

Love Quest

AhYoung P.O.V

I put the white dress and shoes into the bag carry and carry it downstair. I walk into the living room and found SeungHyeon watching TV.

"SeungHyeon can you give this to JiYong?" I show him the bag

"To JiYong?" he ask


he stare at me for 5 seconds "No." he look back to the TV


"I'm not in the mood to meet JiYong."

"You can give it to him anytime you want."

"I'm not in the mood to help you."

I rolled my eyes "Then tell me when you're in the mood." I stand up from my seat

"That's a problem." he said


"Cause I never gonna be in the mood to help you." SeungHyeon smirk

"Ugh I hate you!" I shout,

"Hate you too." he mock


I go upstair to my room,grab my phone and speed dial YuRi.

"Yobuseyo?" she answer

"Yobuseyo! YuRi! I need to ask you to do something."


"Can you give something to JiYong?"

"Why don't you give it to him yourself?"


"I don't care what it is, you need to give it yourself. Bye, I'm hanging up."

"YURI!" I yell

she hanged up.

I let out a big huge sigh,place the bag at the corner of my room.



my phone rang. I had ignore it about 6 times now, and YuRi is looking at me with a very weird look.

"AhYoung." YuRi stare at me

I place down my bag "What?"

"Who is it?"

"Huh? Oh, it's nobody, some unknown number kept on calling me."

"Really? Let me check." she snatch away my phone

she look at my phone screen for 5 seconds and look at me with a unpleasant look.

"What?" I ask her again

"It's a call from JiYong."


"You've been ignoring JiYong lately aren't you?"

"No, I haven't"

I know how much YuRi is so sensitive about me and JiYong issues,so don't want to tell her the truth.
Mian chinguya

she come closer to me "Then tell me when is the last time you saw him?" she start the interrogation

"Yesterday." I answer

she raise one of her eyebrow

"the day before yesterday."

she raise it higher

" was last week."

"Now that's the truth. Why are you ignoring him?"

"Because I hate him." I lied again

"You hate him since the first time you both met. Now tell me why?" she came even closer

"Move a little further please, you're in my comfort zone."

"Not till you tell me the reason."

"He...he..he's gonna have an engangement party."

"So what? It's your job to ruin it."

"Actually....Sandara ask me to stay away from him." I pause "I realize that I'm not supposed to meddle with their relationship. Sandara love him very much."

"But JiYong don't."

"But I really shouldn't meet JiYong."

YuRi pause, look like she's thinking of something. When she think, it could be either a brilliant idea or a evil idea or a brilliantly evil idea.

"What about the thing you ask me to bring to JiYong? Did you gave it to him yet?" she ask

"No, I put it in my room."

"Give it to me."

"You're going to give it to him?"


Then I feel like a shine of light is sparkling around YuRi, I gave her a big hug

"Thank you thank you thank you!"

"But you need to come with me." YuRi continue

and the lights goes dim

"What?" I ask

"You don't need to meet JiYong if you don't want to, just accompany me and you could hide."



Mr. Oh welcome us both and bring us to the waiting room,
serving us with tea.

"I think I should go now."

" stay here, I need to go"

"Go? Where?"

"Toilet. I think I drank too much. Stay here till I get back." she ran out of the room

"But you barely drink your tea." I look at her running towards the door

"Gotta go."

I sit there, waiting alone. Every time I hear footstep, I kept wondering if it would be YuRi instead of JiYong. The door open and I saw Sandara

"I heard somebody is looking for it's you huh?" she look at me with an unpleasant look on her face,

"It's not me who want to meet him."

"What do you want to say to him? I give him the message."

"It's nothing, actually I'm happy that you're here." I grab the bag and give it to her

"I'll take this..."

"You don't need to." JiYong grab my arm, he turn to Sandara "You can go out."

Great, now he's here.

"Okay." she smirk and walk out,

Perfect. Now it's both me and him alone in the room.Where the hell is YuRi? Is she pooping?

I look around, awkward "I need to go too, I'll left the..."

"Why don't you answer my calls? I've been calling you every single day." he got mad

"Actually...I need to stay away from you." I look down


"I don't wanna be your fake girlfriend anymore, I quit. I don't wanna be some trying to destroy somebody's engangement." I try not to stutter, almost choke on every word I said

"What the hell are you talking about? What engangement?"

Just then YuRi step into the room "Oh, you both are here?"

I quickly let go of my arm from him and grab YuRi "Let's go."


"You don't have to walk me home you know." I told YuRi

"It's okay, I just feel like doing it. Something's wrong right?"

"Nothing's wrong. Everything is great." I force a smile

"Are you sure, you don't wanna tell me anything?" she ask again

I shake my head slightly "Thanks."

"Anytime." she give me a smile and walk to her own direction.

I get into the house and went to my room,close and lock the door, slam myself on the bed.And then tears start to fall from my eyes, I never thought it would be this painful. I didn't know why I cried, but it hurts me everytime I think of it again.I can't meet JiYong anymore, I should've been happy about this.
But I'm not...


JiYong P.O.V

I search Sandara around and I found her in the living room with mom, and her mom.

"Sandara I need to..." I was about to pull her out

"JiYong glad you're here. We got something to tell you." Sandara's mom cut in

"We can talk later."

"No you can't honey, let's sit and talk first." she let go Sandara hand from me,

I look back from Sandara then her mom,they both just smile.I look at my mom and she just reply me with a shrug.

"What's going on here?" I ask

"Sandara told me that you two get along very well, isn't it right?" her mom continue

I smirk "Kinda."

"Great, then this news will made you go all excited."

I look around, suspicious.Feeling a little uneasy about this atmosphere in this room.

"What's the news?" I ask

"Since you both have been together for so long. So, I was thinking for you both to get engange." she smile widely

"WHAT?!" I shout

she then chuckle "You don't need to get so surprised. The engangement party will be held next week."

"Mom, do you know about this?" I turn around to my mom

she shake her head "No. Not even a clue."

"We just wanna told her, until you came here." Sandara's mom chuckle again.

"But I got a girl..."

then the flashback start,a few minutes ago, she told me she doesn't want to see me.I don't think this game gonna goes on.

"Anything wrong?" Sandara ask

"No...nothing." I stand up from my seat "I'm gonna go. Sandara you come with me."


"What the hell did you do?!" I shout

"Don't shout, mom could here you." Sandara hold my hand

I toss it off

"I said, what did you do?" I repeat

"I do nothing, mom just come with the herself."

I scoff, and walk away from her, she come closer

"Don't worry, I talk to AhYoung she said it's okay." she grab my arm


"She's fine with it, so we can continue with our engangement." she smile

"What the hell." I push her away and walk out the door.

I take out my phone and keep dialing AhYoung's,but she won't pick up.

"Mr. Oh, prepare the car."

"Yes, young master." he bow and do his work.


AhYoung P.O.V

I cross my leg, eating my chips while watching TV with SeungHyeon beside me,hoping that it would made me forget about what happen days ago, and it does work.

"SeungHyeon, quit changing the channel." I hit his arm

but he just kept doing it.

"I'll give you 5 chips if you stop doing that." I offer

"Okay." and he stop on a romance korean drama

anything but this.

"5 chips." he let out his hand

"Change the channel."

"You told me to stop, I did. So give me my 5 chips."

"I'll give you 10 chips if you change the channel."

"Give me my 5 chips first."

I take out the chips and give it to him "Here, now change."

Suddenly my phone vibrate, I look at the screen and it show JiYong's name and I put it back.
He's been calling me for 3 days straight.

"Who is it?" SeungHyeon ask

"Nobody. Quick change the channel."

He was about to press the button but now his phone rang,

"Wait." he pick up

"What?" he answer "She's beside me, why?"

He put out the phone and give it to me "JiYong wanna talk to you"

I shake my head and lean on the pillow next to me,

"She doesn't wanna talk to you.....okay." he hang up

"Change the channel please."

He press the button and change the channel

"10 chips." he charge

"Here." I gave him the whole plastic bag

He put in his hand and search around it like a mad man,I slowly step out of the couch

"I'm gonna go to my room." I walk slowly and then run

"Hey it's empty. YA! It's empty" SeungHyeon shout

I ignore it and kept running to my room.


I read some random comics and suddenly
I heard a loud noise, I look outside the window and saw thunder and raining pouring down outside.

"Now how am I going to sleep later at night" I said to myself

and then my stomach growl.


I walk down stair, and the doorbell ring.My maid MinAh answer in the machine

'Who is it?"

"Hello, I'm here to see AhYoung."

I directly realize it's JiYong's voice.


"No!" I whisper loudly "Tell him I'm sleeping." I said while showing it with my body too.

"I'm sorry you can't see her today. She's sleeping."

"But it's 7."

"I guess she's tired and getting some rest."

"Tell her that I'll be waiting outside."

"I'm sure to give her the message."


He knows that I'm lying. MinAh turn around and look at me


"He's waiting for you outside."

"I heard that. Now prepare my dinner."


MinAh prepare everything on the table.I play with my soup.

"Hey aren't you gonna eat?"

"I don't feel like it."

"At least take some bite."

I take a bite of a french fries "Done."

"Aren't you gonna eat anything else?"

I drink all the soup "Done."

she let out a huge sigh "Okay then."

I push my chair and walk back to my room.


The rain is pouring harder than before,I peek from from my window and saw him going out and ring the doorbell,I guess MinAh still giving him the same answer.

I take a look at my phone and saw 15 missed call,all from JiYong.I throw the phone to my bed and slam myself too.

It's been 3 hours now,I still can see his red ferrari car parking infront of my gate and he came out again and ring the doorbell, and then back to his car.
He's been doing that for a while now and he's drench, I ignore it and went back to my bed reading my book,looking at my phone.I let out a huge sigh, and ran out from my room.

I ran downstair with a towel and grab the umbrella,run outside and open the gate and I saw JiYong right infront of me, all wet.
But he still show me a big smile.


JiYong P.O.V

"Finally." I said "I want to talk to you

"Why aren't you going home?"

I grab and hug her tightly,

"Ya let go! You're wet!" she struggle

I ignore her and held her tighter,we both go silent, I wish the time would stop, so I can hold her in my arm like this.

"I don't know anything about the engangement."

"I know."

I let go and look at her "So why don't you want to meet me?"

"I quit being your girlfriend, I don't wanna do this anymore. So please go." she put the towel on my head, trying to dry me up.

And then I remember something, the deal

"Then I win."

"What?" she stop

"You said the deal is off, then I win."


"You need to do what I say."

"I won't." she about to walk away

"Are you trying to say you're breaking our promise?"

"It's not a promise."

"It's a deal, which is more than a promise."

"Fine, what do you want?'

"I want you to be with me.."

"NO!" she cut in

"Until the engangement day, then I won't bother you anymore."

she pause and look at me, thinking.

"I..I..." she stuttered "Okay."

"Really? Then see you tomorrow." I left with a huge smile.

and drive back home.



The story almost come to and end haha
and btw I made a new fanfic called 'Star Struck'
with MBLAQ member, Lee Joon as the main character a fictional girl and a bit of IU.

here's the link: 

Please comment, I feel like nobody's reading this fanfic anymore :(

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol