Chapter 12

Love Quest

JiYong P.O.V

I walk out from her room, and walk towards my room until Mr.Oh stops me

“Ms. Sandara want to speak to you” he hold the phone on his hand

I gave him the look, and he nod.

“I’m sorry Ms.Sandara, Mr.JiYong is busy right now”

I leave him and went to my room. I open the door and lay myself on the couch.
I close my eyes for a while, the silent breaks when somebody enter my room. I can recognize it's a girl by hearing the slow clacking sound. It must be nuna.

“Who is it?” I ask with annoying voice

“Your Omma” she answer

I look back surprise mixed with angry, looking straight to her eyes

“Who the hell are you calling yourself my omma” I stand up from the couch

“JiYong a”

“Get out!” I push her out of the room,

She ended up falling on the floor, I slam the door right in front of her. I can hear footsteps coming closer to my room. Somebody must have help her now.

I got to my bed, as another person open the door

“Quit bugging me!” I shout

nuna appear in front of me, she look at me and expect me to look at her

“What do you want?” I asked

“Can I sit here?” she point on the bed

I flip back showing her my back,

“Do what you want” I answered

I can feel another part of my bed slump, she touch my shoulder gently.

“Don't you prepare anything for tomorrow?” she ask

“What do you mean?”

“Tomorrow...your fiancé Sandara will come right?” she remind me


“Don't you usually plan something to get rid of her?” she continue

I turn around and look at he “I got my ace card right here already” I smirk

“Oh really? What will it be?”

“It's a secret, and I'm not gonna tell you no matter what” I answer proudly

“I don't care, I'm gonna see it tomorrow anyway” she look away

we both kept silent for a while,

“You know that dad gonna be mad at you when he know what you do with omma” she say

“She's not my omma” I answer shortly and back to my position before

“Ok, don't you wanna come for dinner?” she ask

“I'll eat later”

she open the door and leave the room.

It's dinner already, I have to wait a little until that witch finish eating.

AhYoung P.O.V

I open my eyes and see the time, it's 7 already.
I sit on the bed and look around. My eyes widen, it's not like the usual creme room I have, it's baby blue color really surprise me.

I slap myself a few time, until something struck my mind
Oh yeah, I'm in JiYong's house right now.
I feel really stupid after knowing that. It just a step and the door open. It's JiYong with his blonde hair and black hoodie.

“What do you want now?” I prepare for whatever thing he'll do

“Don't you want to have dinner?” he ask

“With you?Right now?” I ask

he nod “Who else?”

“No” I reply shortly.

If I have a dinner with him, I think I'm gonna puke
instead of being full.

“Aren't you hungry?” he ask

“Nope” at just the right time my stomach growl

my face turn red and JiYong start to laugh,

“I think that stomach of yours really want to eat” he point

“Shut up” I look away,

he still keep laughing nonstop, and it really irritates me.
After 5 minutes full of his laughing he, he stop.

“So, do you still don't want to eat?” he ask and walk away

I quickly run to him “Wait!” I shout

he stop and look at me

“Do they serve steak also?” I ask

“If you want to I can ask the chef to make it”

I walk beside him “I'll eat with you, only because of the steak”

he chuckle “Whatever”.

We continue to walk together. The huge dining room that I see before feels so much bigger when I come inside it.
After we step inside a waiter come and prepare us the table and chair, and we sit face to face.
As JiYong promise he ask the chef to serve 2 steak.

While we both enjoying our steak a beautiful woman, older than me walk into the room, she has a nice body and a half back long brown hair.
Without I realize it my mouth was hanging open while looking at her, she must be a model, and has a house the same size as JiYong's.

“Nuna, what are you doing here?” JiYong words break my thoughts.

“Nuna? This model is your nuna? You mean a guest right?” I say surprised by the fact,

JiYong's nuna chuckle

“No, she's genetically related to me. Why? You don't believe me?”

“How can I believe you? She's so pretty and have everything that a girl wants, but you...” I stop

JiYong look at me with annoyed look

I bow my head “Mian, I'll do anything to make you forgive me”

“Wake me up tomorrow, with the clothes I gave you” he said

I raise my head “Mwo? I'll....” I stop and remind me that it's useless to argue with him.

JiYong's nuna laugh harder “You both really look good together”

“What?” we both say together,

“I think you forgot to introduce her to me JiYong” she say looking at JiYong

“Why should I?” JiYong look away,

she smile, she look at the waiter and hurriedly the waiter prepare a chair between me and JiYong, she sit on the chair and look at me,handing out her hand

“Annyong! I'm Hyori, JiYong's nuna” she smile, which make her looked even prettier

I take her hand “Annyong, I'm AhYoung” I bow my head,

“And you must be somebody special to JiYong right?” she ask

“No...I'm just her...” I stuttered, confuse what should I answer her

“Girlfriend, she's my girlfriend” JiYong suddenly join the conversation,

Hyori unnie look at him surprise and look at me back.

“It must be hard for you to be his girlfriend, isn't it?” she ask

“Yeah, it's a real hard work” I sighed

she chuckle “You're so true, don't you feel he's such a pest? I mean, he got his own definition of fun. I even get sick just by looking at him everyday and yet many girls are attract to him”

I laugh together with her, I think I can really relate to her. She's just so different from JiYong.

“Can you two shut up and quit talking bad things about me” JiYong sound annoyed

“What? There's nothing else to talk, since the only thing in you is bad things” HyoRi unnie talk back.

He slam the knife and fork, stand up from the chair, he grab my hand roughly and pull me away from her.

“JiYong, the steak!” I look back from the steak to HyoRi unnie,

but he ignore me (as always) and keep pulling me to the door, with my other hand I try to wave good bye to HyoRi unnie.
He stop in front of my room and finally let go of my hand, I open the door and turn to look at him. I've got a feeling that he want to say something to me, but he just walk away, not even saying a single word.

I come into the room, and walk to the long white wardrobe. I open one of the door and see all my clothes, but there's not even one pajamas.
I open the wardrobe door one by one. JiYong's maid really arrange it neatly, they put my pants in one door, shirt in another door, all the accessories in one door, all the shoes in one and even my underwear in one door.

I open the sixth door and I really hope my pajamas is there, but the only thing I see is a 4 lingerie that is definitely not mine and 3 tank tops and shorts that I really don't want to use to sleep during winter
What the hell is this? Did the maid to something wrong? Or YuRi?
I run to my phone and press YuRi name.

“Yobuseyo?” she answer, she sound very excited.

“YuRi!!! Did you put my pajamas in the bag?” I shout madly to her

“I'm very sure that I pack you pajamas” she sound very sure

“Really? Cause the only thing I see in the wardrobe is lingeries, tank top and shorts!”

“Yup! That's what I prepare for you” she answer cheerfuly

“Where did you get the lingeries anyway?”

“I bought it for you, you like it?”

“NO! It's cold here and you ask me to wear that kind of thing?”

“Then why don't you ask your hubby to warm you up?”

“What do you mean warm me up, he is not a heater!”

I can hear she sigh “You don't get it do you? Anyway, tell me what happen today”

“I have nothing to tell you, but I have something to tell you about tomorrow”

“Really? What?'

“I'll be freezing and maybe die because of you!” I hung up and close the phone.

I look at the wardrobe and sigh heavily, I take one of the black tank top and short, bath with the super hot water.
Quickly change with the tank top and short and jump to the bed, fully covered myself with the blanket.
'I shouldn't have ask YuRi to pack my bag'
that thoughts keep repeating in my head, till I got to sleep.

JiYong P.O.V

As soon as I open the door I see nuna sitting in the couch watching some dull TV drama, she turn around and realize that I'm in the room.

“JiYong, I wanna talk to you about something”

“I know, just say it” I walk to fridge and take a glass and a bottle of red wine,

“About AhYoung” she continue

I sit on the other couch and pour the wine on the glass and drank some of it

“She's not your girlfriend right?”

I put the glass down “I'll never can hide things from you isn't it?”

“So...she's your ace card for tomorrow right?” she continue

I take another gulp and nod to her,

“And you gonna get rid of her after the deal is off?” she ask

I nod again “I guess you know everything already, didn't you?”

“Yes, except one thing. Why do you pick her?”

“Because I'm sure that she'll never like me”

HyoRi nuna look at me with surprise face,

“That sure is a weird reason” she stand up “Quit drinking and get some sleep” she take away the wine and walk out from the room.

I drink the last drop of wine in the glass, put the glass on the table,
without I'm knowing my eyes closed and ended sleeping on the couch.



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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol