Surprisingly Impressive

This Is...

The wind blew until the leaves on the branches danced. It was early Wednesday morning and Min was walking along the almost empty streets. Since it was a weekday, Min could see students from various levels scurrying about. Straight ahead, she saw a man slightly taller than her wearing black pants, black shirt with a white overcoat that had huge black buttons on it running towards her direction. The man bumped into a group of female high school students in front of her but did not stop running. He merely turned back and bowed his head as he shouted his apology.


Min could see the man would probably bump into her as well, so she wasted no time and stood on the side. The man ran past Min and they exchanged gazes. Min noticed that the man had an almost feminine face, and with his shiny and straight shoulder-length hair, it won’t be unusual for this man to be mistaken as a girl. The man mouthed his thanks to Min as he passed and Min acknowledged it with a slight bow.


Probably late for the bus or something… It’s too early to be late for class.


Seeing as the man turned left on the corner, Min looked back towards her way. Suddenly, three high school students were running towards her way. She leaned back to the wall just in time before they could have collided. Two girls ran past her while the other stayed behind to bow to Min.


“Sorry, dongsaeng! Your unniedeul were in a hurry.”


Min nodded in response and the girl ran to catch up with the girls. Min saw that the girl was holding a pair of shades in one hand and a black and white scarf on the other. She wrinkled her forehead in confusion.


“Was the guy a… Celebrity?”


Min shook her head to erase the thought. She started walking towards her destination again.


If that man was a celebrity, I would have recognized him. I may have been in the States for a long time but I did keep tabs on the Korean entertainment industry. And I’ve been here for almost a year already…


And wow, she thought I was younger than her! I'm really so cute~


“Teacher! You’re here early!”, greeted the guard on post as Min walked towards the lobby lost in thought.


“Ah~ Yes~ I didn’t want to ride with so many students, haha!”


The guard nodded. “Well, there’s already a student inside. I guess he feels the same as well.”


Min raised her eyebrow. A student got here before me?  She checked her watch and saw that she still has an hour before the formal class starts. She wondered who the early bird was and decided to take a peek before changing. She opened the door and widened her eyes with what she has seen.


A bulky white male wearing a white wife-beater with black pants was stretching his legs inside. His back was her so she couldn’t see who it was. Do I have a new student? Why was I not informed of this? I can’t teach more than 10… Ugh. She walked over and tapped the man’s shoulder from behind.


The man turned around with widened eyes and an opened mouth.




“Oh, hey, Minyoung! You’re here!”, replied Kikwang as he removed his earphones.


“Well… Of course… I am the teacher here.”


Kikwang chuckled and said, “I know that.”


Min blinked several times, waiting for an explanation from Kikwang when she realized, “Oh my gawd! I totally forgot about you! Why are you here so early? (In English)”


Kikwang was confused with what Min has just said. He could only understand “Oh my gawd” and the rest has completely confused him. “… Huh?”, was all Kikwang could say.


“Ah~” Min slapped herself and apologized, “Sorry! Why are you already here? It’s too early for class.”


Kikwang smiled and replied, “I wanted to give you a good impression for my first day, teacher, haha.”


Min laughed along and shook her head. “Well, I’ll go get changed and I’ll join you on warming-up.”


Kikwang nodded as Min turned around and started walking towards the door. He couldn’t help but smile as he was very excited to finally dance again. When Min reached the door, she stopped walking and said, “Oh and…” She turned around and pointed at Kikwang. “You need to wear something else.”


Kikwang threw her a confused look.


“If you get sweaty, the AC will kill you. I suggest you wear a hoodie or a sweatshirt or a shirt or something… A blanket for all I care.” Min turned around again, walked out and closed the door behind her and sighed with relief.


“Wow… How is someone in a wife-beater doing basic stuff looking that hot??”




Kikwang was sitting on the floor waiting for Min when the door opened. Min smiled at him and closed the door. As she was walking, Kikwang stood up. Min was wearing a black hoodie twice her size and white pants that hugged her small thighs up to her knees. Her hair was also put up in a bun. Kikwang smiled as she saw Min’s messy hair.


“What?”, asked Min who has noticed him staring at her. She also noticed that he had worn a white shirt much to her delight.


“Nothing, teacher.”


To stop herself from feeling awkward, she started a conversation. “So... Why did you enroll to my dance class again?”


“Ah~ I want to learn the new styles of Hiphop dancing. And luckily, I met you!”, explained Kikwang while smiling.


Min nodded slowly as she puffed her cheeks.


I guess I haven't been around guys for so long... I can't help but feel... Fumbled.


“Okay, let’s warm up then.” She checked her watch and estimated that the next student will probably arrive in around twenty minutes.


Just great… Twenty minutes alone with a man I barely know inside a sound-proof room… I should learn Judo as soon as possible…


She sighed and clapped her hands. “Follow my lead.”


Min situated herself in the center and turned to the mirror. She smiled and bowed at her reflection fully like how stage actresses bow to their audiences.


“What are you doing?” asked Kikwang who was fighting off a laugh.


Oh, shoot… I forgot I wasn’t alone… My ritual had been exposed!!


“I said follow my lead, Kikwang.” She said with authority. Kikwang quickly apologized and did what Min did. They both stared at their reflections for a moment while stealing some glances at each other. Min couldn’t help but admire Kikwang’s well-built body and Kikwang couldn’t help but notice Min’s slender legs.


Her cheeks totally fooled me…


Min started with the breathing exercises then moved on to the simplest of calisthenics. Kikwang followed every move Min made without hesitation. They warmed-up in silence but their minds were noisy thinking.


I wonder how my students would receive him…


I wonder how good her dancing skill is…


He doesn’t seem like your typical dance student.


Her body doesn’t seem like a body of a powerful dancer.


He looks more like a body-builder than a dancer.


She looks more like a normal middle school student than a dance teacher.


They moved on to stretching after twelve minutes of Calisthenics.


Finally…!! I thought she only knew how to do Calisthenics.


Where are those students?? They need to get here before we finish warming up!! I can’t delay this forever…!!


“Uhhh… Minyoung?”, asked Kikwang as they started stretching their legs.




“Are you my noona?”


Min stopped to look at Kikwang. “Do I look that old???”


“Hahaha, no, no! In fact, you look like you’re three years younger than me.”


“Tsssh~”, hissed Min as she went back to stretching. “I was born on 1991.”


“Wow~ I thought you were born on 1993 or something!!”


“Well, I’m not.”


“I was born on 1990 so that makes me your oppa.”


“You want to be my oppa?”


“You can choose between Kikwang(-ssi) or oppa.”


“I’ll stick with Kikwang.”


Kikwang nodded as he smiled in reply. In truth, he didn’t want Min to call him oppa. If Min calls him oppa, he thinks that it will be awkward to call Min by her full name then. He likes her name and he intends to be the only person who calls her that.




As the student started arriving, Min and Kikwang just watched them do their warm-up exercises. They had already turned the music on so it was more entertaining for them. After the warm-up exercise, Min introduced Kikwang to her class. Kikwang flashed his charming smile that made his eyes smile as well and bowed to his classmates who were significantly tinier than him in built... Though the guys were as tall as him and one was even taller than him. Min wasted no time and started the class.


The class originally had ten students under Min before Kikwang joined. All the students’ age range from 15-17 (Korean Age) and had been studying for almost a year. It made life easier for her since they were all younger than her. Kikwang is the exception, of course.


Kikwang had called her days before class to ask her which dance school she is teaching in. He asked to be enrolled in Min’s class but Min had rejected him at first. But after ten minutes of pleading and explaining, she finally gave in and told him she’d take care of it.


Min doesn’t know why she agreed to Kikwang, when normally, she’d just hang up on an annoying person. But knowing that he once was also a JYP trainee like her, she felt like she could relate to him.


When dancing is your passion, nothing can stop you. Not even delayed debuts or producers that send you to a foreign country and strips you off of your family and friends or...


Min started the class with a recap. She asked the students what they have learned last week and asked them to show it to her. In unison, the class danced to parts of Ne-Yo’s So Sick. Kikwang loves that song and he enjoyed the students’ performance very much.


If she had choreographed this, I would want her to be my personal choreographer when I become an idol.


He looked at Min who was watching from the back. Her arms were crossed and her face looked scrutinizing. She nods or wrinkles her forehead occasionally. Min saw him looking at her so she smiled faintly and looked back at the students.


Kikwang was too taken aback to react. He forgot that Min could see him, too, so he just shifted his gaze to the students.


Oh, dear Lord... Please don’t let him be a .


Min and Kikwang clapped as the performance ended. Min praised her students and pointed out who needs work where. She started demonstrating a part of the dance most of the students couldn't execute where they’ll need to pop their shoulders slightly to the right then bringing it to the left suddenly and repeating it smoothly and waving. The students followed her lead. Kikwang’s eyes widened at Min’s movements.


Did she just pop her shoulders and did an isolation and then a wave??


He couldn’t believe a girl of her stature was able to pull that off so powerfully and smoothly. But as Min teaches her students, Kikwang got more engaged and interested in her.


Lee Minyoung…


Kikwang placed himself near the back and watched Min as she executed the choreography again. The students were having a hard time following her at such a fast pace. Kikwang stared at Min’s movements and counted in his head.


1, 2 and 3 and 4~


“Woah!!”, one student exclaimed and everyone looked at him. “Teacher, teacher! The new student did it!”


Min looked at Hyunjin, the class' maknae, and then at Kikwang. She smiled and said, “Let the whole class see.”


Kikwang felt nervous. These are just a bunch of kids and I’m nervous??? What…


Min put her hands together and counted for Kikwang. “In 3, 2, 1!”


Kikwang put his right hand where his belt buckle would have been and popped his right shoulder to the right as his left shoulder smoothly swayed. He then shifted to the left and popped it powerfully twice as he ended with a smooth body roll.


“Oops, sorry~”, he said awkwardly.


The students clapped as Min nodded in approval.


I didn’t know you were this good, Kikwang. You even had to show off at the end? Let’s see…


Min slightly raised her hands and bended her knees as she brought her hips up for a semi- but stopping in the middle and popped her chest twice. She swirled her head to the right and her body followed for a complete turn. Min faced the mirror and popped her buttocks playfully before isolating it for a complete hip roll and a body roll to the side. She turned around and faced Kikwang to see what his reaction would be. She didn’t know why she did it, but she felt like she had to.


Kikwang was more amazed with Min than ever. She had perfectly executed an incorporation of many dance styles while looking cute. He was too amazed to memorize her steps so he decided he’ll throw Min one of his own. He lifted his left leg and did a robot-style walk as he waved his arms alternately. He popped his chest and started popping his body inward stopping when all his extremities were brought together. He popped his chest twice and did a wave that caused him to go back to his original position.


Min and the students were amazed with Kikwang. They did a couple rounds more of their freestyle dance battle and called it quits when Kikwang wanted to do a backflip. Min didn’t allow him to do it as she wasn’t certain of his skill. She didn’t want an accident to happen during her class.


The class then proceeded to their next dance lesson with Kikwang as a student. After three hours of intense dancing, Min called for a break and the students went out to grab drinks and some light snacks. Kikwang approached her as he was drinking his water.


“I didn’t know small girls could move like that!”


Min hissed and replied, “I didn’t know those big arms of yours could pop like that!”


They laughed and shared the sandwich Kikwang’s mother has made for him.


“Your mum still makes your food? You’re old enough to feed yourself!”, said Min as she laughed taking one of the sandwiches from Kikwang’s pack.


“She cooks well! And she’s a Lee so of course, she’d cook well!”


Min looked at him as she bites on her sandwich. She chewed it hurriedly and swallowed, “Are you a Lee, too?”


Kikwang, who was chewing, nodded in reply.  He swallowed and said, “Oh, Minyoung, I think I need to be honest with you.”




“Can you use this dance studio on days with no classes?”


“Yup, but only teachers can. Why?”


“Oh… Then can I be a teacher here?”


“Huh? Why?”


Kikwang looked around the room to see if there was any student left. Seeing that there wasn’t, he continued, “I need a dance studio to rehearse at everyday.”


“For what?”


Kikwang wondered if he could trust Min with his secret. Since it was a special audition pushed through by Hyuna for him, Min might ask for more details about his relationship with Hyuna. “Hmmmm… I’m gonna audition for Cube.”


Min gasped, “Oh my gawd, really? (In English)”


Kikwang smiled and imitated her, “Oh mah gawd, really! (In English)”


“I’m sorry, haha! But really? You will? Wow! This is so cool! Well, I can try to help you since we still have months before the yearly auditions open!”


“Uhhhh… Actually we only have three weeks.”


“Huh??? What??? When? I thought auditions happen every June...”


Kikwang sighed heavily and drank water. “I… I have a friend who is a trainee there.”




“So will you still help me?”


“Yeah, sure! But I got work every 5pm, so I guess I can help you until about 4pm. Is that okay?”


“You have another work?”


“Mhmm~ I teach English every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at a nearby all-girls dormitory.”


“How long does it last?”


“Four hours.”


“I see… Maybe you can teach me English, too!”, said Kikwang enthusiastically.


“That will be thirty-one thousand and two hundred fifty won per day, Lee Kikwang.


Sorry for the boring and long chapter! But I had to do it so everything would make sense... I hope you guys like it even just a bit though D: And sorry I had to cut it here so suddenly xD I have to sleep early tonight so I had to stop, sorry! Once again, thank you for the love! The comments you guys give, may they be the shortest of replies, give me motivation to continue~ Thank you once again! 

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It's been so long, right? Hewhew~


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Chapter 20: Update please...
please update this story
Chapter 20: update pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
mamanakei #4
love this story, its make me anxiouse for what hapen next...update pleace...
Chapter 20: Please update again soon.
awww ~~ i hope everything will be ok for her and kiki and i hope that hyuna won't mess up everything! i'm kinda sad for chansung ~~
riefals #7
Woahh~ awesome, please continue this interesting story author-nim! ;)
what with kim hyunah?? and who is the best unnie??
Vrisbogh #9
I think she just realized that she love kikwang.. Omfg! So good.. Pwease update soon.. XD