Chapter 37

Love Quest

AhYoung P.O.V

It really surprise me when he turn off that engine and get out from his car,
I literally open my eyes widely when he stand infront of me,
waiting for me to bring him inside.
But when we enter the house, there come the awkward moment.

"So..." I sit on the couch, "What are we going to do?"

he take a sit beside me "I don't know." he answer simply.

"Okay...." another awkward moment,

"Cook for me."


"Can't you hear? Cook for me." he repeat

I kept looking at him with shock,
I have never touch anything in my kitchen and he ask me to cook. He's totally wanna to mock me, I knew it.

"I...I won't." I try to sound assuring "Let's just watch TV." I look around for the remote,

JiYong just sit still, doesn't even bother to help me,
I look at the other side of the couch and found it.

"Ah here it is..." I turn it on and search for a nice thing to see,

JiYong take the remote away from me, and change the channel as he wants. I look at him, and took the remote back.

"I'm the one who found it." and change the channel,

he didn't take the remote from me again,
but instead he put his arm around me. I remove it away, but it won't move. He pull my head closer to his.

"I don't know what will happen when we watch TV, some rated things might happen." he said quietly

I quickly move away and stand from my sit,

"I'm in the mood to cook." I walk away.

He's mad a few minutes ago, now he's back to teasing. I don't understand him at all, weird guy.

I'm in the kitchen and see no sign of my maid,
Where is she? And then I saw a note on the fridge

                    "I'm going to the supermarket."

What the?! Why would she be gone when I really need her?
I walk around the kitchen hoping that I would find something I could make. Like a miracle happen, when I open a cabinet, I saw a ramen!
I read the instruction behind and what it says.

Boil the water, put everything in and wait for it,
if I remember correctly, I usually eat it with eggs in it.
I took the eggs out and add it into the pot, I think some of the egg shell got in, I take out some, but I think there's some left. I can just imagine the curses JiYong gonna gave me when he find out the egg shell, just pray to God that he won't notice the tiny eggshell.

I took a peak at the living room, and I saw him relaxing, watching TV, then I look back to the ramen, guessing whether it's ready or not.
Crossing my finger, I turn off the fire hoping that it would
end up nicely. I pull the pot up from the stove,

"Aish...I forgot to prepare the bowl." I frown "Where did she put it?"

I move around the kitchen with a pot on my right hand, try to balance and search for a bowl at the same time. I open each cabinet and finally found the bowl. I pour the noodle into the bowl take out a chopstick and look how good I have did.

I gotta say that I did pretty...bad.
You can see the eggshell floating above it, anybody gonna notice it.
So I took a spoon and slowly take out the eggshell one by one,
can't really say how much my back hurts, bowing down looking at it.

After a few minutes stand up straight and look if all the eggshell is gone.

There's no sign of eggshell yet....
Wait!! I see one!
I take the spoon and slowly, taking.....the.....eggshell...slowly...

"What take you so long?" JiYong is standing right behind me,

"Wa! JiYong why are you here?" I jump

"You took an hour just to cook...." he took a peek "a ramen."

"It's need to be patient if you want me to cook! Now go back to the couch" I push him back "I'll bring the food."

I'm glad he's sitting still on the couch,
I run back to the kitchen and take the bowl.

"Ouch ouch ouch hot hot hot." I put it back to the table,


JiYong just stay silent, without saying any word, he sit on the rug, take the chopstick and eat his first bite. I bite my lips, hoping no bad words coming out from his mouth, but he start coughing instead. I ran back to the kitchen get some drink and give it to him,

"Does it taste that bad?"

he kept on drinking then look me with his scary eyes "What the hell is that?" he shout

"Ramen...don't blame me! I never cook! I don't think it looks that bad." I take a bite too,

It taste really bad, I don't wanna throw it out in front of him because he's gonna laugh at me. I gulp it all in one go and cough once.

"It's...really...not that....bad, you're exagerating." I say

"Oh really? Take another bite" he smile

No way I'm gonna take another bite of that thing, that's the worst thing I could ever ate on earth!

"No." I deny

"You have to." he took the chopstick and roll the ramen into a big ball "I'll make you to." he still smiling,

"No, I don't want to." I move backward "You see, I'm on a diet and I can't eat too much, and that is too much."

he kept on coming closer with that ramen on his hand, and I'm trap in this position between the ramen and him. Out of nowhere he lower his hand and put the ramen back into the bowl.

"Let's make an agreement instead. If you kiss me, I won't make you eat that ramen. But if you won't kiss me, you need to eat all of the ramen in that bowl."

I hate this 'kiss' agreement everytime.
it's not exactly an agreement I can choose, and it's bad the both way or around. I really don't want to eat that ramen, but I don' t want to kiss him either.

"Which part should I kiss?" I ask

he point at his lips "Here."

"There's no way I would kiss you on your lips!" I was about to throw a pillow on him,

"You got to eat this ramen then." he make that sneaky smile again.

"I don't want to...I told you I'm on a diet." I still try to sound assuring to him.

"I'll count to 10, if you haven't kiss me, I'll make you eat this ramen.1.....2.....3...." he start counting

"Wait!" I stop him "I'll do it." I answer hesistantly,

he smile, I look at his satisfied face and come closer to him,

"JiYong..." I said


"Can you close your eyes? Please? I can't...."

Without anymore argument he close his eyes. I slowly stand up, and step away from him. Suddenly somebody grab my right leg, I lose my balance and fall on the rug.

"Aowww." I look back and see JiYong grabbing my leg,

he move on top of me "What do you think you're doing?" he ask

"I...I don't..."I stuttered "I don't wanna eat the ramen! You're right it's horrible! It doesn't taste good at all! I'm sorry that you have to eat that! But please don't 'make me eat that ramen again!" I cried out loud,

he then start laughing, "You're such a moron."

"I'm not a moron! I..."

"Could you two do this somewhere else?" SeungHyeon is looking at us,

"SeungHyeon?" I then realize the position

Everyone would think something happen when they saw JiYong on top of me, I try to move him away, but he just won't move

"We're having our lovey dovey moment..don't bother us." JiYong easiliy smile at him.

"What lovey dovey? SeungHyeon help me out of here!" I push JiYong harder and he finally move,

I quickly walk away without saying anything.

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol