Chapter 39

Love Quest

AhYoung P.O.V

"Why are you here?" I ask

"I invite him here." SeungHyeon come down from the stair with his plain white tshirt and a sweat pants,

"Why?" I whisper

but he just reply me with a smile. I turn back and look at JiYong,

"I didn't saw you your car park in front, how did you...?" I ask

"SeungHyeon bring me here." he answer plainly

"How are you going to go home then?" I ask, got some bad feeling about this.

"I'm not. I'm gonna stay here for a few weeks."

My eyes open widely "What?! Stay here?!"

he reply with a nod. I freezed on my place, my mind goes blank.

"I need to go to my room." I walk upstairs,

this is the worst thing that could ever happen.


JiYong P.O.V

This is the best thing that could ever happen, I stretch myself on the couch, with a big huge smile engraved on my face. I don't even think my face gonna stop smiling, it gonna stay like this till the end.

"What is wrong with your face?" SeungHyeon smack me with a magazine,

"What do you mean?"

"That smile, you like my sister don't you?" he take a sip of soda and take a seat beside me.

I was shocked for a while and then back to my senses "What do you mean?"

"You like my sister, AhYoung." he repeat

" way." I punch him gently on his arm, there's an awkward tone in my voice.

"Whatever." he take another sip, he come closer to me "I'll let you do anything you want with her, just don't go too much." he say silently,

he then move away and stuck watching the TV. I don't really understand how did he know about it,
did I told him? I thought I didn't tell anybody. But he say I can do anything to her right? I smirk.


AhYoung P.O.V

My eyes open slowly, I look at the clock that is placed on the small desk,
it's 7 p.m.
How long did I sleep?
I get up from my bed and wash myself.

I get out from the bathtub, wrap myself with the towel and dry my hair.
I'm glad that this dream about JiYong staying in my house has end, by the way, what kind of dream is that?
I walk out from the bathroom and heard a knock on my door, still wearing a towel I open the door and see JiYong right in front of me.

"I just wanna tell you that dinner is..." he stop,

I look at him, pinch his cheek then mine. It hurts. This is not a dream.
This is REAL!
And then that look is on his face, that y mocking look, he push me inside the room, close the door and push me to the wall.

"You look hot." he gently his hand on my cheek,

his face come closer to me, his hands slowly move to my neck, my shoulder then my arm.

I get control of my body and quickly push him out of my room. I lean myself on the door and close my face with both hands, I could feel that it's hot, and it must be red. I can't believe what happen just now. It's like the time stop and I can't move my body. When I look into his eyes, it's like it had a spell in it, a spell that made me drawn into it.

I hit my head hard. What the hell am I thinking?
I walk to my closet and get dressed.

I walk down and see JiYong is sitting on the dining table already, I took a seat far from JiYong's and take my dinner.
The dinner is feel with SeungHyeon and JiYong chatting, I don't really pay attention on what they're talking, but I just can't stop looking at JiYong, I try to divert my sight, but I kept on looking at him.
He suddenly glance at me, he notice it and gave a smile. I get up from my seat and walk away from the dining table

"You're done eating?" SeungHyeon ask

"I'm full." I walk up to my room.

I come into SeungHyeon room instead and wait for him, I seriously need to talk to him about JiYong staying here. The door open, and thank God it's SeungHyeon

"SeungHyeon! I need to talk to you!" I jump out from his bed,


"No! Actually's JiYong! Are you the one who ask him to stay here?"

"Yes." he walks to his computer,


"Cause I find it boring at home that's why I invite him. Beside it's not that bad." he said

"What do you mean it's not that bad? He just..."

"Just, try to get rid all those negative thoughts alright?"

Suddenly the door open, it's JiYong. I stop talking, randomly taking a pillow and hug it tightly. They are having their own conversation till I cut them

"You're gonna sleep in the guest room?" I ask out of the blue,

JiYong show that sneaky smile of his, coming closer to me and touch my hair gently "No,your room."

I push him away "Quit joking!"

"He's seriously gonna stay in your room" SeungHyeon still got his sight stuck on the computer,

"What about the guest room downstair?" I ask

"It's full of dust, you go clean it up if you want to." SeungHyeon told me

"Why not your room?"

"Why? You don't want me to sleep with you?!" JiYong suddenly look at me with his scary eyes,

I look at him, don't know what should I do, he's so close and that scary aura around him,

"Nonono, I want to.." it just come out from my mouth.

"Then you two love bird get out from my room." SeungHyeon push both of us.


We both arrived in my room, and he start to put all his things in my closet. I don't even think it's becoming my own private closet anymore, since he put his clothes there, I want to shout at him, but as usual I don't dare to.

I walk to the bathroom, wash my face and brush my teeth. As I walk out, I still can see JiYong taking out his stuff from the bags.

"I'm gonna go to sleep, you can brush your teeth there." I pointed the bathroom,

there's no respond. I walk to my bed and lay down on it.

"You're gonna sleep there?" he ask

"Yeah, where else?"

"On the floor." he answer shortly,

"No way, this is my bed and I'm gonna sleep here and here only."

I would give up anything but my bed, this is one of the treasure in my room beside my clothes.

"I don't want to sleep on the floor."

"I don't want to sleep on the floor too, and this is my room, I got to sleep on my bed." I explain.

he look at me for a few seconds "Whatever you say."

I don't feel super relieved, everytime I heard people say 'whatever you say' they always got something else in their mind, something bad. But I wanna enjoy my sleep. I ignore those feeling, close my eyes and go to sleep.


JiYong P.O.V

I took out my stuff one by one, actually I'm doing this just to waste some time, I don't really bother bout getting it out of the bag. I look at AhYoung, she's fast asleep. I kick my bag to the corner, brush my teeth and wash my face.

I come out from the bathroom, wiping my face with the towel, looking at AhYoung fast asleep on the bed. She didn't really think I would sleep on the floor right?


AhYoung P.O.V

I woke up, my eyes open slightly.
This bed feel smaller than I used to remember. It took some time, but my sight isn't blurry anbymore.

I open my eyes wide, JiYong is right beside me. I sit up and kick him aside.

"Uggghh.." he grunt

"I told you to sleep on the floor didn't I?"

"I don't want to." he roll back,

I quickly run to the bathroom,
Oh gosh, is this gonna be a regular thing?

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol