Chapter 30

Love Quest

AhYoung P.O.V

My eyes gradually open, still with the blurry views.
I can’t believe that I’m still here on the comfy bed, I thought that I would be shove down by JiYong in the morning. It was such a nice sleep. I smile.

“AAAAAAAA!!!” somebody shout, it must be Sandara, and the sound is from this room also.

“Aish….noisy ” JiYong woke up also.

She come closer to the bed with heavy step, I can’t see her very clearly, my view is still blurry and I’m still feeling sleepy.
She grab a pillow from the back of my head, I don’t know exactly what happen but she hit my head with a pillow.

“What are you doing with JiYong?!” she kept on hitting me with the pillow

I’m too lazy to shout back or even fight back with her, I tuck my head,

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she kept on hitting.

“Get out!” JiYong throw a pillow right on her face.

“JiYong!” she whined,

He ignore Sandara. She leave the room with pout on her face.

“ I don’t understand why she got so mad.” I said still half asleep,

“Mmmm…” he put his hand on my body.

 “Ugghh…” I shove his hands.

After a few seconds I then realize, my view is clear now and JiYong is way too close!
I look down on my hand, it’s not pillow that I’m holding on, it’s JiYong!
I quickly let go of my hand and move away from him, grabbing the blanket.

“JiYong what happen last night?” I stuttered

“You move to the bed and hug me.”


“Seriously” he scratch his head

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” He reply back.

I freezed for a moment, my mind goes blank, nothing pass on it.

“I need to go wash my face.” I quickly ran to the bathroom.

Splash my face with the water, hoping that it was all just a dream. I pinch myself,

“Aoow! It hurts…” then this is not a dream…..

I walk out from the bathroom after I finish brushing my teeth. I saw JiYong still deadly asleep on the bed.
I silently take my handphone and saw many e-mails coming. It would take a long time to read those, I put it away.
I went out from the room and I saw a familiar figure downstairs. I squint my eyes to make sure what I saw was right.

“YuRi? YuRi!” I ran down the stair and kick her ,

“Aowww…what are you doing?” she cried

“Letting out my anger for you!” I reply

“AhYoung!” she hug me,

I smile and hug her back, it’s nice to see YuRi again.
We had our reunion time for a second

“I’m so glad you come here, you gonna take me back right? What are you doing here? Are you here to bring me home?” I ask

She smile at me, I was hoping for something good coming out from “No.”

I look at her with ‘WTF face’ “Then why are you here?” I ask her, not caring bout the answer.

She shove out a neatly wrap gift box to me “Merry Christmas” she smiled brightly

I look at it with confuse face at first, then a smile comes out.

“Thank you, you shouldn’t have to come here.” I said pulling the box from her, but she won’t let it go.

“And where’s my present?” she ask

“Your present?” I ask back

“Yes, mine..where is it?”

“ I got nothing for you” I smile

She pull the gift box back “Then forget bout it.”

“Wait..wait..” I block her way out, “You see, I didn’t know that today’s Christmas, so I forgot to buy one for you.” Hoping that she would give the gift to me.

“Then  let’s pretend that I forgot that today is Christmas, so  I won’t need to give this present for you.” She walk pass me.

“Nononono….” I block her again “I’ll buy you a present, alright?”

“Good, then I’ll be waiting you in my house.”

“What?! Now I need to go to your house too.”

“Yup! And don’t forget to give your hubby a Christmas gift too!” she wink,

“Wait…” I said, YuRi stop her steps “Can you at least give me your gift first?” I smile

“No.” she answer shortly, then she look at me from top to bottom “hmmmm” she said

“What?” I ask

“Isn’t that clothes too big for you? And I don’t think that I pack that cashmere for you.”

“No you didn’t, you pack everything that people should use in SUMMER!” I emphasize

“Then whose is it?” she ignored

“JiYong’s” I said plainly,

Her eyes open wide “JiYong?!” she pause for a while “Ooo..I see…” she wink at me

My face turn ‘huh?’

What does she mean by the wink?

She’s weird.

“Bye then, have fun with you hubby.”

YuRi call out for TaeYang and walk out from the house with him,
Are they dating?
I stop wasting my time thinking bout that and run upstair to JiYong’s room. He’s still asleep, shocking. I rolled my eyes.

I walk closer to the bed and shake him,

“JiYong….JiYong….I wanna ask you something.”

“What? He ask, his face shows that he’s till half asleep.

“Do I owe you any Christmas present?” I ask him

He turn his body around and look at me with his half asleep look, he gently put his hand on my cheek, and come closer to my face.

“You owe me a kiss.” He said softly “a passionate one.”

“Are you kidding me?” my face go WTH look,

“A kiss would be just fine.” He was about to kiss my lips.

I push the nearest pillow I could get onto his face, and push it so hard I think he can’t even breathe.

“AhYoung!” he still calling me,
I push it harder, then ran out from the room before he could do anything else.

I ran downstairs and found Mr. Oh, he’s checking if everything is in the right place.

“Hi Mr.Oh” I greet her, “Bye Mr.Oh”

“Oo hi Ms. AhYoung, where are you going?” He bow a little,

“I’m going to the mall to get some Christmas present.”

“Then I’m gonna call the driver for you.”

“You don’t need to, I’m gonna take a taxi.” I smiled and left.

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol