Chapter 44

Love Quest

JiYong P.O.V

It's been a month since Valentine's day...14th March..white day.
I suppose to give something back to the girl.
Shouldn't I?

I cover myself with my blanket, I'm so not in the mood for today.

"Young master, you're gonna be late for school." Mr. Oh said gently.

"I'm don't feel like going to school today..."

"Stop acting like a baby and get up!" HyoRi nuna snatch out the blanket from me.

"Uggghh...why are you here?" I grunt and take back the blanket

"Because this is my home. You come back home since last week, remember?"

"I wish I'm still in SeungHyeon's house."

"Well you don't! Now wake up!" she roll me down to the floor.

"Aisshh..."I massage my head, the point where it hit the floor,

"Now, go wash yourself and go!" HyoRi nuna placing her hand on her hips, looking at me.

"Okay." I slump to the bathroom.


I slam my bag onto the floor then sit and lay my head on the desk.

"The girl are waiting for you outside." TaeYang said,

he was right, a very loud annoying voice is coming out from outside,a bunch of girls were lining up in front of the window,looks like they're waiting for something.

"Can you ask them to shut up and leave?" I said,

"No can do....I don't mind having all of them here." TaeYang lay back

Just then SeungHyeon came.He was scratching his hair, looking annoyed.

"What's up with the ruckus?" SeungHyeon take his seat

"TaeYang said he love it." I answer.

he look at TaeYang, TaeYang look back at him and just shrug then smile.

"Is anybody giving somebody white day gift?" he smile,

"No." SeungHyeon answer simply

he stare at SeungHyeon "You never give gifts." then he turn his head to me and show me the eye smile  "I bet you're giving gift for AhYoung."

I quickly grab my phone, pretending not to hear anything he just said.
Pressing the menu and exit again and again.

SeungHyeon take my phone away "What are you giving her?" he gave me that sneaky smile

"Who...who said I'm giving anything to her?"

Great..I start to stutter now.
SeungHyeon keep giving me that sneaky smile, TaeYang just smile

"'re not giving something to her, but you're preparing something?" he ask again

"No. Give back my phone."

"Not until you tell me, what you're giving her."

"I didn't prepare anything!"

SeungHyeon look at TaeYang "TaeYang, call YuRi."

"For what?" I ask

TaeYang take out his phone and call YuRi, "She's on the line."

"What..what...what's happening here? Why are you doing what he said?" I look back from TaeYang to SeungHyeon

"Put it on speaker."

and TaeYang did what he said.

"Yobuseyo?" YuRi voice from the other line,

"YuRi...can you tell me what AhYoung like??" SeungHyeon ask

"Why you ask? You're her brother anyway."

"JiYong needs it."

"Oh." her voice brighten "She like teddy bears, and if you wanna give something special for today white day, I think candlelight dinner would be perfect! You can go..."

"Wait..who say anything about white day? I'm not giving her anything!" I cut in

"Shut up! I'm talking here!" YuRi shout from the line, and I shut my mouth

"Ok...where was I?" she continue "Dinner..right candlelight dinner. With white roses and fabric everywhere and then you can give her the white teddy bear! Tadaaa that is YuRi white day masterpiece, there's nothing better than that. You should do it."

"Yes you should do it." SeungHyeon repeat


"Thanks, you can go talk to TaeYang." SeungHyeon give back the phone to confused TaeYang.

SeungHyeon didn't say anything, he stare at me and then look back.He give out that mysterious feeling.
Should I do YuRi white day extravaganza?


AhYoung P.O.V

As soon as I settle my on my chair, YuRi pile me up with questions

"So, did he give you anything? White chocolate? Diamonds?"


"You is white day..."


" didn't give him the chocolate? You did give him right?"

"Calm down...I did."

"Then why isn't he giving you anything?!" she look more frustrated than I am

"Why are you being so hype about my gift? What about TaeYang? Did he give you anything?"

"Nah...he didn't."

then her phone ring.She look at the caller ID and smile, it must be TaeYang.

"Yobuseyo?" she answer, sweetly,

after a second of chatting, he move away from me and talk outside.
Since when did she make the rule not to hear her lovey dovey conversation? Acting so privately close.
I turn my body back and take out my books.

YuRi came back with a wide smile on her face,

"What happen?" I ask suspiciously


"What did TaeYang said?"


"Answer me!"

"Ssshh...the teacher's coming."

I let out a disappointment sigh and face the big boring black board.

It's lunch.

I take a big spoon full of my lunch and put it in my mouth at once,I glance at YuRi,she's tapping her fingers on the table,looking lost, thinking of something else.

I put my spoon down,

"What happen?" I ask

"I'm thinking why TaeYang hasn't give me anything today."

"But he did called you before."

"He call because...." she pause "Nevermind..." she cross her hand and look at me "And what about JiYong?"

"What about him?" I take another spoon full

"He hasn't give you a lovey dovey call yet?"

"Wha shoul he?" I answer with mouth full

"He's your boyfriend...remember?"

I shake my head and emptied my mouth "He's not. We're just dating temporarily, it's all fake" I shrug.

YuRi face changes from surprise to her sneaky smile,

"What is..."

suddenly somebody pulled my chair. I turn around, ready to smack whoever it is,

"What's your problem?!"

and I saw JiYong smiling at me, he take the spoon off my hand and grab and pull my arm,

"What are you doing here?" I ask

and he didn't answer,I turn around and look at YuRi, and she's smiling to me with her two thumbs up.

What the hell does that mean?
I don't need a thumbs up right now.

"You can't take me just like that."

and he still stay silent,

"I always hate the silent treatment" I cross my hand, and he just smile.


He carry me to a mall,and pull me to one shop.

"Dress her up." he said shortly, pushing me.

"What? Again? You've gotta stop doing this!" I said while she drag me to the changing room.

I've got use to this,they'll always pull me around and ask me to wear dresses.Like seriously, does JiYong really like to dress up girls?

My hair is curled and half tied up, I was wearing a all white outfit from head to toe.


"Mam, this way." a woman point out the way,

I bow my head "Kamsahamnida." and walk to the direction she has given.

I was in awe, there was a white rose arch place in the entrance,the room was fill with white decoration everywhere, a white rose is scattered around the room,looking like snow.
The room looks like a snow just fall in the room, it's just unbelivable how amazing the room looks.

I walk deeper and saw JiYong standing up from his seat,

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you." I reply plainly, " What is going on here?" I ask

"White day." he sit down and I follow him

"You do this to every girl who gave you chocolate?" I look around

"'s just.."

"Waaa it's amazing." I ignore what he said "Really it is." I turn my face to him,

Then a woman come carrying two plates of salad on both hands,she place each in front of us

"Please enjoy." she bow

I reply it with a light nod,we both take a bite.

"So..." I take another bite "What's up with this?"

"What? You hate it?"

"No...I love eating, but don't you think this stuff" I look around "This is too much."

JiYong clear his throat "You know, I thought this would be a repay for your chocolate, you know...valentine's day."

"Oh..." I take another bite "You must be exhausted doing this to every single girl."


Then the woman come back again,taking away our plate and place a plate fill with fettuccini carbonara.
It looks like today is a all white menu.

Then somebody barge in.Sandara, clacking her way to us, with a pout on her face

"JiYong what are you doing?" and then she turn around to me "What is she doing here?"

"Oh, is it your turn now?"

"What turn?" she ask back


"Can you get out now?" JiYong cut in

"What?" she's looking at JiYong and look back to me again "I need to talk to you outside."

"Okay." I was about to stand up from my seat

"No." JiYong stop me "You don't need to go."

"I want to talk to you, come with me" Sandara pull my hands

"No, you didn't need to come with her."

"I'll go. It just gonna take a while, right?" I look at Sandara

"Yeah, it will."

I followed her out of the room,

"Can we talk here? I don't wanna walk too much." I said

"Okay." she let go of my hand "Get lost."

I look at her, confused "What do you mean?"

"I don't wanna see you near JiYong anymore."

I was a in a awkward moment,I don't really know what to say

"He is my boyfriend, I can meet him anytime I want." I said

"But he is my fiancee, you're just a stranger ruining our relationship!"

"You're not even engange with him." I smirk

"Yet. I ask my mom to prepare an engangement party. Next week." she emphasize,

I was in shock,I stay silent for a moment.

"Did JiYong know anything about this?"

"No, I'll tell him later." she cross her hands "So I'll ask you nicely this time, please don't get too close with him." she pause "I just wanna be with him" a tear comes out,


I walk away with my head down,walk out from the restaurant, and walk out from JiYong's life.


JiYong P.O.V

I have been sitting here for 15 minutes alone,what exactly is they're talking about.

"Should I clean this up?" the waitress ask


The door open, and when I thought it would be AhYoung, it turns out to Sandara.A huge smile was on her face.She was wiping her eyes with tissue,

"Why are you here? Where's AhYoung?" I ask

"She leave, she told me she got something important to do." she take a seat on AhYoung's place

"Who told you to sit?"

"She leave, I thought you need somebody to accompany you." she smile at me

I stand up from my seat "Clean this up." I call up the waitress

"JiYong, you're leaving?"

"I don't wanna see your face." I leave the room

"You're forgetting this." the clerk show me a bag filled with AhYoung's uniform and stuffs,

"She forget this?" I look at it "Just put it in my car."


I get into my car and saw a huge white teddy bear, sitting beside me and bags full of AhYoung's stuff is all put beside me. I look at it, wondering what I should do now. I take my phone out and call AhYoung, and I heard a phone ringing beside,I look around the bag and realize, her phone was there too.


AhYoung P.O.V

I feel burden on every step I walk,I was searching for my phone and the pocket wasn't there.I look at myself and realize that I'm still wearing the dress.

"Ugh." I grunt "Why did I leave without taking my things?"

I feel my feet is hurting,I take off my heels and carry it.

SeungHyeon familiar car stop in front of me,he open the window

"What are you doing here?" he ask "Is this a part of JiYong's plan?"

"What plan?" I ask

"Nothing." he look at me "What's with your outfit?" he ask

"I forgot to get my things back." I answer plainly

"Get in, let's go home."

I get into the car and lay back, he start the engine then stare at me

"What's wrong?"


"Okay." he look away

"Do you think this temporary girlfriend contract is okay?" I ask

"Why?" he ask

"I shouldn't have bother JiYong relationship from the start."

"He ask you to do this, Sandara was bothering him so much."

"But Sandara was crying just now." I pause "I must be the worst person in the world."

"You're not." he rub my head

I stay silent the whole way back home.


I come out from the car, and heard SeungHyeon happy voice

"What are you doing here?" he high five JiYong

I look at him, and stay silent. He look back at me, our eyes met.There was a silent moment between us

"It looks like you both need some time to talk." SeungHyeon leave us both

I walk to my door without saying a single word.

JiYong P.O.V

She was walking to the front door and ignore me,I grab her hand and stop her

"Where are you going? I need to talk to you."

"I'm tired." she turn away

"Why did you leave?" I ask

"Because I'm tired."

Weird, that's not what Sandara said.Looks like none of them gonna tell me the truth.

"You left your clothes." I shove the bag to her

"Oh...kamsahamnida." she take it from my hand "I'm gonna give the clothes back to you, don't worry."

"You don't need to. I..."

"I'm really tired." she cut me.

I let her arm go and let her go.

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol