Chapter 36

Love Quest

AhYoung P.O.V

Winter holiday ended….already.
I can’t say that I’m not enjoying it, JiYong doesn’t really bothers me after new year, he texted and called me, but it isn’t a bother at all.

I stand infront of mirror with my uniform on.
New year....I can't seem to forget about it.
I place my palm on my forehead, that kiss on new year....the flashback appears on my mind.

"I'm not gonna drop you to school today." SeungHyeon stares at me

"SungHyeon! Why are you here?"

"I'm here to remind you that it's 7."

"Mwo?!" I look at my watch, it is 7 "Oh gosh...I'm gonna be late."

I look at SeungHyeon with hope,


"Drop me to school....please?" I ask him nicely.


"But SeungHyeon..."

"Ask JiYong if you want to." he quickly left my room,

I'll do anything but ask JiYong, that's my motto.
I grab my bag and quickly run to the bus station. The bus was about to go, I harshly hit the door till the bus driver open it.

"Kamsahamnida ajusshi" I bow and search for an empty sit.

As soon as the bus stop, I decide to take it slow and relax a little. Till YuRi text me

               "The principal just came to the class and ask if you were here, I think it's better if you come here FAST!"

Oh ...what does the principal wants with me?
Did I do anything wrong?
I walk at a faster pace, rushing to school.

"I'm here...."I took a deep breath and slam myself on my sit,

"You look....awful." YuRi told me

"Thanks" I said, being sarcastic.

"Did you met the principal?" YuRi ask

"No, and I hope I didn't. I hate to see his face."

Suddenly the school broadcast turns on

"Calling for Choi AhYoung, the principal wish to see you right now." and it ends

"Oh gosh...." I stand up from my sit

YuRi grab my hand and stop me, I turn and look at her "Just so you know, I'll be praying right here for your safety."

"Like it helps." I walk out to the classroom. To the principal office.


I enter the principal office and I see that the principal has been waiting for me, as soon as the door close, he look away from his computer and place his scary eyes on me.
Actually he doesn't have that scary face, but his small eyes is just creepy for me.

"I see you're here." he pause "come and sit AhYoung."

I slowly walk to the sit place in front of his desk, look down, trying to avoid any eye contact.

"I was looking for you in the morning, but you're not in the class." he pause "Did you come late?"

"No. I come right before the bell rang." I answer.

"Oh, I see" and there comes the silent.

I really hate the way he talk, the pause just make my heart beat faster,
I think I could die now.

"So, the school is going to held a valentine festival on February." he start talking again,

I just go with the flow and nod.

"The student council was thinking if you could play the piano on that day." he continue

"Why me?" I ask

"Well, the president of student council personally ask me to ask you."

"Who is the president of student council?"

Just at that time, SeungRi came into the room bringing a pile of papers on his hand.
He walk towards the principal's desk,

"Here's some proposal for the festival, and we got more papers for the school facilities..." he start explaining and put the papers on the table,

"What are you doing here?" I ask him in shock"

"Please don't mind her. Ms. AhYoung doesn't really pay attention about school." the principal sit back on his seat.

I kept looking back from the principal then SeungRi,

SeungRi chuckle "It's not really her fault too, I enter here on the 2nd Semester. Nobody would know me."

"You haven't answered my question." I cut

"Oh yeah.....I'm the president of the student council. I guess it would be better if I personally ask you in person."

"What's make you think I would do it?" I ask back

"Ms. AhYoung! Please behave yourself and..." the principal start to shout

SeungRi stop him "I'll take care of this." he came closer to me "I know you love to play piano, and you're great at it." he smile

I look away "No, I don't. You just think that way."

" it for me." he kept smiling, "Or you would do it if I ask JiYong?" he whisper

I look at him and stay silent for a while, can't believe he would say that.

"I'll do it. But it's not for you." I stand up,

"Then it's for Ji...."

"Stop it or I won't do it!" I walk out of the principal's room.

I can feel SeungRi proud smile of on my back,
ugggghh I hate JiYong and his friends!

I open the door and I saw no sign of teacher in the class.
Hooray! But I'm not really in the mood to jump around.
I walk back to my seat and look at YuRi,

"What happen? Did he give you a detention?" she ask,

"No. YuRi did you know that SeungRi is here?" I ask

"SeungRi? He's here? What's he doing here? To meet you? Did he love you?" she pile me with questions,

"No...he move here, to this school! Didn't you know?"

"Really? He did? I heard that there's a cute guy moving here on the 2nd semester, but I didn't know it was him."

"I don't know if I can stay in this school anymore. DaeSung is here and SeungRi is here..." I lean my head on the desk

"What I don't understand is you think of JiYong as a burden in your life. If you think about it carefully, he doesn't really do anything bad to you."

"He did! He always ask me to wear heels and...and he force me to go on a date...and..." I try to think of everything he ask me to do,

"Stop pushing your brain." she stop me "I know you know that it's really not that bad, try to think positive." she pat my head.

Actually, if I really think of it, it's really not that bad, there's always something fun happen after.
I stare at YuRi, she's a great mind changer, really dangerous person.

"Whose side are you on?" I look at her,

"TaeYang's" she smile.

The dispersal bell finally rang, I grab my bag and walk out with YuRi, and SeungRi stop infront of me.

"I need to talk to you."

"I don't." I walk away, but he stop me again

"I'm gonna get goin." YuRi left me.

"Wait...YuRi." I called out to her, but she just ignore me. I look back at SeungRi "What do you want?"

"I'm just going to give you your parts." he shove a like 20 pages of papers,

I took it from his hands "Okay....can I go now?" I ask.

"Can you show me first? I just want to assure that you can play it." he said

"But I just got this, can't I show you tomorrow? After I practise?" I ask

"No. Just play a part of it." he pull me back into the building and bring me to a room with a piano in it.

I sit on the chair, read the notes and place my fingers, the notes start to play one by one, it's not exactly perfect, or to say, it's far from perfect, but I just hope it's good enough for him to let me go home.
I finish, and look at him.

"So?" I wait for his comment, but he just stay silent "I know it's not that good, but come on...."

"It's good enough."

the door suddenly opens and I saw JiYong looking back from me to SeungRi,

"JiYong...why are you here?"

"You done with her?" he ignore me and talk to SeungRi instead,

"Yeah, you can take her."

"Good." he pull me out.

"Wait JiYong" I quickly took all the papers.

JiYong kept on walking and pulling me.
Seriously, I need to learn how to keep up with his walk.

He take off my hand and walk to the other side of the car,

"Go inside." he said

I do what he says,

"JiYong, why are you here?" I ask

"SeungHyeon ask me to pick you up." he turn on the engine,

there was something very harsh when he did it, he must have gone mad again.

"Are you mad?" I ask carefully

"Why are you with SeungRi?" he ignore my question again

"Well, he move here, he's the president of student council and he ask me to perform on Valentine's day later."

he stay silent, I think he's not in a good mood. His way of driving is so scary. I just wish I'll reach home safely.

"JiYong, are you mad?" I ask again, trying to stay calm.

he still didn't answer. The whole way home is fill with silent, but on the bright side, I'm glad that I am home safely.


I was about to come into the house, but I change my mind. I knock on JiYong's car

"What?" he ask

"Come inside." I force a smile.

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol