Falling for you

Falling for you

Chanyeol walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulders, glaring at the guy. I just stared at him in shock.
"Whatever." The guy in the car huffed before driving away. I was still staring at Chanyeol with my mouth wide open when he looked at me and chuckled.
"You're gonna catch flies." He said, closing my mouth with his index finger.
"W...what are you doing here?" I asked him, pushing his arm off my shoulder. He frowned at my gesture and put his arm back on my shoulders again and spun me round before walking me back in the direction I came from.
"I'm supposed to drive you home remember. I think that the incident with the creepy guy in the car just proved that you cannot be trusted to walk home on your own." He told me. 
"I'm not a child." I shrugged his arm off my shoulders again. "Why did you say that back there?"
"Say what?" He asked.
"That you were my...my boyfriend?" I said, my voice barely audible.
"Oh that, I uh, he was a creep and I...I was protecting you." He stammered, avoiding my gaze.
"O...okay, thanks." I mumbled.
"That's ok, that's what friends are for!" He said, bumping his shoulder into mine in a friendly gesture. 
"Yeah, I guess, thanks." I said and he smiled at me, as if we hadn't nearly made out 10 minutes ago.
"I also wanted to say sorry." Chanyeol was no longer looking at me. "About what happened at the party. I didn't mean to take it too far. I got caught up in the moment and I understand if you're mad at me." He told me. I was shocked, he had no reason to apologise.
"It's fine. You don't need to apologise. I'm not mad." I said. He turned and looked at me.
"Then why did you run away?" He asked me. I panicked, I couldn't tell him the truth.
"I just, I didn't feel well. I wanted to go home." I lied.
"Oh, okay. You should've just told me and I would have taken you home." He said as we reached his car.
"I didn't want to make you leave early just because of me." I said as he opened the passenger door.
"You know I don't mind. Come on, get in, I'll take you home." He smiled. 
"Thank you." I said getting in. I couldn't help feeling nervous as he got in the other side of the car, things still felt a bit awkward. I suppose that's why happens when you kiss your best friend and then run away. 

The drive was silent, except for the low hum of the radio. When he got to my house he parked outside and turned to me.
"Are you sure you're ok Baek?" He asked me concerned. I nodded before getting out of the car.
"See you on Monday!" He called out of the window as he drove away. I sighed and walked into my house, going straight up to my room. I knew my parents would already be asleep as it was about 11pm so I tried to be as quiet as I could. 

Once I was safely in my room I collapsed on my bed. It had been quite a night. I should have never agreed to play spin the bottle, not only have I kissed my best friend, run away, and realise that we will never be together, but I have also made things awkward between us. I was scared that we would never go back to the way we were before, I must have ruined our friendship forever. Why did I have to go and fall in love with Park Chanyeol?

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baekkieboom #1
Chapter 11: This is good!:D keep up author nim
Chapter 10: What the Baekhyun. Like, you admire Chanyeol and then you go kiss another guy? Ugh, . >:( #shadymuch
baekkieboom #3
Chapter 10: Its alright, the story is not . This is great:) pls update more;)
Chapter 10: Whaaaattt??!! I hope this is a BIG misunderstanding. Please tell me it is. TT^TT
Chapter 8: Oooooo Chanyeol you have to make a choice now ~
He he I can't wait to see what happens next