Chapter 43

Love Quest


Just before you guys read the fanfic..small poll.. ^^
Please answer... coz I'm confuse whether to end this story or not ><



AhYoung P.O.V

I woke up, look at clock beside me.My eyes open wide when I see it show 6.30 A.M.

"Oh !"

I rush, changing into my uniform and run down. I saw SeungHyeon coming out from the toilet, with his half asleep eyes

"Yo" he raise his hand

"Bye." and I run out from the house to the bus station.

Since it's 'the Valentine's' day, SeungRi told me to come early for final practise. I haven't even seen the place where I should perform. That's why I should hurry.


"Excuse me, do you know where SeungRi is?" I ask

I never thought I would ever ask that question.

"Oh, he's taking care of something in assembly room." she point the way

"Kay thanks." I fast walk to where she point to.


All the people in the assembly room was running around like a disaster would happen, they were rushing here and there preparing all the decorations and stuff like that...
I walk pass through, dodging all the other people, and I think I got like 15 bumps before I reach SeungRi.

He was standing on the stage, co-ordinating the lightning.

"SeungRi..." I call out

but there's no respond.

"SeungRi." still no respond

"SEUNGRI!!" I shout

The whole room look at me for 5 seconds then they're back to what they're doing.
Finally SeungRi took notice.

"What?" he ask

"Final practice?"

he stay silent for a while "Oh yeah." then it snap him "It's gonna be in the sport hall."

"So....I should.."

Before I finish my sentence, he already turn his back to me, and continue what he did before. I was thinking about calling him again, but I hold that thought and walk out.

The sport hall was almost in the same condition as the assembly room, it was crowded with people, except this one isn't only students, but also some outside workers. DaeSung is in the middle of the chaos, he kept on messing his hair, which now looks like a giant hairball.

"Nonononono, you put that here." he walk and point to the certain place "And you'll put the vase here and the balloon beside."

he look like he gonna blast his head soon.

I walk towards DaeSung and tap him on the back,

"Mwo?!" he shout and look knock out at the same time

"I just wanna ask, can I practice here?"

"I don't know!! This guy can't arrange the table the flowers and balloons isn't ready yet and that guy kept on standing there looking around doing nothing I don't even know why is he here anyway....pleaseee help me...." he pleaded.

Okaaay...he's under TOO MUCH pressure.

"I shouldn't accept this task from what should I do?"

I hold on DaeSung's cheek tight "Okay now take a deep breath and let it out. Think of YuRi...beautiful YuRi...." I said slowly

"YuRi? YuRi....." now he look hypnotize.

"YuRi will be so proud of what you've done here." I force a smile

"You're right! She's gonna be so proud." now he got that weird smile on his face.

", now my question is...can I practice here?" I ask

"Well, if you wanna get hit by the can"

"What chandelier?" I look around and saw a huge gold chandelier was carried across the room "Okay, I think I'll pass the practice."

I walk out the hall, walk a few metres away from it. I take a deep breath and let it out, I shouldn't have come here early.

Now I need some sleep, I walk to the nurse's office.

I push the door open and saw the nurse sitting there,

"AhYoung..are you hurt?" she ask

"No...I just need some sleep." I walk to the bed

and she stop me "No, you can't. Students are not allowed to sleep if they're not sick."

"So just pretend that I'm sick." I walk pass by her

and she stop me again and gave me 'the look'

"Okay." I turn around and walk out. sleep.

I was hoping to find somewhere to sleep, but I didn't. The school was packed with Valentine's props and the noise is just unbearable. I can't sleep anywhere.

Then somebody stop me

"AhYoung are you busy? Can you help me with something?"

"I don't know..."

"Great." she gave me a pile of flyers

"What's this...?"

"I need you to stick half of them around the school, and the rest you should give them at the entrance."


"Thanks a lot, I need to go now." then she rush to somewhere else


I was probably the only person in the school who got nothing to do,
so... I do need to do this.
But there's like a 1000 of these flyers....
I take in a deep breath and let it out walk to the nearest wall and stick a flyer on it.

1 done 999 to go.


JiYong P.O.V

I walk down the stair, still half asleep. My sight is still blurry but I can't see AhYoung anywhere, all I see is SeungHyeon on the chair,

"Where's AhYoung?" I rub the back of my neck and yawn.

"She's gone to school already."

"Why? It's still early" I squint my eyes and look at the clock

It's still 7.30...

"I think she got that Valentine's day thingy." 

"Oo..." I sat on the chair with him.

I just doze on the chair, thinking of nothing.My mind don't work when I'm half asleep.

"I'm gonna go sleep again." I walk back to the room

"Then school?" SeungHyeon ask

"Oh yeah."

I close the door, brush my teeth wash my face and change into my uniform. Check on myself in the mirror and went out.


