Chapter 41

Love Quest

JiYong P.O.V

I kept on thinking about the (accident) kiss over and over again, at night and even in the next morning. I was sitting on the chair, waiting for the breakfast to be served, and my mind come back to the kiss, without I realize it, a smile was on my face.

When her soft lips touches mine, I felt it only for a second, but....

"What the hell is wrong with you?" SeungHyeon broke my imagination,

I snap out of it "Huh?" the smile is wipe away from my face.

"You're smiling." he slanted his eyes a bit.

"What do you mean? I can smile anytime I want." I said, while taking a spoon of my breakfast.

"That the morning....not normal." he also take a spoon of the breakfast,

"I don't get you." I put my breakfast down "I'm going, you're coming?" I ask

"Mm-hmm." he answer shortly and follow me out of the house.

I am staying in AhYoung house, but I will never left my car. It' s like the first most important thing I need to live...or maybe the first is Ahyoung?
A small smile start to appear again on my face, when her name appear. Whatever, I need to stop smiling like this, or else people would title me as crazy.

"Since we've got to find x, we need to subsititute..." 

teachers, always 'blah' when they teach, I mean they don't literally blah, but it sounds like blah when it get into my ears. Cause it's boring and it's my job to show it to the teacher, with my flat bored look. Or sometime I show it more forwardly, by sleeping in the class, or snoring very hard...purposely.

But...just for today,
I'll just lay my head on the desk instead.

The bell rang, finally...this is second break, and I can't take this anymore.School is too much for me, I need to now.

"SeungHyeon, do you wanna go to AhYoung's school with me?" I ask

"No thank you." he simply reply

"Okay then, bye" I stand up from my seat

"Bye, have a great time." he wave.


AhYoung P.O.V

"It ! Don't you practise?" he yell

"I don't feel like playing at all! "I yell back

I missed my lunch, and my stomach kept on growling, there's no reason that I shouldn't be moody here and he kept on asking me to play this piece.

"Well you won't get your lunch till you finish playing this piece."

"I can eat my lunch anytime and I want to eat it now." I stand up but he push me back

"You won't get out from this room until you play that piece perfectly."

"What are you? My mom? I won't play till I get my lunch!"

"A mom would gave you your lunch even when you're starving but I'm NOT."

"I can't play with an empty stomache."

"Well you should!" he walk to the door "Like I said, you won't get out till you get that piece right."

I can hear the door click, he locked the door.

Great, now I'm locked here, no lunch. Just me with the piano.
Damn that SeungRi, I hate him so much.

I lay my head on the piano and look at the piano scripts,

"Chopin ssi, why do you make such hard pieces. A person need to take a month or more to finish playing yours. Why do people love you so much? Well, I do love you too, but in time like this I feel like hating you." I blabber

After spending 10 minutes of blabbering with Mr. Chopin I start practicing.Suddenly I felt a sudden chill, but I ignore it and continue practising.

5 minutes left, and the practice is going perfect, I finally finish the piece.
Now....just need to wait SeungRi and I can run my way out of here and take my lunch, oh...I can hear those angel food bell ringing in my ear.

The door open and guess who I saw,

He's the least person I wanna meet, with what happen yesterday, I don't think I can see his face anymore.

"Where did you got the key" I try not to stutter

"I met SeungRi on the way here. I never know he was in the school."

Damn you SeungRi!


JiYong P.O.V

She can't look me in the eye as usual, yesterday must have gotten into her mind. That's great but talking with her like this isn't fun at all.

"You know, about yesterday...I'd kissed a lot of girl. So it doesn't really concern me." I said

but she kept quite,

"And it doesn't feel that good anyway. I completely regret it" I continue

"WHAT?" she look at me with those big eyes,

"I regret it."

"Well, I extremely regret that my lips touched yours. And just to remind you, you ever kissed me once."

" you remember that kiss."

"No...I don't." she start to look lost.

"Then I'll remind it for you."

I come closer to her and touch her chin gently to kiss her, she push me away.

"Stop doing that!" she shout,

then a funny noise comes out from nowhere.

"Is that your..."

"I haven't eat lunch." she said

I start to laugh uncontrollably, her face turns red.

"Let's go grab lunch."

"But I should let SeungRi hear me play."

"Why should he?"

"Cause he's the director of the show."

"So..he's here with you everyday?" I start to frown,


"Oh...then let me hear you play and I'll decide."

"You can't..." she pause "Yeah! That will do!" she sit on the bench and start playing.

Usually I would love to hear her play, but I don't feel like listening to it, so after 10 seconds

"Okay, that's good let's go."

"But I barely play..well okay." she follow me out from the building.


AhYoung P.O.V

He stop to the nearby fancy italian restaurant. Here he goes again, another fancy one.

"Tell me, why can't we ever eat in somewhere simple like Mc Donald?"

"Cause, I don't want to." he walk right in

"But I don't want to look like I was skipping class."

"Well you won't. And by the way, you are skipping your class." he walk calmly.


"Two carbonara and a bottle of red wine." he order, closing the menu book

"I'll have a glass of water please."

He look at me "Why? Red wine is better than water." he turn to the waitress "Cancel the water."

"I don't drink." I look at JiYong, then back to the waitress "Un-cancel the water."

" you order water or not?"

"Yes" "No" JiYong and I said together.

"Shut up!" I said "One glass please."


JiYong P.O.V

It's already been a few days, and the thing that SeungRi is with AhYoung almost everyday is bothering me. I need to figure something out before AhYoung falling for SeungRi.

Then SeungHyeon walk pass me, I stop him "SeungHyeon, I wanna ask you something."

"Ask me what?" he sit on the couch with me,

"So there' s this...friend I know, and he like a girl. But this girl is with another man almost everyday. So my friend here doesn't want her to fall for this guy, so what should he do?"

SungHyeon smirk "Well, that guy should do something direct, like confessing."

"That's crazy. Can't you tell me another solution?"

"Or maybe...come and see her everyday."

I pause for a while...

"That's a very good idea! I love you." I kiss his cheek and watch TV.

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol