Chapter 35

Love Quest

AhYoung P.O.V

“It’s useless, JiYong won’t come even if you wait for a day.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Cause I’m nothing to him.” I said.

The door slam open,

“I’m here .”

That voice, that tone of his.
I can’t believe what I saw, it’s really is JiYong. I want to call out his name, but all words was stuck in my mouth. I stay silent looking at him, throwing some punches and kicks.
He took a glance at me and smile, I can’t help it but smile back at him.

Just then a hand grab me from behind, and I can see a knife right on under my eyes, it slashed my cheek.

“LET HER GO! YOU SON OF A BI..” then somebody hit him on the head

“JiYong!!!” I cried “Let me go!” but he keep on holding my hands tightly.

“Go and have fun with him guys.” the guy smirk.

Other guys kick and hit him, and more keep coming towards him, crowding him.

“Stop it!” I said with a hoarse voice,  “please….”

And then I saw some weird sight, some of the guys whose crowding JiYong fall down suddenly.

“Knock knock” SeungHyeon appear

“Can we enjoy the fun?” TaeYang said.

The fight goes upside down, SeungHyeon and TaeYang join the fight, one by one the bad guys fall on the floor.

I used the chance, and bite his arm surrounding him, he throw me onto the floor.

“You bit*h!” he shout

He walk closer to me “Don’t try to mess around.” He pull my hair

“Aaaaa!” I shout, it hurt so much.

Just then JiYong come and kick him, hiis head hit right on the wall, and lost his conscious. The other guys start to panic and created a noise. They grab their leader and run out of the building.

JiYong untie the rope around my hand.As soon as my hands were untied I circle my arm around him and hug him tightly.

“AhYoung are you okay?” he ask

I hug him tighter,tears start to flow down on my cheek.

“Komawo.” I said.

And he softly my hair.

“Ehmmm hmmm…” SeungHyeon broke the moment

“We’re helping too.” TaeYang look at us

I stand up “Komawo”

I was about to give them a hug but somebody grab me,
It’s JiYong.

“Let’s go home.”


JiYong P.O.V

“Aoooww!! Can’t you do it gently?!”

“I am!” she said

“If you are it won’t hurt!”

“It won’t hurt if you just stay still.”

“Why don’t you let the maid do this?!”

“Cause I’m the one who give you this bruises, I wanna treat it myself.”

“Well you gonna make more bruises on my face if you keep doing this.”

she hold me firm “Stay still! How did you even get this much bruise while SeungHyeon and TaeYang don’t?”

“It show that’s I’m the brave one.” I brag,

“It show that you’re the most reckless one.” SeungHyeon cut in,

TaeYang laugh and so do her.

“Aooooww!! It hurts!! STOP LAUGHING!”

She look at the long bandage “Am I suppose to wrap this around your back?” she ask

“I’m gonna wait outside.” SeungHyeon left

“Me too.” TaeYang goes with him.

It’s just me and AhYoung now. I open my clothes,

“Go wrap it around me.” I said

Then there were silence in the room,

“I wanna ask you something.”  She break the silent, still wrapping the bandage around,


“Am I still your temporary girlfriend?”

I turn around and look at her, and touch her cheek gently.
I want to tell her that I love her, and I want her to be by my side, not temporarily, but forever.

“You’re…..” I pause “You’re still gonna be it, dummy.” I smack her head gently, “I still don’t want Sandara to marry me, so I still need you. And the deal isn’t off till she’s away from my life.”

“First of all I’m not a dummy! And second I know you’re mad at me, and you don’t wanna see me anymore, so I thought the deal is off.”

She’s done with the bandage, she pour the alcohol on the cloth and gently rub it on my bruised cheek, and put on the band aid.

“I told you I’m not mad at you.” I said

“Well it’s hard to believe when you kick me out.”

I look closer at her face and realize something, I hold her cheek gently and pull her  face closer to mine..

“You got a cut on your cheek.” I said

She touch her heek “Oh, it must be from before.”