The school was pack with pink and red and hearts and chocolate. I walk into the building with SeungHyeon,

"Oppa, please accept this." a girl poke out a chocolate for me

"Eung." I answer it shortly and take it from her hand,

then she start squealing while running away while covering her face. I turn and look at SeungHyeon, the same thing happen to him also, and it goes on and on and on and on and on.
Girls kept stopping us to gave us chocolates, sometime they even come in groups.

After half an hour, we're finally in front of our class.We both were hoping for a peaceful way, but bunch of girls already there waiting to give their chocolates.
When they saw us there, they start attacking us.

I throw the playboy smile at them "Thank you girls. I love you."

"I love you too oppa!" they shout,

"Now, it would be easier if you put all your gifts on my desk, cause oppa can't hold no more." I show them my full hands,

"Okaaaay." and they start invading the class, the next minute they're all out, "bye oppa." they wave

I wave back, lose the smile and come into the classroom, exhausted.

"Should have brought a bigger bag. " SeungHyeon said.

"Huh...I bet I got more than you this year." I brag

"Wanna bet?" SeungHyeon challenge

"Sure, I'm not gonna lose to you this year Choi SeungHyeon!"

SeungHyeon smirk "That's why you said last year too."

"But this year...I'm gonna make sure to beat you! Choi SeungHyeon!" I evil laugh at him.

A few hours had passed, we got nothing to do at school.Most of the teacher didn't really teach us today, which is fun.And some of them didn't even come, which is SUPER FUN!And the chocolates kept on coming and coming...and coming...and coming.

I kept on looking at SeungHyeon everytime a girl gave me gifts,making sure that I was in the same pace as his, which I'm not.
I need to beat him this year!!
And then something strike my mind. AhYoung's school is celebrating Valentine's day today,I can get a lot of chocolates an gifts there.

I stand up from my seat and throw all the gifts into my bag,

"Where are you going?"

"It's a secret." I kept throwing all the gifts to the bag until it can't hold anymore.

I let out a huge sigh and look at SeungHyeon with the hawk eyes

"Don't touch or take any of these." I point to the other gifts that is still around me.


SeungHyeon P.O.V

"I won't" I answer shortly

"Ok, good." he still look at me with 'the eye'

then he leave the class, carrying that huge bag.Gotta admit, with those bag full of gifts, he look like santa claus,you only need to add the white beard and a huge belly.

I don't know why, but he come back to the class still carrying his bag.
He tear a paper from somebody's notebook, and walk to his table

"Pen." he ask me

I give him a pen, then he scribble something on the paper and left.

I took a peek at it and it's written

               "I'm away for a while, put my gifts on the table or in my locker."

I burst into laughter,can't believe he take this too seriously.


JiYong P.O.V

AhYoung's school is half filled,'s just the perfect time to get some gifts.Choi SeungHyeon I definitely gonna beat you!

I park my car.Then slowly I get out from my car, shove my hair back and smile to all the girls who was looking at me,giving them the treatment.
In a matter of second, all of the girls are around me and giving me gifts.


Just a glance, I saw a figure so familiar,I take a look again from the bunch of crowd.And I was right it was AhYoung! She was standing in the entrance door,giving something to some....MAN?!

I push away all the girls and walk towards where AhYoung is.But first the gift, I turn back take all the gifts put it in the car and give them 'the smile', and left

"Yeah...we got a chocolate stall over...." I grab her hand,

she look at me with surprise,

"What are you doing here?" she whisper

"I'll take her." I said,leaving the man alone.


"Wait wait wait wait." she try to keep up with my pace "JiYong!" she shout,

I stop and look at her "What?"

"I need to give out this flyers bye." she left

I grab her arm again

"What do you want?"

I don't know what I want, I just don't want her to smile with all those men there.


"I....I want you to give me a tour?" I hesitate.

"Tour?" she look at me, confused "I thought you know al..."

I quickly grab her hand, "Ok, let's start."

Just after we start to walk together, a girl show up and give me her gift.

"What the..." AhYoung look at the scene

"Please accept this." the girl said

"Uh...okay. Thanks." I awkwardly smile

"That's weird, they don't even know you." AhYoung said

"Maybe it's because of my unbearable charming face."

"And your unbearable attitude?"

"What do you mean?"

she stop walking and look at me with that look

"What? You think I have flaw? I don't."

"That's what I mean by unbearable attitude."

"Like you don't have one."

"No I don't." she said

I come closer to her face "And that's what I mean by unbearable attitude." and continue walking.



AhYoung P.O.V

Almost every girls stopped JiYong and give him a pink boxes, it's not that I'm jealous or anything, but I kept being shove out.

I lean myself on the wall, while JiYong is crowded by the girls. Let out a big sighs.

"He is popular huh?" a girl voice ask behind me

"I think're gonna give him one too?" I said

"Hell no."

I smirk

"But you should" the girl said

"What?" I turn around and see YuRi looking out from the class window, smiling at me.

"Did you bring one?" she lean her head on one hand

"Bring what?"

she point to the crowd surrounding JiYong

"Girls?" I ask



"You should!" she slam the window frame

"Why should I?" I move back

She didn't answer and walk out of the classroom, grab my hand and pull me away.

"Where are we going?" I ask

"I got the best last minute gift."

"Gift? I don't wanna give anybody a gift!"

"You should!" she turn around and look at me with those stern eyes.


YuRi bring me to the home cooking classroom, she immediately prepare some cooking utensils on top of the table. I look around confused on what's going on

"So...what are gonna do here?" I ask

"We're gonna home made chocolate."

my eyes open wide "What?"

"Well, you could call it class made chocolate, since we made it in the class, not home."

"We can buy chocolate down there, in the stalls. There's bunch of it."

she hold my shoulder firmly and look at me straight in the eyes, I look at her back.

"Home made chocolate can make the receiver feel more special."

"They won't know if it's bought or home made."

"They'll know."


"Because it'll feel special when they eat it." she smack my forehead.

"Aoww.." I rub it gently

"Now, let's start." she push me to the table and wore me a apron.

She start telling me what to do, and I have to run from one side of the table to the other

"Aren't you gonna help me?" I ask

"No. You've gotta do everything yourself." she cross her hand

I roll my eyes and continue doing what she told me to do.

"Now put the chocolate on the fridge and it should be done in an hour or more."

I do what she said and clasp my hands together

"Finally. What time is it now?" I ask


"Oh...5?!" my eyes are wide open, I check my watch and it does show 5.

I take off the apron and throw it away

"I've got to go."

! I'm late!!
I should be in the sport hall at 5.

I run to SeungRi, he was crossing his hands and tapping his foot, I bet he's gonna get mad at me.

"I'm sorry." I breathe hard

"Where have you been?!" he look at me with his wide eyes.

"I was with YuRi...." I take a big breath

"Stop..Just go there and play,"

"Okay." I give him a thumbs up and walk towards to the piano

"Your hair.." a guy with a violin points

"Shut up."

I sit on the bench and start playing the piece while people in the room were ballroom dancing.

And that's the first song. It felt like one fifth of my burden are gone. I was about to play the second song, till someone's hand is on top of mine.

It's JiYong's hand. Of course.
I look at his face and show him the 'what' look, he throw a smile to me and grab my hand, gently.

"Would you like a dance?" he ask


"Come on." he pull me to the dance floor.

"No....who's gonna play the song then?"

"TaeYang's is here." he look back and I saw TaeYang preparing himself.

"When did he get here?"

"A few hours ago, I called him."

I look at him, half confused.
What does he want?

He continue pulling me to the dance floor, I stop and pull me away from him, right now I'll do anything except going to the dance floor.

"JiYong, you know I can't dance."

"Oh really?" he ask with the sarcastic tone.

"Yeah." I talk back "Let go let go let go let go." I slap his hand away,

we ended in the dance floor.There's a sudden harder pull from him and I fall into his chest.I quickly pull away from him, but he kept holding me close.His face was right on top of me,

"I won't dance."

"I'll make you to." he give that sneaky smile.

All of a sudden he start moving his feet, and I was just drift by it, I kept on looking at his feet like an idiot, I can't keep up.

My feet slip into his, I fall down bringing him down with me, we're in that awkward position, he's on top of me.

My heart beat faster than before.
I freezes.
The music stop, and we become the center of attention.

"You're an idiot." he grunt

"I....I told you I can't dance." I stuttered.

"There you are AhYoung..." YuRi ran to me then she stop "Oh...have fun" she smile.

"No...YuRi wait." I push him away and ran to YuRi.


"You look like you have a pretty damn good day today." YuRi show me her sneaky smile,

"What do you mean? Nothing good happen today." I pout

"Your face's red. You like JiYong don't you?" YuRi kept on teasing me

"No I don't. It's probably because I bump the floor."

she roll her eyes. "By the way, your chocolate truffles are ready." she smile

"Oh...." I reply, uninterested "So, what should I do with it?"

"What do you think you should do with it?" YuRi ask back

"I don't it?" I sound unsure.

she close her face with his hand and grunt, "Just go take it."

I do what she said, and look at the unshaped truffle. Well it suppose to look like a ball, it is a truffle...but....

"Is it suppose to look this way?" I ask

"No." YuRi reply "It can't be help, since somebody with no talent made it."

