Hope, In Its Various Forms

This Is...


Min was dreading every moment she would be spending with Kikwang. She practically had to drag herself out of her bed this morning. And because of that, she only has about 10 minutes to get to the studio. 
"I want to be late...", she whispered to herself as she walked down on the street. "I don't want to see him...", she continued. 
Okay, maybe I do but just a bit...
"Aish!!", she hissed as she shook her head violently and held onto to her head. "That man will really be the end of me..." She slumped her shoulders and pouted.
"And I'm talking to myself out loud...", she rolled her eyes and then looked around. No one seemed to have heard her talk to herself. She turned to the gate and saw Kikwang was already on the bench. She sighed loudly and walked on.
Be professional. Be strictly professional. Her mind repeated those words over and over. Think about Hyuna... Kim Hyunah... The dongsaeng that had to drop out because of this man...
Kikwang looked up at the approaching Min and removed his earphones off of his ears. He smiled and felt happy that Min is now here with him. He wanted to say hi but before he could talk, Min had already turned to the guard and swiped her ID. 
Guess she's still on cold mode... Kikwang sighed and followed Min. 
Min opened the door and left it open. She turned to Kikwang and said, "I'll just change my clothes, I'll be back in less than 10 minutes." She pulled her lips to a smile, that was evidently forced for Kikwang and went out. 
I am so confused right now... Has she always been this confusing???
Their day started out in a monotone and ended in one. All they did was stick to business. Min listened to Kikwang as to what he wants to deliver to the judges, Kikwang listened to Min's suggestions, they formulated a plan and then started out working on the choreography. When the day ended, Min said bye to Kikwang and headed to the restroom. He waited for her to come out, but after 20 minutes of waiting, the guard told Kikwang that Min had already left.
Kikwang sighed and said, "I guess she never really went to change her clothes...". He walked out of the building and went home feeling very tired. Sleep became his sanctuary, like how it has always been for him.
Tuesday came and there still wasn't a change in Min's behavior. Kikwang is growing restless, not knowing what's up with the girl. He just can't get himself to ask her though. Besides the day they spent together, the day he can't seem to forget, and the night they met, he can't really tell if he's close enough to Min to ask. So he it all up and just went with the flow.
Min, on the other hand, felt very strained. There were a lot of times that she just wanted to laugh out loud, praise Kikwang, or just talk to him... But she just can't let herself do it. During break, Min tried hard to not talk to him but when Kikwang's water bottle slipped off of his hand and water poured down on him, her walls came down on her. She snickered loudly, causing Kikwang to look at her. That was the first time they had an interaction outside "work". He smiled at her sincerely and Min felt her insides turn. 
"I... I'll... I'll go get a mop...", she stuttered and scurried to the Utility closet. Her heart was racing and she had to hold her chest to keep herself calm.
That smile...
I swear that smile is freaking irritating!!
Kim Hyunah... Kim Hyunah... Kim Hyunah... She chanted in her thoughts. 
She got back to the studio with the mop and was surprised when she saw a half- Kikwang. She gasped and turned around. He looked up at her and saw her standing by the door, holding the mop. He smiled to himself and wiped the water off of his body with the towel.
"Sorry, Minyoung..." 
"W-Why? I mean.. What for?", she continued to stutter, unaware that her face was flushed.
"For everything...", he slyly said. But he meant it.
Min's forehead creased automatically so she turned around to ask what Kikwang meant but Kikwang's proximity, and body, shocked her. He was just a meter away from her and it caused Min to panic. Her eyes widened and her breathing became uneven. 
Kikwang panicked as well. But rather than stepping closer to Min, he quickly paced farther from her. He didn't know why but he felt like that was the right thing to do. Especially after what the guard had told him about her.
Min swallowed hard and stared at Kikwang. He was already putting his shirt back onto him. Her breathing started to become normal but her heart was still thumping.
This is different...
Min walked slowly into the room, still holding the mop. She was trying hard in keeping herself calm and composed. She let go of the mop and scooped her bag up. She bowed at Kikwang and ran towards the door.
Kikwang sighed and picked the mop up when Min was totally out of his sight. He started mopping the floor and hitting his head with his fist.
"I'm so stupid!!!!" Kikwang told himself. 
I scared her away...
Min was frozen outside of the building. She was hugging her bag to her chest while her eyes were as wide as they can be. She gasped and flinched when her phone started ringing.
Best Unnie <3 , her phone read. She relieved a sigh and answered, "Unnie!!! I am so happy you called!!! Can we please meet up right now???"
The girl on the other line giggled and said, "Yah! What's wrong with you?? And I actually called to tell you that I have free time today!"
Min's face lightened up and a tear escaped her left eye. "Unnie~~", she cried. 
"Are you crying??", the older girl asked out of concern. Min didn't respond with words, she just cried to her phone as she walked towards a familiar place. 
"Yah! Stop crying!! Unnie will be with you soon... Should we meet up at the school?"
Min cried out louder. "Aigooo~~~ You're just like a kid, Lee Minyoung!!", the older girl said with a snicker.
"We can't stay here at the dorm, though. The girls are here." Min still cried to the phone.
"Fine, then let's meet up at the apartment. Are you okay with that?"
Min nodded in response, still crying. Silence was heard from the other end and then, "Yah,  Minnie-ah~~ You have to talk since we're talking on the phone, stupid!"
Min laughed while tears gushed out of her eyes. The other girl also laughed on the other end. "So we'll see each other in 30 minutes, right? I'll wait for you with our favorite food." The girl hung up and Min became hopeful...
Hopeful that she will soon feel a whole lot better.


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It's been so long, right? Hewhew~


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Chapter 20: Update please...
please update this story
Chapter 20: update pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
mamanakei #4
love this story, its make me anxiouse for what hapen next...update pleace...
Chapter 20: Please update again soon.
awww ~~ i hope everything will be ok for her and kiki and i hope that hyuna won't mess up everything! i'm kinda sad for chansung ~~
riefals #7
Woahh~ awesome, please continue this interesting story author-nim! ;)
what with kim hyunah?? and who is the best unnie??
Vrisbogh #9
I think she just realized that she love kikwang.. Omfg! So good.. Pwease update soon.. XD