Chapter 14

Love Quest

AhYoung P.O.V

Sandara find the right position and place her hand on the piano, she start to play the song 'Canon in D'.
As soon as the note start to play, it really sooth me, the piano sound different from what I usually hear. I face JiYong and whisper to him

“Is that a hundred million won grand piano?” I make sure

he nod “It's the best grand piano you'll ever touch”

“Jeongmal?” I say,

he nod “You have to play better than her. Araso?”

I nod, didn't care what he just say.
My mind is only filled with 'I'm gonna touch and play on the greatest grand piano' thought.I really can't wait to play it, my heart is jumping from excitement.

HyoRi untie walk closer to both of us

“She's pretty good, are you sure AhYoung can beat her?”

“I know she can, that's why I ask let her to play. You can beat her right?”

I nod energetically “I really want to play it right now”

JiYong look at HyoRi unnie with the 'I'm right' look

“Fine, but I can't help you if anything goes wrong” she raised both of her hands

“I don't need it” JiYong reply.

Finally she pressed the final notes. Sandara stand up from the seat and look at me with 'you can't beat me' look, I ignore her and face JiYong

“Can I play now?” I look at him excitedly,

He reply with a nod come with a smile, I quickly run forgetting that I’m using high heels and


I fall flat onto the floor

“Aoww” I cried

JiYong quickly run to me, and bow down to look at me.

“Gwaenchana?” he ask

“Mmm...” I nod

JiYong grab my hand to help me stand,but I suddenly felt pain on my wrist.

“Aoww” I cried silently,

HyoRi unnie also come to help me, she bow down and look at me.

“Are you hurt?” she ask, half-panic

“my left wrist...” I said half whispering

“Let me see”

She let go of my hand from JiYong and take a look at it,

“It’s blue” she whisper to both of us

“Now, what you gonna do? It’s all your fault that you fall and hurt your wrist” JiYong blaming me

HyoRi unnie look at him “Could you blame anybody else other than her?”

“Who can I blame then?” he argue back

“Mian” I cut their arguiment and look at JiYong,

I stand up and walk to the grand piano,

I kept thinking the shortest piece that I could play. Finally one piece strike my mind. I sit on the chair and look back

I turn back to the piano...I mean THE GRAND PIANO and huff, I place my finger and start to play ‘Chopin's Waltz’.

JiYong P.O.V

I frown while waiting for her to play. Without me knowing nuna is standing beside me,

“What are you doing here?” I look at her

“Ssshh...” she hush and put one of her finger on her lips, telling me to shut up.

She finally start to play. It's a very fast pace song and it sound really hard to play, at least now I know she can beat Sandara.
When she said short she really mean it, she play it for less than 2 minutes and stand up and walk to me,

she bow deeply “Mian” she raise her body and glance at the pissed Sandara

“I'll be going to my room, if you excuse me” she walk upstair followed by nuna.

Sandara look at me “I guess I lose today huh?”

“Uh-huh” I nod

“I'm gonna go now, so...” she try to kiss me but I move back,

“Annyong” I ignore her and walk upstairs to AhYoung's room,

Mr. Oh assist her till the exit door.

I’m planning to come into her room, but it’ll seem weird if I come there and act all nice when I just blame her for what happen before.
I stand in front of her door, staring at the door like a dummy.

“Arghh!” I rake my hair.

Suddenly the door open and I see nuna coming out from the room. She look at me, who look all ruined.

“What are you doing?” she ask

I put my hands down “Nothing”

“You’re standing here” she point to me and look back at the door

“You want to have some romantic time with her right?” she mock me

“NO!” I walk back,

“You don’t think that a person can sprained their wrist just by falling don't you?” she stop me

“If not, what other thing can hurt her wrist?” I reply her

Mr.Oh appear and walk to unnie, he give her a white thing

I’m not pretty sure what is it from afar.

“Kamsanida” she smile, Mr.Oh bow and walk back,

nuna stand beside me “I remember yesterday, you were grabbing her hand harshly. Maybe...” she stop

“Maybe what? You’re telling me that it’s my fault?”

she smile “Yup! The blue circle is surrounding her wrist, it must be you” she point and walk away,

she stop “I guess you owe her an apologize?”

she gave me the thing that is given from Mr.Oh. It’s a bandage.

“What do you want me to do with this?” I ask

She look away ignoring me, turn around and walk.

AhYoung P.O.V

I rest my hand on the bed, HyoRi unnie said that she gonna bandage it. I hope it gonna reduce the pain.

The door open, and all my hopes is down the drain, when I was hoping for gentle HyoRi unnie to come, it was harsh JiYong who come in.

“Can you please lecture me tomorrow, I’m really not...”

“Give me your hand” he cut me


“Give me your hand!” he shout

“Ok..” I stuttered, giving my hand to him slowly

he quickly grab it,

“ hurts, what do you want to...” I look at him.

He’s taking out something from his pocket, and all sort of bad thoughts come out from my mind.

“Let go!” I shout, pulling it from him,

the pain is hurting like crazy, but I think it’s better than he’ll do something bad to me.

“Stop it! Or I’ll really gonna hurt you!” he look at me

I stop struggling and look away from his scary eyes, I close my eyes tightly.

I circle something on my wrist, it’s doesn’t feel like anything dangerous. I peek and see him wrapping my wrist with a bandage.

Am I dreaming?

I scratch my eyes with my other hand, but the figure of JiYong bandaging my wrist is still there.
I pinch my hand

“Aoww..” I cried silently

It hurts. So he really is bandaging my wrist,

“Are you feeling ok?” I ask

“Nuna ask me to do this for you” he answer.


Our conversation stop for a while after that, the room is filled with silence.

“Done” he let go of my hand

I come back to my senses as he walk to the door

“Kamsahamnida” I bow my head

“Huh?” he turn around to me

I raise my head “For the huge teddy and bandaging my hand” I stuttered,

a smirk appear on his face “Just wake me up tomorrow, if you really mean it” he leave the room,

As soon as he close the door, I quickly grab the pillow and push it to my face

“So embarrassing, why should I say that?” I shout

I lie on the bed and put the pillow on my chest. I raise my bandage wrist slowly. The figure of JiYong and the feeling when he touches my hand keep repeating on my head,
“What am I thinking?!” I hit my head,

“ hurts” I move my right wrist slowly.

I lean my head and look at the window, a white thing appear outside
could it be....
I quickly get up from the bed, not thinking about my hurt wrist. I open the window and see what I thought I’ll see
the first snow of the year

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol