chapter 24

Secret Member - BTS

Jungkook and Maria jolted awake water dripping down their faces.

"DA FU-HEY!" Maria was fuming and failing to keep her composure as the rest of the boys looked on and laughed at the pair's misfortune.

"We're home~ I'm your hope~"

Sang hoseok out of key.

Kookie moved back and pretended to swing at him making him flinch backwards.

"Watch, just watch..." she said pointing her finger at them. They moved back pretending to be scared.

"Oooh so threatening" they laughed while they could when she grabbed her water bottle and squeezed it all over them. Throwing one to Jungkook to attack as she ran out and into the dorm without any other thoughts.

By the time everyone reached the front door they were soaked to the bone. Any makeup or hair products completely washed out.

"Okay okay we surrender," said Jimin and Jhope putting their hands up in defeat. There the war was stopped and they went to change Maria back into her yellow hoodie and jogging bottoms. Rap monster slapping her across the face with a towel.

"Thanks" she dried her hair and sat down on the sofa legs crossed. Switching on the TV to see a rerun of My love from the stars

This still comes on? Omg! I remember this scene! It's so cute! Omg Omg Omg he's gonna kiss her!

Maria squealed in excitement as she hid behind a pillow tucked behind her knees. The other members looked round at her as if she was crazy.

"I swear to god not you too"


"Honestly these two are going to start acting out scenes together," Yoongi said pointing at Taehyung who was sat on the other side of the sofa in the same position.

"Yeah, why do you guys even like it? It's so fake." Said Rap monster.

"Whatever maybe some of us like this kind of innocent romance"

"I am a very innocent person okay"

Maria raised her eyebrows and scoffed before mouthing the words. "I'm ma beat that like you never felt before"

"Okay fine whatever but I only ever said it that one time"

"Sure" she replied rolling her eyes.

"I mean it! Forget it. What do you want to eat?" he asked changing the subject

"Yeah what we ordering?" Asked Hoseok.

"Ordering? I was gonna cook" Maria said walking towards the kitchen.

"Oooh chef Mark nice one but what are you going to cook with? Empty ice cream containers? We have no food "Said Jin pointing at the empty fridge.

"I'll just go to the local supermarket"

"What now?"

"Nobody even recognises me anyway so it's okay"

"No, wait hold up! Wait for us! I wanna go~" Jimin said as Maria was putting her shoes back on.

"It's fine I'm only gonna be like ten minutes" she went to get her bag and by the time she walked back to the front of the room they had all put their shoes on standing in a line a bunch of power rangers.

What am I gonna do with these lot?

So they left the house for the adventure to the supermarket. Maria wondering how an earth this even ended up happening. They walked in and Maria grabbed a shopping cart Taehyung running behind her and linking arms "Let's go!" he said dragging her along with him.

"Okay, so we need chicken, onion, garlic.... hey? Are you even listening to me?" she looked around to see the boys grabbing any possible snack and throwing it into the cart. She took control of the cart and took out the snacks much to the boy's dismay.

"I'm not paying for this; I'm paying for the ingredients for dinner"

"We'll pay separately," said Jungkook

"But if you eat those you're not going to eat my food" she took the packet of gummy worms from his hand and put them back. Jungkook secretly trying to slide them underneath the tomatoes. But as they say, nothing escapes noona.

After finally getting the fresh ingredients they needed they came across the frozen aisle. Taehyung running over to the ice cream section.

"No," she said flatly as he posed with it next to his face. "I'm being serious". He frowned slightly before grabbing her arm and nuzzling his head against her shoulder pretending to be cute.


"No, you guys aren't going to eat dinner then"

"please~". She just stared at him again. When he looked through his pocket and took out a note."I'm gonna buy it and you can't stop me" before sticking his tongue out and running towards the cashier.

"Wow, such rebellion hyung .....I'm so amazed...."






  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  bro <3

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Chapter 28: Hope you'll update soon ^-^
Exolover_kai #2
Chapter 1: It's good. I love it ☺☺☺