“It’s bleeding.” I came closer and the blood off her cheek

She quickly push herself away from me

“What are you doing! Your saliva is on my cheek!!” she wipe her cheek and quickly walk out,

I chuckle. I just can’t get enough looking at her flustered.


AhYoung P.O.V

“SeungHyeon, let’s go home.” I said

He look up, and put the magazine aside.

“Oh.” He said shortly

He stand up from his seat, walk the opposite way

“Where are you going? The door is there” I point the opposite side,

I try to keep up with his pace. Damn that long legs of his. He didn’t answer any of my questions, but still keep on walking. I realize that he’s walking towards JiYong’s room.

“Aren’t you going to JiYong’s room?”

I’m right, he stop in front of JiYong’s room, and open the door.

“Yes I am.” He went in “We’re celebrating new year here.”

I join him enter the room.

“Huh?” I look at SeungHyeon, confused

“DaeSung and SeungRi is buying the fireworks.” He said.

JiYong suddenly grab me “So we’re going to have more romantic time together.”

My eyes open wide “No!” I let him go “We’re suppose to celebrate it in our own house.” I said

“With who?” SeungHyeon talk back

“With….the maid?”

I can see JiYong smirk beside me. “I hate you.” I hit his arm and sit on his bed.

Suddenly JiYong come closer and push me to the bed. He smile at me, I try to get away, but he hold me still.

“JiYong!!” I shout, but he won’t let go (as usual)

I turn my head and look at SeungHyeon, “SeungHyeon! JiYong’s trying to do y thing to me!” I shout .

He just look at me for a moment and back to the TV.
What the hell?! Doesn’t he care a bit?
JiYong face kept coming closer

“SeungHyeon! SeungHyeon!” I kept on calling his name

JiYong suddenly fall, his body is on me. His face was right beside me. He start laughing so hard.

“Why are you laughing? I ask, but he just kept on laughing.

“SeungHyeon, you should see her face. He kept calling you like crazy.” He said

SeungHyeon just smirk, kept looking at the TV. JiYong look at me and smile, I quickly look away from his sight. He always look so hot, that jerk, still hate him.

“Move away! You’re heavy!” I push him away,

I quickly ran out of the room and saw DaeSung and SeungRi carrying a white plastic bag. DaeSung look up and saw me, he smile

“JiYong, we got the fireworks here!” he wave the plastic bag.

JiYong? But JiYong is inside….
Do I look like JiYong? But I don’t have that blonde hair! And I'm prettier than him.
Do they try to mock me? Should I call JiYong?

Then somebody grab me,

“Just give it to Mr. Oh.” JiYong’s said, he hold me tight.

“JiYong! Quit doing this!”

“Oh, you’re SeungHyeon dongsaeng right? I've seen you at school too." DaeSung ask

“Eung, annyonghaseyo.” JiYong push my head down so that I bow down.

I try to pull up my head, but he kept pushing me down.
This guy really want a punch.

“But how come I rarely see you?” DaeSung ask again

“It’s because I never go drinking with SeungHyeon.” I answer, still bowing down.

DaeSung start laughing, “She’s funny.” He pause “Aren’t you gonna let her go?” he ask

“No” JiYong answer lightly.

“I’m gonna kill you JiYong!” I give all my energy on my head and push my head up,

All of a sudden he let go of his hand, I lose my balance, but his hand support me.

“You should be careful.” JiYong said,

I quickly get back to my feet, “It’s totally your fault!” I talk back

“AhYoung? Is that you?” it YuRi,

“YuRi? YuRi!” I shout back

YuRi run up, with TaeYang walking behind her. She quickly hug me tightly, I can’t even breathe properly.

“YuRi…hhhh…I can’t..breathe” I try to speak,

She let go and her hand landed on my head,

“Aoww.” I cried

Her hit was so hard, I wish it doesn’t leave a bruise. She is the strongest woman in Korea, cause AhYoung said so. Hope TaeYang survive living with her.

“I was so worry, you didn’t come home and you didn’t call me..” she said

“Well, it’s because…”

“I know, TaeYang told me.” She cut

“Then why are mad?”

“We’re going to JiYong’s room.” SeungRi cut us

“Ok.” We both answer

We watch them walk to the room,

“Then why are you mad?” I repeat

“Because you didn’t even call me.”

“Oh yeah….I forgot” I a little smile

She hit me again, and I cried again. “You gotta stop doing that!”

“I hate you, to the point that I can punch you 100 times.”

“Oh no way…but I’m glad you’re worried about me.” I hug her warmly,

She hug me back. “Forgive me?” I ask

“Forgaved.” She smile, “Saranghae.”


We all then waste our time by talking about…almost everything. JiYong yell at us for being overly noisy every 15 minutes. The guys are having their own conversation, hundred cans of beer.

“JiYong it’s almost 12 already, I wanna play with the fireworks.”

“Oh it is, let’s go play.” DaeSung said

SeungHyeon stood up from his sit, he’s excited for anything, I can see SeungRi face, he want to jump all around the room,  he just can’t wait for it. DaeSung stand up and do some gag dance, TaeYang is standing with YuRi beside, wait…when did she get there?
JiYong…he grunts, surprising? No.

“Come on JiYong let’s go out.” DaeSung pull his arm

“No.” he shakes it away.

“Just leave him here. AhYoung, you take care of her.” SeungHyeon said

“Mwo?! Andwae, I want to play fireworks too.” I protested.

But all of them just ignore me, and walk out of the room. I walk to JiYong, and sit beside him,

“Come on JiYong, let’s go out and play.” I cried

He come closer and my face “Isn’t this…nice. You and me, all alone.”

“Are you freakin kiddin me?” I push off his face “Come on JiYong, don’t you wanna play some firework?” I try to make it as interesting it possibly could,


We both stay silent for a long time. I’m trying to think of a idea.

“I’ll do anything for you, how bout that?” I broke the silent



“Then a kiss” he smile sneakily,

He come closer to me, and I push his lips away “You’ll got it after the firework.”


That was easy, I thought I would have to talk more, but I dont...
Nice and weird at the same time.
I took his arm and pull him to the garden.

“Hey you both are here. What make you change your mind huh?” DaeSung picks on JiYong

“Shut up.”

“Where’s my fireworks?” I ask

“Ouh…..we’re running out the of small fireworks” DaeSung said, I was just shock , I didn’t say anything

“You see, everytime we got new year, we never bought the small one. Cause we think the big one in the sky is cooler,  but since we heard you’re here, we bought a little amount of it.” SeungRi explain,

“YuRi and the maid play with it.” DaeSung shortly said,

“Ooh.” That’s all I can say.

JiYong look at his expensive watch “Well, it’s almost 12 already, just start the fireworks show.”

“Okay!” DaeSung and SeungRi skip away.

JiYong put his hand on my head and pat it,

“Look up” he move my head, and I saw this fireworks,

It got many colours,  burst out in the sky like a flowers, it’s like a garden up there,
And there’s some that burst so big, that I think it would fall to me. It just awe me, I think I skip a breath or two.

“It’s beautiful.” I said

JiYong just stay quiet, he lean my head onto his shoulder,

“AhYoung.” He call

I look at him and a kiss landed on my forehead.
That was so fast, I can’t even block it. He’s getting better at sneaky kiss, I guess.

“Your promise.” JiYong said

“Ooh.” I pause, I can’t think, I don’t know why.

Without my conscious I take his arm, and “Ah..look it’s new year already.” I point his watch

“Your hands are cold.” He said


“Your hands….” He hug and cover me with his coat,

I don’t really want to go away from him, there’s just some other reason that I don’t really know why. It just feel good with his arm around me.
I don’t know if it’s because it feel warm, but I think there's something more to it.

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol