Chapter 3

Love Quest

AhYoung P.O.V

It's been 2 days since I lost my first kiss
I try to forget it, but I can't. The picture of me and him kissing kept appearing in my mind and it giving me goosebumps too.
I still haven't tell about it to SeungHyeon and YuRi
and I don't think they want to know.

“AhYoung did you wake up yet?” SeungHyeon open the door

“Eung” I turn my body to face him

“Omma prepare some lunch for us, if you don't eat it soon I'll finish it up” he slam the door

I jump out from my bed and run downstairs to save my growling stomach
I run to the table and see kimchi soup served onto it,
I take my plate fill it with 2 big spoon full of rice and a bowl full of kimchi soup.

“ SeungHyeon a~!Did you eat yet?” I ask with a mouthful of rice

“Eung” He come down the stair with a t-shirt and a jeans

“Are you going somewhere?” I ask

“Eung” he answer back

“Oh...bye” I continue to eat

“You're going with me"” he take his phone


“Just come with me”

“But...” I point at the pot full of kimchi soup

“We're gonna get treat by my friend anyway, just change your clothes” SeungHyeon sound annoyed

“But you'll keep this for me right?” I ask with stern eyes

SeungHyeon sigh “Ok”

I leave the table and run upstair to get bath and change my clothes.
I take a dark blue short jean, a plain white t-shirt and a pair of black converse shoe
I let my wet long dark brown hair loose,

“AhYoung, ppali!” SeungHyeon shout

I run downstairs and see him beside his car,

“Can't you wear anything that is not as simple as that?” SeungHyeon look at me from head to toe

“You need to look at yourself, before you say anything to me” I show him his look

“I'm a guy!”

“I don't care!”

“Just get into the car” SeungHyeon stop the argument and get into his car

I follow him seating nicely beside him.

“Where are we going?” I ask

“You'll see” he start the engine and go.

SeungHyeon turn his car right and left
I don't even know where he want to go, I never even see this road before.
He stop his car in front of a club

“Hey, why are you stopping?!” I ask him

he didn't answer and get out from the car,
I sit still on the chair.

SeungHyeon open the door “Aren't you going to go out?” SeungHyeon ask,

“No, I don't want to go in there, let's go to another place”

“But my friends want to treat us here” SeungHyeon say

“It's your friend not mine, I wanna go home” I humph.

“Now you act like a spoil princess” he frown,

he grab my hand and pull me out from the car.
He kept dragging me into the club, open the door.

“Annyong” he wave to a man behind the table.

I hold the door handle tightly, SeungHyeon realize it and pull my other hand too.

“SeungHyeon, please... let me go” I beg,

he didn't listen to me and drag me to a room.

“ SeungHyeon a~!”

“Finally, you're here” a voice that sound familiar, a voice that I can't forget.

“SeungRi! She's here” SeungHyeon shout

JiYoung take a sip of his drink and lay back

My body start trembling again when I look at him.

“AhYoung, you're ok?” SeungHyeon ask

I nod slowly and force a smile to him.

“What do you want to do with her actually?” SeungHyeon face JiYoung,

“Can I talk with her privately?” JiYong ask nicely,

“No” SeungHyeon and I both answer.

“Ok.. SeungRi tell them” JiYong take a cigarette and light it.

“Do you want the short story or long story?” SeungRi ask,

“Short” we both answer again,

I cough due to the smoke coming from JiYong's cigarette.

“JiYong want you to become his girlfriend” SeungRi explain shortly

“Who? Me?” I point at myself and wave my hand to blow the smoke away.

“Well, not his actual girlfriend just for temporary” SeungRi explain

“Why her?” SeungHyeon ask

“Ya why me?” I ask again and cough again.

The guy who I see when we come in bring some drinks for us and go back.

“Cause we think that you're a very strong girl” SeungRi smile.

“Can you tell us the long story instead?” I ask nicely

“Now I have to tell you the long story” he whine.

“Just go tell them” JiYong tap his cigarette

“Ok...” SeungRi sigh “Well, as you know JiYong comes from a very rich family...”

“He is?” I cut him and drank some of the juice

“Of course he never heard of Kwon Inc.?” SeungRi ask

my eyes got wider “It's his?!” I shout

SeungRi nod “Yeah...he never told you?” SeungRi pointed at SeungHyeon

I look at SeungHyeon waiting for his answer

“I never thought that it is that important for her” SeungHyeon answer back,

“Well anyway...back to the topic... since he will be the rightful owner of Kwon Inc. his father want him to have the right wife” SeungRi explain

“So, what it has to do with me?” I ask

“You'll be his temporary girlfriend to get rid of his fiancé” SeungRi say light heartedly

“So you mean that...” I bow down and ask him to get closer “I need to be with him almost everyday?” I whisper

“Yup!Twice a week minimum... and maybe you need to meet him for emergency also”

“ can't!!” I jump out from the couch

“Why?” SeungRi look straight at me

“I can't” my voice get smaller

“Why?” he ask again

“He's afraid of me” JiYong put his cigarette down.

Both SeungRi and SeungHyeon eyes on me

“I'm not scared of you” I try to control my voice so that it doesn't tremble

“Oh really...” he came closer to me, I slowly move backward step by step

my feet hit the couch and I fall onto it
he stand right in front of me and touch my cheek softly

“Then why did your voice trembled?” his face is coming closer to mine

I close my eyes tightly my body tremble faster,
I can smell his cigarette-smelled breath that I can't stand.

“Stop it” SeungHyeon push away JiYong from me “You've gone too far”

“Sorry, I'll not do that to her anymore”

“Let's go” I grab SeungHyeon and pull him to the exit door

“From the start I knew that you can't do this job...” JiYong words stop my step

“I know that you just a little girl who always practicing her piano in her beautiful house, that's why you're afraid of me” JiYong sit back on the couch

“Then how do you explain when I kick you before?” I ask with a low tone,

he smirk “You just want to show off and protect yourself. And it's just a lucky kick, you'll never get me the second time cause you're a snotty princess” he light another cigarette.

Now he really get on my nerve.

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol