Chapter 40

Love Quest

AhYoung P.O.V

I open my eyes, and guess what?
I saw JiYong right beside me. It's been almost two weeks, I've gotten use to see him everytime I wake up.

I walk to my bathroom, brush my teeth, wash my face and change into my uniform. And I just won't forgot to brush my hair. I took my bag and walk down stair, take my breakfast and leave.

YuRi sitting on her desk looking at me,

"You didn't look any better."

"Is that a compliment miss?" I take a seat,

 "What do you think it is madam?"

"I think it is." I talk in a formal manner,

we both made a small laugh.

"So what is really up with you? We never hang out as much as before anymore." YuRi ask

"Well, it's because of that valentine day thing. SeungRi force me to go to practise after school everyday."

"Why don't you practise at home?"

"Cause I hate practising that songs at home." I said

"And apparently SeungRi know that?" YuRi continue

"Yup! He didn't let me practise during classes but he let me to use my free time. Not right." I explain

YuRi roll her eyes, look like she's not agreeing with me "Well..."

Then the teacher come in, he put his books on the table

"AhYoung, I heard you got a thing to do for the event." the teacher said

I look around confuse and then look at the only the teacher "So, you're giving me permission to get out?"


"Thank you very much, you're right valentine day is very important, I need to get out bye." without hearing another word I get out from my class,

and I see SeungRi standing beside the door,

"You're the one who ask for permission?" I ask

"Yup, since we only got more than a week you're gonna miss ALMOST all your classes." he emphasize the 'almost'.

I try to hide my smile, but there was still a small smile on my face, I can make that almost to everything hahaha.

It's been a few minutes, I'm sitting on the piano bench, placing my fingers on the grand piano in front of me, the only thing I'm waiting for is for SeungRi to get out,

"Ok...any minute now, you can go out." I told him

"I ain't gonna go out."

"'re gonna stay here and watch?"



"No....nononono, I don't like people watching me practise." I say

"Well, you gotta get use to it from now on, cause I always gonna watch you practise."

I grunt silently, look back to the piano. I flip the page and start playing.

At first SeungRi was okay, he was standing 2 metres away from me,
but then he start to come closer and closer, he was standing right next to me.

It's not that I like him and he make my heart beat faster or anything like in the movie,
it really isn't.
It just feel awkward, a person looking at how you play so closely.
The only one who ever done that was my teacher, and no one else.

I stop playing in the middle of the song. SeungRi look at me, confused, then a not pleasant face.

"I can't...can't...I mean, I didn't like you standing right here watching me."

"Then what you want me to do? I need to look closely at you."

"You didn't need to look at each movement of my fingers. So move back and listen." I told him

but he just standing still with his confindent look, looks like he ain't gonna move..

"I'm not gonna play till you move back." I place my hand on my lap

he look at me for a while and sigh "Okay." he move back a few steps

"A little more." I ask "A little more." he move back a few more steps,

"I think this is enough." he said

"No, you should move back a little more."

I'm smiling inside, it's fun...making fun of him. But then he start to look at me with the scary look.

"Okay that would be enough." I turn back to the piano and start to play the piece he ask me to.

It was a long day at school.
I had never thought that today would be so...deadly.
SeungRi ask me to play the piece without break,I can't even feel my hand anymore. And like that's not enough, he still ask me to attend classes. Well I do not need to stay after school anymore,  but doesn't feel any better.

I'm home, put my bag on the carpet and throw myself on the couch and let out a sigh. I close my eyes for a second.
And when I open it...

"Wa!" I shout, I saw JiYong right above my face,

I was about to raise my body, but JiYong hold my face with both his hand. He smile at me, I don't want to get this close to him, I struggle to get off him, but I can't.

"What do you want?" I stop struggling, and look at him,

"You look tired babe." he say

"I am, and don't call me babe." I said

I can't seem to look straight into his eyes, like I usually does. There's just like this weird feeling,
I don't know why.

I think it's because I'm so tired, that I think looking at him will drain my energy.
That's my theory.

"What happen babe? Did somebody work you out?" he ask,

"Yes. And stop saying babe!"

"Who is it?" He ask another question,

"YOU! Now get off." I hold his hand, try to remove it.

"Let me get kiss from you first." he come closer

I still try to remove his hand and struggle off him. I won't stay still and just let him tease me over and over and over again.

Suddenly, something landed on my lips. I know that JiYong might have notice it too. For a split second, me and JiYong just kissed.

We both look at each other for a second, then move away from each other. I get off the couch and walk up to my room.


JiYong P.O.V

I look at her, running upstair. I was stunned for a moment.
I can't believe I just kissed her.

Well it is an accident...but it's still count

I smile.

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol