Chapter 30

Immortal Seoul

According to Kyrstal, Jessica hadn't answered her phone all night. Taecyeon had called her boyfriend away with something urgent earlier and somewhere in between Taecyeon's phone call and Hyuk leaving, Boa magically appeared in her living room. Kyrstal sounded like she was on the verge of a panic attack so Taeyeon was on her way there. She figured if Taecyeon was going to try something he would probably start with Boa. Sunny and Hyoyeon were also on the way there but as she pulled into Kyrstal's neighborhood her phone started to ring. Choa's name was showing on her car display. She eased her foot off the gas pedal to slow her speed.

"Choa...?" Taeyeon answered but there was only silence on the other line.

"Choa? Can you hear me? Something must be wrong with our connection. I'll call you back."

"There's nothing wrong with the connection." A male voice echoed through her car making her stop in her tracks.

"Who is this? Where's Choa?" Taeyeon questioned, the voice was one she didn't recognize.

"Choa is right here, safe in my arms. Say hello Choa..."

"Taeyeon help..." the phone was pulled away before Choa could continue.

"Okay... you have my attention. What do you want?" Taeyeon closed her eyes to calm herself. The last thing she wanted was for Choa to get involved in her mess. She had to play this cool.

"That's what a like to hear." She could hear the amusement in the man's voice. "I want you... Kim Taeyeon."

"Okay, I will come to you but you have to let Choa go."

"No. You will come to me alone if you want to see your girlfriend alive again."


Taeyeon left her car on the side of the road and flew as fast as she could to the abandoned warehouse where the man said he was holding Choa. When she entered she followed the smell of fresh blood down into the basement of the building.

No light reached the basement but she could see clearly. Two glowing golden eyes stared back at her from the room ahead. The wolf was familiar to her... he was the one she met at the restaurant with Choa. Minho... she recalled his name. As she got closer to the door she saw the knife against Choa's neck. It had cut into her skin and a small amount of blood ran down her neck.

As Taeyeon stepped through the door she felt two sharp needle pricks in her right arm. She knocked them away without much thought not noticing the blood that now ran from her arm.

"That's close enough." Minho said when Taeyeon was half way through the room. "You got here faster than I thought."

"Where's Taecyeon?" Taeyeon scanned the corners of the dark room and moved to her right. She didn't like having her back to the door.

"Taeyeon..." Choa's voice was small and scared. Taeyeon realized Choa couldn't see her in the pitch black room.

"I'm here... don't worry." Taeyeon took a step towards them.

Minho pressed the knife harder against Choa's neck. A small whimper escaped from . "Move again and I will slit ."

Taeyeon had to fight the urge to lunge at him but she couldn't control the red flash of her eyes. She knew she could take him out easily but she couldn't risk him hurting Choa. "Where's Taecyeon?" Taeyeon questioned again.

Minho smiled "... he'll be here shortly. Like I said you got here faster than I expected."

"You wanted me here and now I'm here. Please just let Choa go. She has nothing to do with this."

"That's where you're wrong." Minho smiled and pulled Choa against his body. "She is the reason you're here I'm I right?"

Taeyeon didn't respond. Her eye twitched at the sight of his hand on Choa's body.

"Let me ask you something Kim. Why do you choose humans?"

"Why do you care?"

"Curiosity..." Minho's eyes traveled down Choa's body while his hand moved lower on her stomach. "You see I've always liked you Kim." Minho eyes traveled back up to her. "I think if circumstances were different we could've been friends." He pulled Choa back roughly and her cheek. "We definitely have the same taste in women."

Taeyeon stepped forward again, her eyes on the tears flowing down Choa's face. "If you touch her again..."

"I'm touching her now." Minho smiled and ran his knife down to the center of Choa's chest. "Are you going to kill me little Kim? He raised a questioning eyebrow. "Not before I plunge my knife into your girlfriend."

"Why are you playing games with me?" Taeyeon was starting to reach her limit. "You called me here for a reason. What do you want from me?"

"I want you and your friends to die... to really die." Minho pointed his knife at Taeyeon when he said those words and a light bulb went off in her head. The next time he pointed the knife she would make her move but she needed to do it fast before Taecyeon arrived or she might be in trouble.

"Why don't you turn into a wolf and come kill me then?"

Minho laughed "...that's why I like you Kim... you're funny. It's a shame I have to kill you."

"Well I wish you would get on with it." Taeyeon said rolling her eyes.

Minho laughed harder this time. He bent slightly the knife dropping to his side. Taeyeon lunged at him faster than he could see and he panicked bringing the knife up fast. Two things happened at once. He heard someone scream and he felt a cold hand grab his throat. He looked down and saw the knife handle sticking out of Choa's chest. He grabbed the handle and the hand tighten around his neck. Taeyeon had him in her hand but she wasn't looking at him. She was staring at Choa and screaming at the top of her lungs.

Minho couldn't breathe... Taeyeon was killing him, his eyes were losing focus. He pulled the knife out of Choa's chest and watched her body fall to the floor. He never planned on killing her he only wanted to use her to get to Taeyeon. She was looking at him now her eyes filled with hatred. They were fire red but all emotion had left them. With the last bit of life he had in him he plunged the knife into Taeyeon's side. She screamed again and loosened her grip allowing Minho just enough breath to stab her again.

To Taeyeon everything was moving in slow motion. The knife sinking into Choa's chest, her hand grabbing Minho's throat and the unfamiliar screams that came from . Why is this happening she thought before turning her full attention to choking the life from Minho. She watched as his face went from white to blue but she felt no satisfaction in seeing the life drain from his eyes. The pain of the knife entering her side shook her but the sight of the wound not healing scared her. While she stared at the un-healing wound Minho managed to stab her again before she tightened her grip. His hand fell to his side leaving the blade in her stomach. She pulled the knife out and plunged it into Minho's neck. His blood covered her as she cut his head from his shoulders and kicked his body against the back wall.

The sound of soft wheezing coming from the floor made Taeyeon look down. Choa was still alive but barely. Taeyeon could tell by the wound Minho had punctured one of her lungs. Taeyeon dropped his head at her feet and knelt down next to Choa who coughed blood onto the floor and closed her eyes.

"Choa no, don't close your eyes." Taeyeon looked down at her own side. She had already lost a lot of blood but she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she didn't try. She bit into her wrist and placed it over Choa's mouth. "Choa you have to drink okay." Choa didn't move and Taeyeon couldn't hold back her tears any longer. "Choa... please..." Taeyeon cried "... don't die on me. I need you."

Through her tears Taeyeon spotted something move out of the corner of her eye. The room seemed darker to her now, the blood she lost was starting to drain her power. After a moment of scanning the room she saw a large half wolf half man figure standing over Minho's mutilated body. The howl that came from the monster's mouth was deafening. Taeyeon stood stumbling a little as pain shot through her side.

Her clumsy movement caught the attention of the werewolf. He turned to her and growled before lunging at her. Taeyeon wanted to move, she willed herself to do so but her speed was gone. She only had time to lift her arm as the wolf's claws came down on her cutting deep wounds into her arm. She cried out in pain and gripped her mangled arm. The wolf howled again... it was a long low sad sounding howl. Taeyeon hoped he would stop, her body couldn't take much more. When the howl faded the wolf swung wildly hitting her with all his power in the chest. The force of the hit knocked her against the wall and she could feel several of her ribs crack. This is it... I'm about to die Taeyeon thought as she watched the dark shadow approach.


Jessica had followed Taecyeon for most of the night. Everything seemed normal until he received a phone call. After the call he was panicked and worried. She was surprised to see Kyrstal's boyfriend show up and the two jump in a car and speed away. She followed them to an abandoned warehouse and waited. She didn't feel the need to go in until she heard howling. She had to go check it out.

What she saw in front of her as she entered the basement was something out of a horror movie. There was blood everywhere and a decapitated body in the corner. She stepped farther into the room and spotted a werewolf standing over what looked like Taeyeon's small body. The wolf raised a claw above his head and was about to strike when Jessica called out a name.


The wolf dropped his hand and turned slowly until they were facing each other. A small howl escaped his lips before he started to shift back into his human form. "Jessica..." tears started to fall from his eyes as he said her name. "I'm so..."

Jessica had him by the neck before he could finish. "...sorry." He managed before he could no longer speak.

"I am sorry too." Jessica said and snapped his neck. She let his body fall to the floor and knelt down in front of Taeyeon.

"Taeyeon…? Are you okay? Can you hear me?"

Taeyeon was falling in and out of consciousness. She heard what sounded like Jessica's voice but she wasn't sure. She couldn't see in the darkness and she wanted to sleep. She turned her head slightly to the side and reached out. "Choa..." was all she said before passing out.


Taeyeon opened her eyes and immediately covered them, the lights in the room blinding her.

"Turn off the lights." Sunny's voice entered Taeyeon's ears as the lights went out. She opened her eyes and Sunny grabbed her hand.

"Where's Choa?" Taeyeon questioned looking around the room that was not her own.

"I'm going to get something to eat..." Hyoyeon slipped out of the door before Sunny could stop her.

"Sunny...?" Taeyeon could tell something wasn't right by the look on Sunny's face.

"Taeyeon... I... I don't know how to tell you this but... Choa... she's gone."

Taeyeon sat up and winced in pain. She looked down to see her side was still bandaged and her arm in a cast. "What do you mean she's gone? Did she go to Paris?"

"No..." Sunny shook her head "... I mean she's gone. Her parents held her funeral a couple weeks ago."

Taeyeon stared at Sunny for a long time until she started shaking her head. "I don't believe you... Choa is not dead."

"Taeyeon..." Sunny tried to comfort her friend but Taeyeon recoiled.

"No!" She screamed "'re a liar and I want you to get out now!"

"But Taeyeon..."

"GET OUT!!!" Taeyeon screamed as tears started to pour from her eyes.

"Okay..." Sunny stood feeling heartbroken for her friend. "I'll be just outside if you need me."

Taeyeon didn't know how long she cried. She wished she could cry herself to sleep like she did when she was human but sleep did not come to her. She had to lie awake with her tears until she could cry no longer. As days and nights passed she spent her time thinking about what she did wrong and how she could've saved Choa. Sunny or Hyoyeon would stick their head into the room every once in a while to check on her and try to get her to eat but she would refuse.

"Taeyeon... are you hungry?" Sunny went about her normal routine if asking the question and being rejected.

"No..." Sunny was surprised to see Taeyeon sitting at the window and not in the bed as usual.

"Are you okay?" Sunny asked stepping a little farther into the room.

"No..." Taeyeon turned to Sunny her face was completely white and sunken. Sunny thought she looked like a skeleton.

"I could bring you something to eat if you'd like?"

Taeyeon stared at Sunny a while longer without speaking before turning back to face the window.

"Okay... well if you need me... you know I'm just outside."

Sunny closed the door behind her and Taeyeon opened the window and jumped out. She landed on her feet soft as a cat and ran off into the night. Her body had healed but she was still weak. She needed to feed even though she wasn't hungry. The first person that crossed her path became her meal but after her body yearned for more. She walked for a long time without direction until she came to a small flower shop. She stood staring at the flowers until the shop keeper came over to help.

"Do you like these flowers? They're very popular this season."

"No..." Taeyeon shook her head. "I mean yes... they're very pretty."

The shop keeper frowned and grabbed some of the flowers. "I can  put together an arrangement for you?"

"Yes..." Taeyeon nodded "... that would be nice."

After making small talk with the shop keeper Taeyeon walked away with a hand full of flowers. She stopped to feed once more to make sure she looked normal again. She then made her way to an old house she visited only once before. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. The door opened and Choa's father was standing there.

"Mr. Park..." Taeyeon bowed, her voice cracking a little.

"Taeyeon? What are you doing here? It's late."

"I'm... I'm so sorry." Taeyeon held out the flowers and started to cry. "I couldn't save her..."

"Who's there?" Choa's mother came to the door as well. "Taeyeon...?" She pushed her husband to the side. "Why are you standing in the way? Let the poor girl in."

"No..." Taeyeon shook her head "... I just wanted to say I'm sorry and deliver these flowers."

"Don't be silly child." Choa's mother stepped out and grabbed Taeyeon's arm. "Please come in, you're always welcome."

Taeyeon walked into the house but she felt ashamed. She couldn't look Choa's parents in the eyes and she couldn't stop her tears. She tried to apologize again but she couldn't find words. It was Choa's mom that hugged her first and then her dad joined them. Taeyeon thought she would never stop crying until she felt their warmth surrounding her. Choa's parents shared the same warmth as their daughter. Taeyeon smiled for the first time since she awoke and closed her eyes getting lost in the thoughts of her lost love.



Long time no see. Sorry but life has been busy or I have been lazy... maybe it's a bit of both. Anyway the first half of this story is complete! Yay! I really hope you've enjoyed it even tho I am lacking. Thank you again for reading and I will be back with something different soon.

Love you all,


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Terenceng1998 #1
Chapter 31: I just died a little inside when choa died
justincredible #2
Chapter 30: I just wanna thank you for making this beautiful story.. It just that.. the ending disappoints me alot.. It's so sad. But nonetheless, thank you for coming back and finishing this story. Update me if you ever have a new fic.. i really liked your story telling.. Sml~
Svnny2 #3
Can sunny end up together with tiffany?:/
I hope so :D <3
Terenceng1998 #4
Chapter 27: A update that is worth the wait! Everything I going into a right direction, but was hoping that the scene at the end would be longer and a little more detailed
justincredible #5
Chapter 27: Wow! I just found this glorious fic nearly a week ago then now, you have published a pleasurable update. That really scares me, the moving of Choa to Paris, but this literally made my day. I'm not disappointed subscribing on this fic. Keep on making us cringe more.. It's like the book/movie warm bodies, how Taeyeon slowly gaining heartbeat.. Thanks for the update author-nim. Also, I just realized I was on your author's note, you're welcome, you and this magnificent piece deserve all these praises you receive from your readers. Sml~
Terenceng1998 #6
Chapter 26: Just a misclicked don't worry about it too much. Really love the Taeyeon & Choa ship though, hope you can make another fanfic about them after you're done with this one.
justincredible #7
Chapter 26: Ohmygod! Took me couple of hours or must I say 5 hours more or less and It didn't disappoint me even a bit, how amazing this story is. Where have you been all my reader life, why did I just found you now, but it's worth it though. I'm an avid Taengsic shipper and reader but I would love any person being shipped with Taeyeon for I'm a TYSone, definitely a taeganger. Also, I've been finding for TaeyeonChoa fic, how come I didn't have found this. Ghad I'm so glad i've this along my suggestions feed. This my third fantasy fanfic I've ever read' and it's damn amazing. Now, I'll be impatiently patient waiting for your next update, author-nim. Thanks for this majestic fic once again. You've just gained a new loyal reader. Sml~
Terenceng1998 #8
Chapter 24: Glad to know you're alive. Tae and choa tho
Sunny515 #9
Chapter 23: Yay! Update