"Oh..." I stare at the truffles "Hey! Who are you calling no talent?" I stare at YuRi


I look away and pout "So, what can I do with it? Eat it? Throw it?" I ask again

"You should give it to somebody you care and love." YuRi say it slowly to me.

"Okay....this is for you!" I give her all the chocolate

"No! Give it to a guy, a dude!"



"SeungHyeon?" I sound even more unsure.


"Then who?" I give up

"Tell me who you saw the first time when you close your eyes."

"Why should I close my eyes?"

" it!"

"Okay okay." I close my eyes, and a picture of JiYong just appear. "I didn't see anything. It's pitch black" I lied

"You must be kidding me." she look at me, a sigh deeply "You should give it to JiYong."


"Because you're his girlfriend."

"Correction. Fake girlfriend." I point

"Whatever. Let's go, and bring the truffle with you."


JiYong P.O.V

I stand at the corner of the room, can't believe that AhYoung just walk away.

"Look like you just got bail off my friend." TaeYang tease

"Shut up." I push him away

he just laugh it off. "Why don't you dance with another girl rather than standing here like a lonely man."

"I'm not in the mood to dance."

"You were, when AhYoung is here."

"I was, but not now."

"Because AhYoung isn't here?"

"No. Could you stop doing that?" I look at him, half pissed

"Doing what?"

"Asking me questions."

"Okay." he raise his hands.

I put both of my hand in my pocket and walk out of the room. I walk towards my car, and I met AhYoung walking the opposite direction.

"Oh JiYong. Hello" there was an awkward moment, she followed me to the car.

"Where are you?" I ask

"Huh? Me? I was taking something."

We both stop infront of my car.

"Taking what?"

"Well...." she look around "I don't think you need it."

"Need what?"

"You got a bunch of it in your car."

I look at my car, it is full of gifts from girls, "Are you going to give me a gift?"

she look flustered "No...."

I smirk and corner her on my car, "So, what are you hiding behind your back?"


I slowly search it behind her back "Are you sure? Cause..." I take it away from her hand.

I proudly smile and show what I just take, I take a look at it, it was a unshaped chocolate, it was tidily wrap with a transparent plastic,

"What is this? Chocolate?"

"Yes, it was suppose to be a truffle."

"Aren't truffle suppose to be....round?"

"Look if you don't like it, give it back." she try to snatch it away,

I dodge "I didn't say I hate it." I pause and look at her face, still flustered "You like me don't you?"

"No! It's just....because I have to act like your girlfriend...then..."

I come closer and kiss his forehead, she look at me, blushed.

"That's what a guy would do to his girlfriend."

I get into my car "Aren't you coming?"

"No...I don't think there's enough space for me to sit."

 I look around, that's true, it's filled with gifts. "Okay then."

Then I just left.


AhYoung P.O.V

"I'm home." I open the door

And there was an ocean gifts in the living room.

"What is this?" I walk through it,

"Our valentine's gift." SeungHyeon and JiYong said

"This much?!"

they both nod.

"Wow." I whisper and went to the kitchen.

I take a glass of water and went back to the living room, they both were staring at me, freaky.

"What are you looking at?" I ask

"Could you help us count?" JiYong ask

"Count what?"

the both look at the gifts and look back at me.

"For what?"

"We need to know who win this year."

"Again?" I take a sit on the couch, crossing my leg "Okay, let's end this quickly."


"491...492....493...494...495....496....497." I count,

JiYong was looking eagerly everytime I put a present down,
while SeungHyeon, he doesn't really seem to care much.

"503...504...505...506...507." I put the last box down and look at them both "JiYong wins." I let out a deep sigh

"Yaay!!!" he start jumping around the room.

"Okay, I'm going upstair." SeungHyeon stand up

"I win!" JiYong point to SeungHyeon

"Hooray!" SeungHyeon clap, expressionless and went upstairs.

"What do I get for winning?" JiYong ask

"Nothing." I answer,

"What?" he look at me, disappointed

"It's been that way since the last 2 years."

"Really? We should have something." he look up at SeungHyeon "SeungHyeon! What do I get?"

"A kiss from AhYoung." SeungHyeon reply

"WHAT?" I shout "I'M NOT INVOLVE."

"Just give him a kiss." SeungHyeon said, looking down from the stair,

"SeungHyeon!" I look back from SeungHyeon to JiYong "JiYong! Say something."

"It's better than get nothing."

he's doesn't even say a word.
I walk upstair, ignoring what they just said, but SeungHyeon block me,

"Come on want this to end quickly right?" SeungHyeon said

"Uggh...go away." I grunt

"No." he look back from JiYong to me.

"Okay..." I give up

I walk down, give a kiss on JiYong's cheek and quickly ran up.

"Aww...such a lovely couple." SeungHyeon smile

"Shut up!"

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol