Chapter 15

Love Quest

AhYoung P.O.V

It’s been a week since JiYong fiancé Sandara visit, my wrist is cured now.

“Wake up JiYong!” I try to shake JiYong out from his bed,

Every morning to have to wake JiYong up has been a daily activity. It’s becoming more like my chore.

Every time JiYong will open his eyes a bit and say

“Kiss me” with his hot look

and I always answer “No”

and the next thing he will do is trying to kiss my cheek, but after few days, I master to dodge his kiss quickly, just because I knew that he gonna do it. The next thing happen is we I’ll have fight with him on the bed,
and it’s gonna be between Mr. Oh or HyoRi unnie to stop us both.

I still don’t know how to move him out from the bed quickly, how to dodge his sudden kiss and I’m still reacting to his hugs and kisses.

“JiYong, tell me why I never seen you parent in your house?” I ask, biting the French bread

JiYong slam his cup on the table

“I’m not in the mood of breakfast today, clean this up!” he stand and walk out,

The waiter rushed cleaning the part the coffee spilled and take the cup out of the table. HyoRi unnie come in, her looks tell me she know what happen

“JiYong just get mad, huh?” she take a sit beside me

I nod, taking another bite of the French bread.

she take a sip from her cup “You ask him about our parent right?” she ask back

I nod “I’m asking about why I never seen them in this house” I answer, taking a big gulp of my tea

“Oww....I can answer that. It’s because our parent is on vacation. They say they will be back today” she explain,

“Don’t you gonna pick them up?” I take the last bite from my bread.

“Nope, we wait them here, our driver will pick them up” she sip her tea

I finish my tea and she finish hers, we both stay silent.

“I gotta go. Excuse me” I bow,

“Don’t you feel cold?” she ask

“Huh?” I look at her,

“I mean you’re wearing short pants, your legs must feel cold right?”

“It doesn’t really matter, I never go out from this house anyway”

She nod, I walk out and come back to my room. Damn you YuRi, I kill you if I got a flu. Suddenly GaHo appear in front of me, sitting down so calmly.

“GaHo, why are you here? Where’s JiYong?” I ask him

I feel dumb after knowing that he won’t answer me, so I stop talking to him and approach him slowly. But he started running away from him

“YA! GaHo! Stop!” I shout,

I chase him till he’s out of sight. I stop at the front door and saw someone standing in front of the door,
It’s Sandara,
She look at me smiling

“Annyong” she still have the smile on her face

“Annyong” I bow,

Mr. Oh and the maid suddenly pops out from her back, carrying luggage,

“Please have a sit” Mr.Oh show her the couch,

HyoRi unnie come down and walk to me,

“Did you see GaHo?” she half whisper


“It looks like Sandara want to stay here, I thought that if GaHo disturb her she’ll change her mind”

She stop looking at me for a while “I hope nothing happen to GaHo, if not JiYong gonna be mad”

That sentence is like showing my future of JiYong killing me. What will he do to me if he know that I’m the one who make GaHo run away.

“Where do GaHo usually go?” I try to sound normal,

“Ummm...usually he’ll go to Jiyong’s room, kitchen and in the garden. Why do you ask?”

“Nothing, ummm....I’ll tell unnie if I found GaHo” I left her.

Where should I go first?
JiYong’s room? But he saw me and ask bout GaHo, I’ll be dead,
I cross JiYong’s room in my mind.’s between kitchen and garden. It’s a choice between ‘warm and full of food’ or ‘cold and full of plants.nIt’s obvious that I’ll choose kitchen, and I really hope that I’ll found GaHo there.

I run to the kitchen and open the door, it’s not as I expected it would be,
it’s full of busy chef, nobody even notice me coming in, and of course nobody would have notice small GaHo.

I start to move around the huge kitchen and look below the table. Still, no one notice me till someone trip on my foot.

“What the hell are you....” his words stuck when he saw me,

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t notice you Ms.AhYoung” he help me stand and bow

“Gwaenchana, it’s my fault after all”

“What bring you here Ms.AhYoung?” he ask

“I’m hungry and really want to eat something, so I guess the kitchen is the right place to go”

“Well your lunch is almost ready”

he look around and take cookie jar, open the fridge and take out a carton of milk and give it to me.

“Here, you can at least hold your hunger” he push the cookie and milk to me,

I take it from him

“Thanks, I’ll be going now” I open the door and quickly get out from the kitchen, least now I knew that GaHo is not in there, I open the cookie jar and take some of it. I guess now I need to go to the garden, gonna take my coat first.

“Unnie, did you see GaHo?” I heard JiYong’s voice,

I try to hide from JiYong, or else he’ll ask me. I change my mind to not to take my coat and directly run to the garden.

“GaHo! Cute GaHo! Where are you?” I shout as hard as I can,
it’s pretty hard to walk, I felt like all the wind is striking me like a needle.

“GaHo! I have cookie!” I take out a cookie out from the jar

“Well, cold cookie!” I shout again.

Suddenly, the bushes beside me start to shake, I fall on my because of shock. Could it be a burglar?
It is a large house and everybody must have been drooling to steal this house.

“Whoever you are, I’m not afraid” I try to hide my fright

It kept on shaking, I try to find something to defend myself, but there’s nothing I can find in this pile of snow

“I have a...a ...cookie jar and a carton milk” I say what is on my mind,

“Woof!” a sound come out from the bush

“Don’t make a dog sound, do you think I’ll be trick by it?” I ask

“Woof” it bark again

GaHo come out from the bush,
he shake off the snow on his body.

“GaHo! I found you!” I was trying to hug him, but he move away,

“I guess you don’t really like me” I put my hands down

I stand on my feet, and pat the snow off my and face GaHo

“At least you’ll follow me right?” I walk with him back to the house, if I know where the house is.

Me and GaHo walk around the garden with no direction where we're goong. We walk around for an hour and still don’t find the way out from the garden or should I call a forest.

“Aishh....jinjja! Why does it have so many trees” I sit on the ground.

GaHo come closer to me and sniff the cookie jar,

“You want some?” I open the jar take the cookie and put it on my left hand,

GaHo sniff it and eat it till finish, he every single bit of it off my hand.

“You’re hungry huh?”

“Want some milk?” I show him

GaHo bark and run around, It looks like a yes to me. I curve my right palm and pour some milk on it, he quickly it off my palm.

“’s cold” I stuttered

This short pants is making me feel even colder. stupid YuRi, I hate her!
What should I do?
I don’t wanna freeze to death in here,

“AAAAAA!” I shout as hard as I can without any meaning,

GaHo jump cause of shock and bark beside me. I cough, it’s wasting my energy and my throat felt uncomfortable.

“Mian GaHo, did I startle you?” I pet him,

He stop barking and calm down. I stand up on my feet and clear my throat and start walking.

Suddenly I heard few people foot steps running,mmaybe it’s the security,

“ya~” my voice only can be hear for 5cm,

I stump my feet and ask GaHo to bark, and he did.

“Ms.AhYoung, we are searching for you” one of the security ran to me.

A maid lay a coat on me, I point to GaHo barking beside her and she wrap GaHo around a blanket and carry him.

I came back to the house and see HyoRi unnie come running towards me,

“You better go to your room. And you" she point to the maid "make some warm milk for her” she order,

she walk me to my room and put me on the bed. She open the wardrobe and throw all the blanket on me.

“Why do you go outside?” she ask,

“I try to find GaHo” my voice shake

“Is it because of me?” she ask in panic

“Ani...” I can't bear to say another word, I was freezing like crazy.

The door slam open, and I can see JiYong coming into the room. He stop right in front of me and glare at me straight on my eyes.

I look away try to avoid seeing his gaze.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” he shout

“Mian” it’s the only word that I can think of

JiYong come closer and hug me all of a sudden. I want to get him off me, but I don’t have the energy to do it, and strangely it felt so comfortable.
He let go of the hug and look back

“Ya! Bring all AhYoung things to my room, she’s going to sleep in my room from today” he told the maid

“What?!” I look at him shocked

“I don’t want you to do this crazy things anymore” he pull my hand

“Unnie, help” I whisper

But she just look at me, smiling and waving her hand.
He let go of my hand and let me sit on the couch, I look at him till he disappeared to the toilet. I stand up and slowly trying to get out from his room

“Don’t even think of going back to that room.” he say

How can he know what I’m thinking? Does he read mind?

I sit back on the couch, slumping, feeling really annoyed with this and to think that I’m gonna have to sleep with me, makes me even more panic than I'm already am.

After a few minutes HyoRi unnie come into the room with a tray on her hand, she walk to me and give me the hot milk.

“Here, warm yourself” she smile

“Kamsanida” I quickly place my hand on the cup and drink it

“I think you’re in a trouble” HyoRi unnie say

“How can you know?” I ask her

she keep giving me the excited smile to me

“Can you help me to get out from here?” I ask her


“’s a big problem, you know my pajamas it’s all...”

“Lingeries, tank tops and short” she continue

“What?” I look at her “How did you know all that?”

“I saw it in your room, while the maid is packing your things” she answer

“So, will you help me?” I ask

“Nope” she take away the empty cup from me and walk away from me

“Unnie!” I look at her with begging face

JiYong come out from the toilet and see HyoRi unnie

“What are you doing here?” he ask

“I’m just having a little chat with AhYoung, but I’m leaving now”

she open the door and leave the room, leaving me and JiYong alone.
Don’t worry AhYoung, you still have time till dinner finish. And maybe I can get out from this mess


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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol