Like Hitting Two Birds With One Stone, Part I

This Is...

"What happened to you?”


“What?? I can’t hear you!!”, Min continued running as she raised her voice for Kikwang who was at the bench by the door.


The guard nudged Kikwang as he stood up, signaling him to not say anything about what they have just talked about. Kikwang looked at the guard with so much confusion and questions evident in his eyes but the guard simply patted his back and went to his post.


Min was running towards the bench when she saw the guard and Kikwang exchanged glances before the guard left and wondered what they were talking about. She had seen them talking when she entered the school grounds. Min decided to run since she saw Kikwang’s face without a smile - when it always has - afraid that she might have caused this since she was late.


Min wanted to stop running already but she didn’t want Kikwang to get mad at her. Instead, she just slowed her pace down when she was near him. Unfortunately, she stepped on her lace causing her to stumble forward. Her hands collided with Kikwang’s well-built chest but slipped making her face bump onto his chest as Kikwang tried to catch her with his arms but failed.


Kikwang’s attempt to save Min from falling led him to hug Min, in a way. He looked down as Min looked up at him slowly. Min could feel his hands on her back as she adjusted her stance in front of him with her hands now on his chest. On the other hand, Kikwang could see Min’s eyes forming a pool underneath her lower lids. Min wanted to scream and cry.


No, Minyoung!! No!! Just breathe!


Min was staring at Kikwang while he was doing the same. His confusion with regard to Min’s personality grew bigger by the second.


Why does she look so scared? ...Is she going to cry??


“Are you hurt?” Kikwang asked out of sincere concern.


Min’s eyes widened and breathed in deeply. Kikwang could tell she was trying to calm herself down and stop herself from crying as he saw her face starting to get red.


But why would she want to cry??????




Min shook herself out of despair and moved back slightly away from Kikwang. He then drew his hands away from her. “Are you okay?”




“Yeah… I’m good...”, said Min weakly as she forced a smile and laughed fakely at the end. “Sorry for being late by the way!” She punched Kikwang on the arm lightly and went down to fix her laces.


Kikwang looked at her intently wondering what just happened with her but he decided to just shrug it off. “Nah, it’s okay… I didn’t wait that long anyway.”  He said as he flashed her a smile.


Min smiled back, trying to force herself to stay composed. “So do you already know what the requirements for the audition are?” She started walking to the building and Kikwang followed her close behind.


“Yup. I asked Hyuna what the requirements were yesterday.”


“Who’s Hyuna?”


Kikwang stopped from walking. Ahhhhh~ Why did I say her name???


Min swiped her ID and smiled at the guard and headed for their studio. Kikwang swiped his and wondered if he should tell Min who Hyuna was.


“She’s my friend who is a trainee at Cube", he lied cooly.


“Oh, just a friend?” Min teased Kikwang with a giggle as she opened the door and signaled Kikwang to enter.


“Yes.” Kikwang wasn’t used to entering rooms before girls but he just went on ahead to prevent Min from asking more questions about Hyuna. “I need to ask your opinion about the song I would sing by the way.” Kikwang put his stuff on the side, took his ipod to the player and plugged it in while Min entered and left the door opened to its fullest.


“Should I sing a lively song or a ballad?”


“Well… I haven’t really heard you sing so I don’t kno—“


“In my arms~

In my mind~

All the time~

I wanna keep you right by my side ‘til I die~

I’m gonna hold you down and make sure everything is right with you~

You can never go wrong if you let me hold you~


Down like a real friend’s supposed to~

I’m trying to show you the life of somebody like you should be living~

Oooh Baby Baby~

You could never go wrong If you let me hold you~”


Kikwang didn’t even let Min finish talking and sang one of his favorite songs. He could only sing the chorus though, as his English was far too rigid to rap.


Maybe she can teach me English so I can rap this song, too!


“So what do you think?” Kikwang could see Min staring at him with slightly agape.


“Wow~~~~ That was most certainly surprising!!  (In English)”, replied Min as she walked closer to Kikwang.


Kikwang raised his eyebrow, glared at Min, and asked, “Huh??”


“Your voice! It’s... It's wonderful!”, said Min while she clapped for Kikwang. “Your voice is so soothing! Wow… I wish I had your voice!”


Kikwang laughed shyly and glanced elsewhere. He knew his voice was better than average but it still makes him feel shy when people compliment him for it. “Really? You think so?”


Min replied with a nod. “Do you like R&B? Do you know Neyo? I think you should sing one of his songs!”


Kikwang nodded enthusiastically from hearing the name of one of his favorite artists, “Yes! Yes! I like Neyo! Which song do you think I should sing?”


“Hmmmm… A song you’re already into... So you won’t find it hard to memorize the lyrics, and you won’t struggle with the pronunciations a lot. I can try and teach you how to pronounce the words if you like.” Min offered.


“That would be great, Minyoung!! Thank you!!” Kikwang opened his arms for a hug but Min widened her eyes and backed away swiftly while she waved her hands in the air.


“Oops, sorry! I forgot you don’t like being touched.”, said Kikwang as he scratched his head.


“… I’ll go and change then we can listen to the song you like, okay?” Min walked hurriedly towards the door and scooped her bag on the way.


Kikwang changed inside the room to a black oversized shirt and waited for Min to come back.




I wonder if she knows who Hyuna is…


I won’t be surprised if she does though.


But maybe she doesn’t…


I hope not.




I wanna hear her sing… I wonder if her voice is any good.


Min came in in her usual dance get-up composed of a hoodie and sweatpants. She smiled as Kikwang stood up. “Let’s warm up, teacher!” Min nodded and threw her bag to the side. Kikwang then turned the player on and they started their routine.


“So… What kind of impression do you want this dance to deliver?”, asked Min while they were warming up.


“Hmmmm… Just as long as they would think I can dance better than most people would be alright.”


Min snickered and shook her head. “That’s interesting. Can you let me listen to the song?”


“Sure!” Kikwang sprung up to the player and switched it to his chosen song.




“Oh my gawd, I love this song!!!! (In English)”, Min shouted in excitement.


“Me also!! (In English)”, replied a satisfied Kikwang, causing Min to laugh at his faulty sentence construction.


“Well, for this type of song… I guess we should focus on your natural flow and beat-hits. “ Kikwang nodded in reply, listening intently to the girl who had studied the art of dance overseas. “Do you know how to freestyle to music?”


“Yup, I think I can, I guess.” Kikwang stood up and Min replayed the music. 



(A/N: Can we all pretend this is Kikwang dancing? Yes, thank you XD)


Min was too overwhelmed by how good Kikwang could move. It’s true she had seen him dance before but never like this. 'Proper' Hip-hop dancing has always been a mind-blowing dance and to see a man, as charismatic as Kikwang, dance it made her stare in awe. She clicked the pause button abruptly and Kikwang looked at her.


“What do you need me for?? You’re amazing!! You can do this all by yourself!!”, said Min enthusiastically with a smile that reached her eyes.


“Nooooo~~~ Do you seriously think a dance like that would pass an audition?”, asked Kikwang with a hint of frustration in his tone.


Min laughed, “Alright, I’ll help you since you’re kind of repetitive with your steps. But dang, man!! You’re good! Real good!!”


Min wasn’t shy to exclaim how impressed she was with Kikwang. It’s been awhile since she had seen someone dancing like that and it made the good memories of her stay in the US surface. But she quickly shook away the thought before she could remember anything she didn’t like.


Min and Kikwang spent the next hour or so together talking about the choreography they would do for him. Kikwang couldn’t help feel impressed by Min because of her vast amount of knowledge about dancing and her skillful moves as well. When they paused for a break, Kikwang remembered that he also had to look good for the meeting he would have with the company before his audition.




“Hmmm?”, asked Min while drinking from her water bottle.


“Is it okay if we end now?”


Min swallowed the water in and put the bottle down. “Why?”


“Because I want to ask you for a favor and you will have a class in less than three hours so we won’t have much time”, Kikwang said monotonously.


“Oh, what kind of favor? I won’t have class later though. The head told me that the girls are going out on a school trip for a week and are leaving tomorrow so they’ll be busy tonight.”


“Ah, really?? That’s great!!!”


Min blinked. “Why??”


“Is it okay if you come to the mall with me now?”


"For what?"


"Before the audition, I need to meet up with some of the people that matter so I want to show them I can dress myself nicely... And I want to ask your help with that."


"Oh...", Min nodded slowly.


Kikwang analyzed her expression but could not really make out what she's thinking of. 


"So what do you say?"



Sorry! This was supposed to be longer but I thought I'd give you guys a break from the boring update I made so... I cut it in half and willl just post it some time later or when I make the chapter after it o:

Anyway... Thank you so much to the new subscribers! And of course, thank you to the old subscribers as well! :D Also, thank you to all you people who always comment after reading! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I really appreciate the effort you guys make just so you can voice out your opinions. I love you guys <3 I'm very happy you guys like Kikwang because I thought it'd be hard for me to make you guys like him since it's hard to write a guy's feelings and thoughts... I think. BUT THANK YOU!!! 

I hope you guys will like part II xD *crosses fingers* 

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It's been so long, right? Hewhew~


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Chapter 20: Update please...
please update this story
Chapter 20: update pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
mamanakei #4
love this story, its make me anxiouse for what hapen next...update pleace...
Chapter 20: Please update again soon.
awww ~~ i hope everything will be ok for her and kiki and i hope that hyuna won't mess up everything! i'm kinda sad for chansung ~~
riefals #7
Woahh~ awesome, please continue this interesting story author-nim! ;)
what with kim hyunah?? and who is the best unnie??
Vrisbogh #9
I think she just realized that she love kikwang.. Omfg! So good.. Pwease update soon.. XD