Chapter 7

Love Quest
JiYong P.O.V

“How long are you planning to hide in your bed?” SeungRi ask me

“I'm not hiding, I just don't feel like coming out from here” I rebut

“Come on, you look like a bear hibernating” SeungRi fold his hand

“I don't care” I close my whole body with my blanket.

“Look at your room....wooo...a mess” TaeYang pick up some stuff falling down

“Don't your maid come and clean this up?” he ask,

“No, they don't even dare to come in” I answer

“Hey do you know where's SeungHyeon is?” SeungRi ask

TaeYang shake his head “I don't know either, I thought you call him to come”

“Something must have been hold him up, he'll come soon” I say

I look at Mr. Oh, he look like he want to say something

“Mr. Oh, do you have something you want to say?” I ask him

“Umm...actually Mr. SeungHyeon just come 15 minutes ago...” he say

“Then why don't you ask him to come in?” I ask

“The security say that, he stop his car in the front door for a few minutes, then drive away” he continue

“Huh?” we all look at Mr. Oh confusedly “Is he getting crazy?” I ask them

they just look at each other confusedly.
We stay silent for a few minutes until somebody open the door,

it's SeungHyeon. “Finally you come” TaeYang greet him with a hug

“Why are you late?” SeungRi ask

“Cause I bring somebody really annoying” he make an unpleasant face,

SeungRi and TaeYang peek and start 'O'ing.

“I think we need to leave 'them' alone” SeungRi smile,

SeungRi and TaeYang push him away and AhYoung appear from SeungHyeon back.

I look surprise when I saw her standing outside my door,
she look a bit confused what she had to do, I sit on my bed and look at her

“Come here” I say

without thinking she walk to me slowly, she stop beside my bed,
I pat my bed to tell her to sit on it
hesitating she bend down to sit, it takes 15 seconds and she haven't seat yet.
I push her down and pull her beside me, she look a bit scare

“What's wrong with you?” I ask but she kept silent

I place my face closer to mine “Or do you wanna kiss?” it's about a milli away from her lips,

suddenly she kick me off my bed, “Don't even try to do it” her face back to normal

“Now, you're back to your usual you” I smile at her

she stay silent looking at me with a unbelievable look, and look at me from head to toe,

“You haven't take a bath yet?” she ask

I nod “I stay all night on my bed. Why?” I ask her back

“You stink” she hold her nose tightly.

“YA! How dare you say something like that to me?” I look at her and realize that she hold something on her hand

“What is that?” I ask her,

“What’s what?” she ask back

“That thing you hold on your hand” I point to her

she directly hide it behind her back “You don't need to know “ she walk to me and stop behind my back.

“Where's the bathroom?” she ask

“Over there” I point it to her, she push to that direction

“Quickly take a shower” she grunt.

She stop in front of my bathroom and let me go,

I fall and scratch my head “What are you doing?” I shout

she look at me “I'm sorry, but your bathroom is so big!” she run around,

“Hey careful it's slippery” I warn her

“Don't worry” her foot slip and fall backward

I ran to her held her on my arm,

“What did I just say?” I look at her

Our eyes met for a few second.She stand properly and let go of me.

“It's just an accident, it will never happen again” she argue

I look at her and smirk, thinking of a idea “Do you like this bathroom?” I ask

“I love it! It's big!” she reply directly with her eyes shining looking around,

I come closer to her and whisper on her ear “Why don't you take a bath with me?” I ask

her face become red and in a second she hit my head “ert!” she walk away.

I kept smiling watch her walking away.
I open my clothes and let all the drops of water wash my body,
try to keep my mind straight and relax,
after a few minutes I wear my clothes, then I decide not to wear my shirt.
I come out and see AhYoung searching something on the book shelf,

I smile, walk to her and hug her from behind “What are you searching?”

“YA!!” she shout and push away my hand, she turn around and look more surprise,

she quickly close her eyes move backward slowly.

I come closer to her “Why?” I ask

“Can you put on your shirt?” she ask

I don't reply her and still walk closer to her, without she realizing she bump the shelf
almost all the book fall to her, my eyes open wide, shocked

she open her eyes “Mian...I'll put it back” she take all the book that she can hold

I stop her and hold his head “Are you hurt?” I ask

she shake her head looking straight to my eyes “But..please wear your shirt” she look away

I wear it and left it ed “Buttoned it for me” I tell her

she ignored me and place the book back.
I start to feel annoyed, I block her view and look at her closely

touch her cheek softly “Your lip look nice, make me wanna do something to it”

she move away “Ok, I'll do it” I come closer to her but she push me away,

she stretch her hand and try to buttoned my clothes from far distance.
Her hand kept slipping, she hasn't even buttoned one of it.

I push her head closer to my chest, she try to push me away “Do it properly” kept holding his head,

she stop struggling and buttoned my shirt, “Hey, can I ask you something?” she ask

I nod “Why you got really mad when the tteokbeokgi fall down?” she ask

my feeling fill with shock “Huh? Nothing happen, I just think it's really precious to you” I try to keep it cool,

she look at me, didn't believe what I say “Huh? Since when you think about me?”

“Just..shut up and finish it quickly, idiot” I shout

she stop, look at me with her eyes and punch my guts.
She walk away from me and open the door.
I hold my stomach and let her go away, stupid girl. Do anything that she like,
I look at my balcony and see SeungHyeon and her leave my house,
I scratch my head and sit on the couch.
My eyes catch a bag that she left on the table, I take it and look inside it
I take out the box out and open it, it's something red and I think I ever seen it,
SeungRi open the door and come inside with TaeYang

“Hey! AhYoung and SeungHyeon just left!” TaeYand say

“I know” I reply shortly

“What did you do to her? She look mad when she come out”

“Nothing” I answer

SeungRi walk closer to me and look what I'm doing “What are you looking at?”

“Did you guys know this?” I ask them

TaeYang shake his head,

“I know, it's a tteokbogi...if I'm not wrong, my friend ever give it to me once” SeungRi answer

“Tteokbogi?” I ask him

he nod “Yeah and it's very nice” he continue,

I smile “Why are you smiling?” SeungRi ask

“You don't need to know” I look at him

“Can I have some?” SeungRi ask

“I wanna have a taste of it too” TaeYang follow him

“Move away! I'm not giving this to anybody!” I walk away from them and eat it in front of their faces.

AhYoung P.O.V

“I need to go to YuRi house!” I slam the door of the car

SeungHyeon look at me with a weird look and sigh “Ok”

I lean my head on the window, thinking what drag me to this problem in the first place,
how stupid am I?! I get angry to myself and bump my head on the window

“You're head is strong enough to break the window” SeungHyeon mock

“Shut up” I lean back.

How can a guy like him live so peacefully in a house as big as a museum,

I kept repeating the words 'stupid JiYoung' in my head.

SeungHyeon click his fingers “Are you there?” he ask

I come back to my senses “Huh?” I look around and saw YuRi's house

“Oh...we're here” I say

“Yeah, we're here, come out quickly” he ordered me,

I rolled my eye, “Ok” and do what he told me to do.

I close the door and knock the window,

“What?” he look at me closing his handphone

“Don’t you wanna come in too?” I ask

“Nah...JiYong just call he want to me to join him”

JiYong again, gritted my teeth when I hear his name “Ok, bye”

I wave him goodbye and looking at the car going far more distance from me.


JustQueen: thx^^ I hope u like this chp also

Kyung_hee: thank u...I'll try to update very soon

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol